Chapter 7

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Paige POV

Tomorrow Jordyn is coming here. I'm pretty sure she is staying with Alexis but we all will be together doing wedding stuff.

I never thought in my freshman year of college I would be helping my best friend plan her wedding. Alexis is determined to get everything done and ready before Jake returns.

On my way back from my last class, I ran into Hannah.

"Do you want to go out this weekend? I tried texting you, but you haven't responded."

I feel like she was trying to undress me with her eyes.

"I can't. I'm going to be busy tomorrow and Saturday." I told her honestly.

Hannah takes a step closer to me.

"Are you going to tailgate Saturday for the football game?"

Trying to distance myself from her, I ran into the bench behind me causing me to fall on my ass.

"Yeah, I think we are."

Hannah takes a seat beside me. She might as well sit on my lap for how close she is.

"Who are we?" She asks while messing with a strain of my hair.

"Alexis and Jordyn."

Her hand quickly went down to her side. "Didn't you two break up?"

I take it she muted out what Alexis said and only heard when I said Jordyn.

At this point I'm feeling irritated.

"We are still friends. Besides, we are doing stuff for Alexis's wedding. Jordyn's friend, ex-boyfriend, is the quarterback here."

"She dated Derek Martin. Damn."

I roll my eyes and stand up.

Of course, she follows.

"Say what you want, but Jordyn and you aren't just friends."

Hannah then walks away swaying her hips with attitude. Seconds later I got a text and it was from her.

Hannah: You have my number when you're ready to have fun.

This girl is something else. My phone goes off again but this time it was Alexis.

Alexis: Please come to my room. I got a letter from Jake, and I'm scared.

Alexis POV

In my hand I feel like I'm holding my future. Depending on what is inside will tell me if my heart will be whole or in a million pieces.

Without a knock, Paige walks in. I threw the letter at her.

"Please read it. I can't find the courage to do it myself." I beg as my whole body is shaking.

Paige opens the envelope.

She starts to read:


I am on night shift cleaning the stalls and uniforms, fun right? I am currently writing this while I'm supposed to be shining boots, but thought this was more important. It felt so good to finally hear from you. I never want to say I lost faith in us because you are the one person who has always been there for me, but I was worried. I was worried you went to college and found someone better. Then I got another letter from you talking about the wedding. This is the first time I broke down here in front of my battle buddies. I don't want to wait another second to make you my wife. I know the day I see you walking down the aisle my life will be complete. I just want you to be sure you are ready, because when I'm done with camp I could be stationed to god knows where. If you're ready, I'm ready.

I love you

Jake -

My heart feels like it stopped yet it's beating so fast, even though that's not possible.

I jumped up. I throw my arms around Paige. My emotions are everywhere at this moment of time.

"I can't breathe," Paige says, gasping for air.

I let go of my hold on her. I guess I didn't realize how hard I was squeezing.

"What if he gets stationed on the east coast?" Paige asks.

I honestly don't know. I want to finish school out of which I'll have three and half years left. I can transfer wherever he is.

"I don't know. We will figure it out when the time comes."

I sit on my bed staring at the letter. No more putting bad scenarios in my head.

I look over at Paige who is on her phone.

"Who are you talking to? Let me guess, my sister?"

Paige looks up from her phone. "No, I was looking for a song for your wedding,"

I went to sit by her to look. She hit the lock button.

"Nope, access denied."

"Fine." I say knowing it will be better if I don't know. "Did I tell you that Jordyn is now singing with you?"

I was waiting for an over exaggerated reaction.

"No, you didn't, but she did."

By the sound of her voice, I don't think she minds.

"Are you okay with that?" I ask to make sure.

"Yeah. It will be easier having someone else up there," Paige says as she continues to look through her phone when I walk away.

Jordyn POV

It's Thursday night and I'm at home getting packed for this weekend. I have been questioned a thousand times by my mom why I'm going.

Alexis still hasn't told her about the wedding. I wish she would tell her so I don't accidentally let it slip.

My phone rings. I expected it to be Alexis. Instead, it was Callie.

"Hey." I say into the phone.

I can hear sniffles through the speaker.

"Can I come over?" Her voice was soft. I can barely hear her, but I could easily tell she was crying.

"Yeah, come straight to my room."

The call ends. I ran downstairs to warn my mom Callie was coming straight in. She was not a big fan of her coming over. She knows it was Callie and Christian who got in trouble at the dance.

Legal wise Christian got in a lot more trouble than Callie. He was already eighteen and he had an 1/8 in his pocket. Callie just got suspended from school for three days.

About twenty minutes from when Callie called, she came walking in. Her eyes were puffy and red. We haven't talked to each other much lately. It all started from when we all went to WSU and gradually turned into both of us freezing each other out. That is why I was surprised when she called me.

Callie sits on my bed. I decide to sit on the floor so I can see her better instead of getting her side view.

"What's wrong?" I ask, breaking the silence.

She avoids eye contact with me. "Everything."

I get off the floor realizing she isn't going to look at me. I sat beside her and put my arm around her. She leans her head on my shoulder then starts crying.

Even though I don't know what is going on and we had our differences lately, I will always be here if she needs me.

"He hurt me." Callie's voice was soft like it was on the phone.

"Who hurt you?"

Callie lifts her head up slowly. "Christian."

I tried to keep my composure even though I'm fuming on the inside.

"What did he do?"

She lifts her arm sleeves up. There are bruises all around her forearm. She then showed me her shoulder where there was another bruise.

"He got mad that I told him I don't want to smoke any more. He got so angry." Callie starts explaining. "I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and yanked me back to him."

This reminds me a little about my encounter with Scott at school.

"He started shouting in my face saying I owe him for not getting in as much trouble as him. When I tried to talk, he pushed me against the wall. I hit my shoulder on a pipe that was sticking out. I again tried to walk away. He grabbed my shoulder. He wouldn't let go. He was digging his fingers where I just hit my shoulder. I was begging for him to stop, but he kept laughing. He was so messed up on drugs. He probably didn't mean too."

I couldn't hide the anger anymore. How can she try justifying his actions? It makes me sick.

"There is no excuse for any of its Callie. You need to stay away from him."

"I don't know if I can. I always feel pulled back to him." She starts crying again. "All he has to do is give that sad look and I forgive him like always."

I can't believe what she is saying.

I look her straight in the eye. "This has happened before?"

She nods.

"Callie, this is not acceptable behavior. You know that."

"I know." She whispers. "I just don't know if I can stay away from him."

For the fear of my friend's safety, I need to help her. "Come with me to WSU this weekend. It will at least give you the weekend."

"Your sister and Paige hate me."

I take her hands in mine. "No, they don't. They didn't like that I smoked with you. I will let them know ahead of time you're coming."

After about ten minutes of convincing Callie, she agreed.

When she left, I texted Paige and Alexis. I didn't go into full detail, but they said it was okay that Callie came with me.

At school today I was going to go out of my way to keep Callie away from Christian. Turns out I didn't have to do much. He didn't show up.

After school, we head to Pullman. I was enjoying the drive there. The nature around is so beautiful. The leaves have changed colors for fall. It is breathtaking. I think autumn is the prettiest season of them all.

Alexis and Paige are meeting us at the Bridal store. I didn't understand why they didn't wait for us. My guess is Alexis will probably try on a million dresses and the place is only open for so long.

When it comes to clothes Alexis was always precise, so I could only imagine how she will be with her wedding dress.

We got to the store. This is my first time ever being in a store like this. It was overwhelming with all the dresses everywhere. I spot Alexis and Paige in the back.

Alexis POV

I found two dresses that I love. I am waiting for Jordyn to see what she thinks.

This is what I used to dream about doing with my mom. I still haven't told her. If she doesn't support my relationship anymore, then why tell her or bring her?

"Hey guys." I turn to see Jordyn and Callie.

I yank Jordyn's arm the second I see her. I take her to the changing room.

"Easy killer," Jordyn releases her arm from my grip.

"I need to know what one you like better." I point to the two dresses hanging up.

I put them both on so she can have a visual.

She keeps walking around the one I have on now.

"I really like this one."

Paige does a fist pump in the air as we walk out of the changing room .

"That's the one I said too." Paige says.

Paige and Jordyn give each other a high five.

Do I trust them or get another opinion?

"Callie, please give me a non-lesbian opinion."

Jordyn and Paige both roll their eyes at my comment.

Callie looks at the other dress that is hanging up then back at the one I am wearing.

"I agree with them."

This caused the three of them to do a triple high five.

The lady who has been helping us walks over to me.

"When is the wedding?" She asks.

"December." I informed her.

I go into the changing room.

"Most dresses take up to six months to alter."

My mouth drops open at her statement. Six months? I only have two.

"Did you have a dress picked out or are you still looking?" She questions.

I point to the one everyone likes. She looks at her chart with my measurements.

"You are in luck. You only need a slight measurement in the chest area. You can buy this one we have here and get the small altering done. If you order the dress, then you are not going to have it in time." The lady explains.

"I'll buy the one that's here."

She hands me a bell. "Ring this if you are ready to say yes to the dress."

I hold the bell in my hand then start to shake it. Excitement and relief run through me.

All I need dress wise now is to pick out ones for my bridesmaids.

We walk over to the other side of the store. I let Jordyn and Paige decide what they want style wise. It's not like those two don't seem to agree on these kinds of things anyways. They picked out a halter-style dress. The length is what I envisioned.

I looked over at Callie who I can tell felt a little left out.

"You need to try one on too." I tell Callie.

Everyone's eyes go to me.

"Why?" Callie looks confused.

"Don't you want to be in the wedding?"

"You don't have to do that."

I hand her a dress that looks to be her size. "I know I don't have too, but you are like family."

Callie takes the dress then walks into the changing room. She comes out and it looks great on her.

"Turn around." I tell her so I can see it fully.

She spins and that's when I see a nasty bruise on her shoulder.

"Where did you get that from?"

Jordyn gives me a look. I keep my mouth shut. I assume this is the reason she came with Jordyn.

Paige POV

When we were done with shopping it was already eight. I don't know if I should say already, because I was expecting Alexis to be at the bridal store until they kicked us out.

I'm surprised how easily Alexis made decisions. I honestly think all she is worried about is Jake saying I do.

When we left, we got something to eat then went back to the dorms. We are tailgating tomorrow before the game, so I think we all want to rest, or at least I do. School has been wearing me out.

We get back to Alexis's room. Kylie was in there, but she was getting ready to go out.

"Are you guys going to the party?" I look at everyone to see if they had a change of the heart. Everyone still seems uninterested.

"Fine, be lame." She says as she leaves the room.

Callie and Alexis sat on her bed. Jordyn and I both eyed Alexis's chair. We both race for it.

I sit down first with Jordyn plopping on top of me.

"Looks like you got the floor." I tease her.

Jordyn moves her butt around on my lap. "No, I think it's fine."

I casually wrapped my arms around her waist. I waited for the perfect moment. When she least expects it, I start digging my fingers into her side knowing how ticklish she is. Jordyn is going crazy. She's trying to escape but I hold her down.

"Stop. Stop." She begs out between laughs.

I stop tickling her.

Jordyn didn't get off my lap. She stays sitting. She turns her body a little then hits me in the shoulder.

"You are so mean." Jordyn makes a fake pout face.

I tap my finger on her nose. "You know you can't stay mad at me so why bother?" I see the corner of her lips trying not to arc up. "Oh, I see a smile popping up."

"Aren't you two just the cutest?" I turn to Callie who is staring at us.

"Cute? They make me want to vomit." Alexis adds her two cents in.

I connect eyes with Alexis. "If I wanted to make you vomit all I have to do is this." I grab Jordyn's shirt pulling her head towards mine.

Before our lips could touch, Alexis yells out. "Please don't. That is what your room is for."

I glance at the time. "I am going to go to my room. I need to shower and go to sleep."

I tell them all good night and head to my room. I grab my stuff then go to the showers. No one is in here thank God. I hate how the showers here are set up.

I turn the water on and get in. I hear the door open. Of course, it's never just me in here.

I wash my hair and body. When I get out of the shower, I reach for my towel. I wrap the towel around my body and step out. I look and see my clothes are missing. Are you serious? Three names come to my head. Callie. Jordyn. Alexis. I make sure my towel is secure around my body.

I walk down to my room. When I reach for my door, I hear someone calling my name. I look over and see Hannah walking towards me.

Now this is awkward.

She comes up to me with a seductive look. "Were you waiting for me?" She says as she tries to grab my towel.

I tried to remove her hands without making my towel fall. My door then opens, and I see Jordyn standing there. How did she get in my room?

Jordyn is staring at Hannah and me. Hannah's hands were still on my towel.

"This is not what it looks like." I try to defend myself.

I could read the look on Jordyn's face. I know she is about to run off mad. I push Jordyn back in my room.

Hannah tries to follow.

"I thought you said you two were just friends?" She says, staring at Jordyn.

I looked at Jordyn who wasn't saying anything. "Yes, we are just friends."

Hannah takes a step more into my room. "Why can't we all just be friends?"

I know what she is implying. I am getting uncomfortable, and I am sure Jordyn is too.

"No thanks. Can you go please?" I tried to be friendly, but at this point I'm annoyed.

Hannah walks out. "Your loss again."

I see the clothes I had with me in the shower are on my bed. I get dressed with Jordyn still standing there in silence.

I walked up to her once I was dressed.

"What are you thinking?"

Jordyn starts laughing. "Do you know how hard that was to keep that in?"

I am now the one confused. "What are you talking about?"

Jordyn takes a step closer to me. She takes a hold of my shirt.

"Don't worry about it. By the way, I'm not mad if that's what you think."

I walk Jordyn back to her room. She is staying with Alexis tonight.

"I will see you tomorrow." I tell her as I get ready to go to my room.

Jordyn stops me from walking off.

She leans in to give me a kiss.

I smile as we break apart. "What was that for?"

She bites her lip. "Just a friendly kiss."

I look in her eyes. That wasn't a friendly kiss. I know when I kiss her it isn't friendly, but for now we both can pretend like that is what this is.

"Goodnight beautiful." I tell her as I walk to my room.


Jordyn POV

I cannot fall asleep. I'm so tired, but I'm so uncomfortable. I look at my phone. It is two in the morning. Are you kidding me? I can't sleep on this hard floor. I was nice and let Callie sleep in bed with my sister, but the floor hurts.

I get off the ground quietly. I walk out the door. I can barely keep my eyes open. I make my way down to Paige's dorm. I knock on her door hoping she wakes up. I lean against the wall waiting. I went to knock again, but there wasn't anything there to brace my hand as the door opened.

I fell into Paige's room.

"Are you drunk?" Paige whispers as she keeps me upright.

I look over at her bed which looks so comfortable right now. "No. I'm so tired. I can't sleep on the floor."

Paige points at her bed. "Good thing hotel Paige is open even though I should charge you for the stunt you pulled earlier."

I was too tired to laugh, but tired enough to be grateful. I went straight to her bed and laid down. She closes the door and lays beside me.

"No funny business." She says sarcastically.

I put my arm around her body. "I'm too tired to even try."

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Alexis POV

I woke up to get ready for the game. I noticed Jordyn wasn't in here. I woke Callie up.

"Where is Jordyn?"

She looks to the floor. "She probably went to Paige's room." She rolls back over to sleep.

I should have figured that was going to happen. I grab my phone.

I head to the main lobby downstairs. It's time now to tell my mom. I decided last night while trying to sleep that she needs to know.

"Alexis?" My mom answers. I couldn't get any words out. "Alexis?" My mom says again.

"I'm getting married in December." The words flew right out of my mouth. This was not the way I planned this conversation in my head.

There was a long pause on the phone.

"What date?" My mom's voice didn't sound any different.

I told my mom all the information. She seemed to take it all well. She told me if I need any help to let her know. I don't know if this is her faking being nice or being sincere. I didn't care because the wedding was happening with or without her.

I go back to my room and get ready. I then text Paige to see if they are up.

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