Chapter 17

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Paige POV

Today is the day we are moving into our apartment. I have barely seen Alexis and Jake since we got back from the trip. That isn't saying much because I haven't seen them much in general since they got married.

I've supported her getting married and supported her with Jake, but I thought our friendship meant more. She barely talks to me when I try. It makes me second guess moving in with them.

Jordyn is helping me move my stuff as well as Scott and Derek. Derek has his truck, and the boys have muscles, so it works in my favor. The apartment is going to be mostly my stuff that I have in storage from my apartment from last year.

As stuff started getting in the apartment, Jordyn and I started to arrange it around. Guess who isn't here? Alexis and Jake are on a day date. They told me to put everything together. If I didn't have the boys helping, I would have exploded. They better not come here and complain where stuff is.

Jordyn and I went to my room that they picked out for me to have. They got the bigger room which was understandable. However, they put me in the smallest room. The spare room is the one I wanted, but Alexis got angry about it. Why? I have no idea. I'm paying to stay here, so I don't get it.

I start putting my clothes away as Jordyn insists on making my bed. According to her, I don't do it right. Jordyn doesn't have diagnosed OCD, but she's been acting like she has OCD lately. She is very precise about how things get done.

She even picked up this crazy perfume habit now. If she doesn't put it on her wrist and rub her wrists together she will literally go crazy. We can be watching a movie and she will randomly get up to go to her room. I followed her one time and she was doing it. She says she couldn't remember if she did, and it was driving her crazy.

I was curious as to why she started acting this way. I did some research and it says OCD habits are picked up when people are stressed and worried about things that affect their life in a big way.

Jordyn is having a hard time with her dad and mom separating. Jordyn hasn't seen her dad since we have been back.

Alexis was staying with him until now. She wouldn't let Jordyn go over there. I don't know why. I have never been so confused when it comes to her.

When I'm done putting my clothes away, I walk over to see what Jordyn is doing. I walk up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. I snuggle my head over her shoulder and look at what she has in her hand. She is holding a picture with tape. She places the picture on the wall by my bed. I look at the wall and all the pictures she has arranged.

"When did you print these?" I ask her as I look over the pictures.

Jordyn turns around looking directly at me. "I might have stalked your Facebook."

I give her a kiss. She turns back around as she keeps putting pictures up. I look over at the wall laughing thinking back to the memories of them. The last picture she put up was the one that hit my heart the most. It's a picture of my dad and I my sophomore year.


It's my sophomore year and I just got home from softball practice. I walk in the house and throw my bag down in complete frustration. Without picking it up, I head to my room slamming the door behind me. Moments later my dad walks in.

"What's wrong?"

He slowly makes his way over to my bed and sits down. I put my head into his chest and started to cry.

"I want to quit. I hate softball." I sob for a good five minutes in his arms as he holds onto me.

He finally pulls me away and looks at me. "You don't hate softball. What's the real problem?"

"I can't hit the ball. I'm screwing the team up and I think the coach is going to bench me. The last game I struck out four times and left runners on the base every time I was up. The seniors have been hounding me telling me I'm worthless to the team."

My dad stands up and tugs my hand for me to stand up.

"What are we doing?" I question him as he nods his head for me to follow him.

He grabs my bat out of my bag along with a ball and my glove. He then goes to the back door, and I follow him.

"We are going to work on your hitting."

"You don't have to do this, dad. I learn to accept that I suck." I was completely defeated at this point.

He walks over and puts the bat in my hand. "Gregory's don't give up."

He starts pitching to me and I keep swinging. There were more misses than hits. I started to get frustrated and threw the bat down. My dad comes running over.

"Try taking a deep breath before I pitch. You need to picture yourself hitting the ball. Before you roll your eyes at me just try it."

He knows me too well. He runs back to where he is pitching from. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. You can do this, I tried to tell myself. I go to the batter's box and wait for my dad. He releases the ball and I swing. I make contact, hitting a line drive nailing my dad in the leg. He fell to the ground.

I ran over to him. "Are you okay?"

My dad is holding his leg with his head tucked down. The sounds coming from him sounded like he was crying. I was freaking out more. He finally moves his head up and that's when I saw him laughing.

"You scared me." I hit him in the arm.

He stands up laughing. "Nice hit."

He grabs my head and runs his knuckles on it. I hate when he does that.

"Come eat." My mom yells for us.

My dad and I walked in. "Just remember to breathe." He says as we get to the door.

The next day we had a game against our rivals. It was the 7th inning, and we were tied. I am up with two outs and a runner on second. I go to the plate and right away get two strikes on me.

I can hear the dugout groaning and having no hope in me. I step out of the batter's box and look at my dad who is mouthing the words breathe. I do as he says. I take a second and take a deep breath. I then close my eyes and imagine myself hitting the ball.

I go back to the batter's box and hit the corner of the plate like I normally do. The next pitch comes, and I swing. The ball is a line drive directly towards the pitcher. I run to first as I watch the pitcher jump in reaction to the ball. The ball hits off second base and bounces away from the defense. This allowed the runner from second to score with ease.

My teammates come and ambush me. When they finally calmed down, we went through the line and told the other team good game. After our quick team meeting, I found my dad.

I run to him and jump in his arms.

"Thank you daddy." I tell him as he squeezes me.

"That's my girl!" He says spinning me around.

I see a flash go off and my mom snaps a picture of our moment.

-Flashback over-

Jordyn POV

I turn to Paige after I put the picture of her dad and her up. I see tears streaming from her eyes. I pull her in a hug.

"I'm sorry Paige. I'll take it down."

"No, don't. I just went down memory lane, that's all. I love it, Jordyn, I really do." She squeezes me tight. "I can't believe it's been a year."

Paige's voice sounds broken and sad. I haven't forgotten it was going to be a year tomorrow, but I feel like I pushed that behind my problems. I know that I shouldn't have done that. I was sulking in my own family misery that I haven't been there for Paige like I should.

Before I could say anything, Paige put her lips to mine. I rest my hands on her chest as she deepens the kiss. She pulls away for a slight second.

"I love you Jordyn. I don't know what I would do without you."

The words were music to my ears but hurt a little. They hurt because I know how much she means it because she doesn't have anyone else. I have seen how Alexis has been towards her and it kills me. Such a beautiful, loving girl keeps losing people close to her.

"I love you too Paige. You mean everything to me."

She puts her lips back to mine. I push her down on the bed and climb on top of her. I move my lips from hers and go to her neck. She lets out a light moan.

"Who would have thought Jordyn would be a top?" I hear a guy's voice.

"I always thought it would be Paige." Another voice chipped in.

I roll off Paige and see Derek and Scott standing there. I totally forgot they were here.

"Don't stop on our behalf." Derek says winking at us.

Paige is on the bed laughing. I get off the bed rolling my eyes. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, he does." Callie says walking into the room.

I didn't know she was here.

"Like he said, don't stop, we don't mind." She smirks.

Derek wraps his arms around her. "That's my girl."

Oh my god. Our friends are ridiculous. There is no way I'm putting on a show for them, but I mean I guess I could tease them.

Paige hasn't gotten up yet, so why not mess with them? I go over to Paige and climb back on top of her. I look at the three standing in the door and back at Paige who is biting her lower lip.

I lean down and kiss her on the cheek. I then go towards her lips as I can feel everyone's eyes opening wider. I then pull away and jump back up.

"Not happening."

"Tease." All three of them say.

"Tease." Paige comments as well.

I shake my head at all of them including Paige. I go out to the living room and see the guys have put everything together that was left. Dang they were fast.

"So, we are drinking tonight right?" Scott asks Paige.

She nods her head. Alexis and Jake come walking through the door. How about that? They walk in when everything is done. Alexis walks through being stand offish and goes to her room.

Paige ignored her and went to the kitchen to get the alcohol out. I follow her to help and get a cup ready. When everyone got their drink, we went to the living room. We all sat back for a while.

"Let's play I Never." Callie suggests.

This game always gets brought up. Last time I played it, I made out with Kyla.

We have played it so much that we know how to get each other to drink. Basically, it's a way to get the one person you want drunk.

We were all playing and having an enjoyable time. Alexis and Jake ended up coming out of their room to play.

"My turn." Alexis says.

I sit there holding my cup waiting for her.

"I have never been the reason why my parents separated." Her eyes were looking directly at me with anger in them.

I look over at Paige who looks confused on what is happening.

"Drink up Jordyn." Alexis's voice was cold.

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