Chapter 5

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Jordyn POV

I have been trying to avoid Callie and Christian this whole week. It isn't easy with our lockers close together and having one of them in almost every class. I never thought I would have to go out of my way to avoid my best friend.

Homecoming is tomorrow and the game is tonight. I'm going with a freshman to the dance. I didn't really want to go with any of the guys who asked me from my grade, so I said yes to a freshman who had the guts to ask. He is adorable. He is so young and so naïve. When he asked me, I think he almost passed out when I told him yes. I feel like this was a harmless choice.

Paige and Alexis are coming home today. Technically Alexis is supposed to go to the dance to pass on the crown to the next homecoming queen, but she says she isn't going.

It's going to be strange having Paige here. Especially because I don't know if my mom knows we broke up. I think she knows something is up, but I haven't directly told her what happened.

Anyway, today at school is game day. This is the last event for spirit week. The games usually include volleyball, dodgeball, and then class spirit competition. Also, the senior football players usually put on a skit.

Before the blowout of last weekend, Christian, Callie and I made up a team along with a few others. I tried to find a replacement, but I couldn't. I told myself it would be okay. It's not like they will pull out a joint right here in the gym.

Callie made us shirts. They read "Mean Girls/Boys" on the front. Then the back said: "We're not mean, you're just sensitive".

They were t-shirts but Christian turned them all into a cut off. I don't mind cut offs, but he made them low, which made me think he had an ulterior motive.

After the first hour, we went towards the gym. We all met up outside the gym before going in. I looked at Christian's eyes. They were red. I looked at Callie, but her eyes were clear.

I wonder if this is how Christian was at his old school. The more I get to know him, the more I see how much he does smoke. At first, it was every now and then, but now it's like he can't go three hours without smoking.

We go into the gym after a pointless team meeting. No one said anything. We just stood there like idiots. We were one of the teams that played first. They have four courts set up across the gym. We are playing a freshmen team full of girls. We beat them badly. The guys on our team were demolishing the ball. Also, they can jump high so they were blocking everything the other team would hit over the net.

We won the next two games and were in the championship for students. Whoever wins gets to play the teachers. We are playing a team full of football players. They were smashing the balls and none of the girls on our team were going after them. Christian was getting pissed and started to yell at us. He is starting to take this way too seriously.

On the next volley, a ball was set towards me. I went up to spike it when I saw Christian jump. We both go to hit the ball. The ball fell between us and his elbow came smacking my eye.

I fell to my ass with him landing on his feet.

He kneels by my side. "Are you okay?"

I held my eye. Callie came and helped me to my feet.

"No, you are an ass." I then walk off the court.

"We need you to play! Get back here."

I turned around and flipped him off.

I look over at Mr. Hartley, our principal, who is staring at me. He signals for me.

Great. I walk over to him, waiting for my punishment.

"You should get some ice for your eye." He speaks with a sound of concern.

I look at him confused then walk away. I was expecting detention or something.

I go to the office to ask for ice. I then went back to the gym. The game between the teachers and football players is underway. I go sit by my grade section, but away from Christian. I don't feel like hearing him bitch. I sat by Claire and Kailey.

We have barely talked all summer and school year. When I sat by them, they gave me a weird expression. I didn't try to start a conversation with them, because I don't even know how they feel about me anymore.

I sit there holding the ice on my eye. The teachers are getting their ass kicked.

I see Callie and Christian eventually make their way to me. They sit on the steps beside me.

"Thanks for making us forfeit." Christian whines.

I look over at him lifting the ice pack off my eye. "Seriously dude? Shut the fuck up. It's just a game. I'm pretty sure your dumb ass gave me this shiner under my eye."

Christian did his stupid laugh acting like he isn't bothered by what I said. I really don't care if he is or not.

"You can leave now." I told him.

He gets up and helps Callie up. "Let's go Callie."

I look at Callie, surprised she is letting someone boss her around. They both walk down the bleachers and sit in the front row.

"When did you start standing up for yourself?" Claire's voice sounds impressive.

I shrug. I don't know if I really stood up for myself. I was frustrated and tired of Christian.

"Is it true you are going to the dance with Devin?" Claire questions me.

I nod. I don't know why I'm not using words.

"That's cute. My brother told me he hasn't stopped talking about it."

I let myself smile. "Yeah, I thought he was going to pass out when I told him yes."

For the rest of the day, we were talking back and forth. It was nice speaking to them again. I know we aren't back to what we were, but I think this could be a start of rebuilding a friendship.

The rest of the day was fun. The football guys' skit was hilarious, but gross. They came out with short shorts on. I could have vomited seeing all the leg hair.

"Do you want to go to the parade with us?" Kailey invites me to tag along with them.

I glance over at Claire to see if she really wants me too. She was nodding her head.

I look down at my phone seeing I have a text from Alexis. This reminded me she will be in town, and I was going to meet up with her there.

"Do you care if Alexis and Paige join?" My focus went to Claire because she is the one who has a problem with them.

Paige POV

We get to Alexis's house a little before three. Her mom was home, which Alexis didn't anticipate. She has this assumption that her mom is hiding letters from Jake. If this is true, there is going to be a war in the Chancellor's household.

When we get there, Alexis texted Jordyn to see where she will be for the parade. She responded and I guess we are going to meet her there. We walk up to the main street knowing if we drive, we will end up walking the same distance.

On our way walking, I noticed a lot of familiar faces. Everyone seems to be back home for Homecoming.

We got to the street Jordyn told Alexis to go to, and it was easy to spot her. We walk up to them. Alexis gave Jordyn a hug and I did as well.

The hug was short lived. I don't think either of us knew how long to make it. I notice she is with Kailey and Claire.

Out of nowhere, I feel arms wrap around me. I could tell by the smell of the cologne who it was.

I turn around to see Scott standing there.

"Hey" I say with more excitement than I entailed.

He looks different, but in a good way. He looks a lot healthier and clean cut.

"Are you going to Derek's party tonight after the game?" He questions.

I looked at him confused. "Doesn't Derek have to be at school for his game?"

I saw Alexis shaking her head no.

She is the one who spoke up. "They have a bye or something. Do you not remember him explaining this to you the other day?"

I thought back and now I remember. It's not like his schedule is something I pay attention to or remember.

Jordyn cut in. "Derek and you hang out?" Her face looks unsettled.

Alexis rolls her eyes. "Yes, we all do. He is usually busy with football so not a lot. Don't go get your panties in a bunch."

Jordyn's face gets red.

Scott cuts in. "Aren't you two dating?" He points to Jordyn and me.

Here comes the first awkward moment of being back. I looked at Jordyn who was looking at me.

"No, we aren't." I answer.

Scott's face went from confused to a slight smile. I hit him in the chest.

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