Chapter 14

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Jordyn POV

We arrived at our condominium late. Everyone was wiped out by the plane, so we all crashed. It was wise for us to save our energy for tomorrow instead of forcing ourselves to do something tonight. I take a shower. By the time I got out Paige was asleep out on the bed.

I walk over and move her arms as she is sprawled out on the bed. She whimpered as I moved her but stayed asleep. Throughout the whole plane ride, she was freaking out. She would barely talk. She kept a straight face forward gripping the arm rests. I wanted to tell her how cute she was, but for my sake I kept my mouth shut.

The bed was super comfortable. I was able to fall asleep fast and I woke up feeling well rested.

Jake and Alexis went off to breakfast together. Paige and I do the same.

Paige still looks a little flushed from yesterday.

"Are you going to be okay?" I extended my arms across the table and held her hands.

Her brown eyes look up at me. She flashes me a cute smile. "I will be fine."

The waiter comes over and breaks our moment. "Can I get you something to drink?"

I move my hands back to my side of the table.

"Orange juice." As I say that Paige gives me a disgusted look.

"I'll take chocolate milk." Paige says with a chipper voice.

I try to hold in a laugh. "What are we, three?"

Paige rolls her eyes at me.

Two brunettes walk by us taking a seat on the other side of the restaurant. My head turns as I watch them take their seats.

I turn my attention back to Paige who has a knowing smirk on her face.

"What?" I try to play the innocent card.

The waiter brings us our drinks. Paige doesn't say anything but smiles.

"They are good looking." I try to defend myself. Paige just keeps smiling, not saying a word.

Paige POV

The way that Jordyn looked at the two girls who walked past us was very telling.

This is the first time I really saw her look at someone with an interest. I'm not saying she is wanting to go jump their bones, but I am saying she is very attracted to them.

The smile on her face was showing it as well. I would probably get jealous in this situation if we were at home, but I'm not at all. One, we are thousands of miles away. Two this shows she has more interest in girls than just me. I still don't know what Jordyn is when it comes to her sexuality.

Does she like both girls and boys? Does she think I'm the only girl she would ever like? If so, does that make us doomed?

"Why don't you go talk to them?" I ask her knowing she would say no.

Jordyn starts shaking her head. "Why would I do that?"

I stare at her. Why does she insist on playing innocent?

"Because you think they are hot." I said bluntly.

Jordyn's cheeks get rosy as she looks over at their table. The girls are looking this way.

She turns her head back to me, putting her hands to her face. "Did you have to say it that loud?"

Jordyn is starting to freak out and it's entertaining.

"So, I'm right, you think they are hot." I say quieter this time. "Go talk to them."

Jordyn looks back over at the table from the corner of her eye then back at me. "They are straight."

"No way. They are totally dating." I state my opinion as I see the pair.

Jordyn raises her brows at me. "You are wrong."

Jordyn has terrible gaydar.

I decided to use this to my advantage. "Do you want to make a bet?"

"What kind of bet?" She questions.

I thought about it for a minute. "If they are dating you have to do something I want. If they aren't, I'll do something you want."

Jordyn extends her hand in agreement. We get our food and eat. By the time we are done, the other two girls are still eating. We sit there and wait until they are done.

They are now done and stand up. One went outside as the other went to pay.

"Go to the one outside and I will talk to the other one."

Jordyn looks hesitant but gets up and goes outside.

As the girl walks by me, I stop her. "Hey." I shouted at her without meaning to say it so loudly.

She stops walking and turns towards me. Her facial expression was a little unsure.

"Hey." She responded back.

"Wow you have a strong accent." I say moving my hands for her to sit.

A smile comes to her lips as she looks outside to look for the girl she is with.

"My friend is talking to her." I say to ease her into sitting.

She sits down. "Your friend or girlfriend?"

Her eyes meet mine. She has deep brown eyes. They are very pretty.

"It's complicated at the moment. By the way, I'm Paige."

She keeps turning her head back to the door.

"I'm Courtney. So, should I be worried that she is out there talking to my girlfriend?"

I fist pumped the air, causing Courtney to look at me strangely. "You shouldn't be worried. We had a bet that you two were dating. She thought you two were straight."

Courtney laughs and seems to relax now. "So where are you from?"

"Washington." I tell her and her mouth drops.

"DC or the state?" She questions.

I laugh at her as she still looks surprised. "State. Where are you from? Mississippi?" I try guessing by the accent.

Her facial expression went from happy to serious. "Rude. We are from Alabama. "

"How long are you guys here for?" I was curious if they will be around longer.

"We are leaving the 1st. We have to get back for practice the day after."

I was intrigued when she mentioned practice. "What sport?"

"Basketball." She says with a pep in her voice.

I have never paid attention to basketball before, so I can't pretend to know about it.

"So, you two go to the same school?"

Courtney nods. "This year we do. Kyla's school burned down over the summer. They consolidated with us."

"Wild." Crazy shit happens all over the place. "Is that how you met each other?"

Courtney starts to laugh. "No. We had a mutual friend. She ended up dating a girl from my school and then they broke up. I always had a crush on her though."

Patience is the key to happiness.

"What about you and the girl out there?" She says looking back at Jordyn talking to her girlfriend.

"Her sister and I have been best friends forever. Jordyn and I hated each other until last year. I was gone all summer and when I got back everything was different. We had a school project, so we grew closer then started dating. We almost broke up after my dad died, but we stayed together. I went to college, and we thought we needed to figure out who we were without each other so we did break up, but everything has led us back to each other. We just aren't officially dating."

Courtney is different from a lot of other people I first meet. She actually seems interested in what I am saying and I like that.

"Not to be rude, but what happened to your dad?" Her voice was hesitant with the question.

I debated whether to tell her. "In a week, it will be a year since he died. He shot himself right in front of me. He turned into an alcoholic after my mom cheated on him and they got a divorce."

"I'm sorry. I know that doesn't help. Kyla, my girlfriend, her dad is a recovering alcoholic. I couldn't imagine the things you had gone through, but you two might have more in common than me." She gives me a warm smile.

I look outside to see Kyla and Jordyn are talking away.

"We should meet up again." I suggested it to her.

Courtney takes her phone out and points it at me. "Smile." She says as she clicks a button. She hands me her phone after. "Put your number in here and we will catch up with you guys."

I put my number in her phone. I then had her put hers in mine. We get up from the table to head out where Jordyn and Kyla are talking.

Jordyn POV

I get up from the table to follow this attractive stranger outside. When she gets out there, she turns around fast. I wasn't expecting it. I ran right into her.

"I'm so sorry." I start to apologize.

She has her hands holding on to my arms. I look at her and I freeze.

"Don't be sorry." Her voice was calming.

She lets go of my arms.

"Is that your girlfriend talking to mine?" She asks me.

Shit. They are dating, which means Paige wins.

"Yes. I mean no." I was stumbling over my words.

She is standing there with the sun shining in her face. Her eyes were sparkling, and her hair was blowing with the breeze.

"So, she's not your girlfriend?"

I exhale. "Not right now. We broke up when she went to college and haven't gotten back together officially."

She nods her head as I talk. "I can tell by the way you are talking you wish she was your girlfriend, so what are you waiting for?"

How can this girl I don't know read right through me?

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I have been waiting for her to ask me for the past month. She hasn't even come close. Maybe she wants to stay friends."

Kyla looks in the door at her girlfriend and Paige. "She is crazy for not getting back with you. You are crazy beautiful." She looks back at me with a smile. "Oh, by the way I'm Kyla."

My mind blanks as she says the words beautiful. "What did you say?"

Her smile widens on her face. "What part did you miss? I called you beautiful and told you my name is Kyla." She speaks like it was no big deal.

"Jordyn name." I almost slapped myself in the face. "I mean my name's Jordyn."

Kyla tilted her head back as she giggled at my mishap. "You're precious."

"That makes me sound little. I'm pretty sure we are the same age." I say in my defense.

Kyla puts her hand on my arm, "I don't mean it in a bad way. It means you're cute with your shyness."

I could feel the heat in my face rising. Between her calling me cute and beautiful, and her adorable accent, I'm going to faint.

"How long have you and your girlfriend been dating?" I was curious.

"We have been together almost a year." The way she said it, you can tell she is proud.

Hearing it made me a little sad. If Paige and I wouldn't have broken up, we would be past a year now.

We talked a little until Paige and her girlfriend came out.

"This is Courtney." Kyla introduces me to her. She is incredibly attractive as well.

"This is Paige." I introduce Kyla to Paige.

"Will we see you guys around?" Kyla asks us.

I look at Paige who nods her head. "Courtney and I already exchanged numbers so we can meet up."

Kyla hands me her phone to put my number in.

"I will text you in a second. You will have mine since they have each other." She shoots a wink at me as they walk away.

I look at Paige who is smiling from ear to ear. "I won."

This is true. "What do you want?" I ask, referring to the bet.

"I will cash in that later." She says with an evil grin.

I feel my phone go off, so I look down at it.

Kyla: Here is my number:)

I smile reading the text.

"Someone has a crush." Paige teases.

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