Chapter 5

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I was in the middle of trying to hold my Eagle yoga pose when I heard my cell phone blare to life a few days later. I contemplated ignoring it. I had been seriously slacking on my yoga regimen since Em and I split. Starting it up again reminded me why I did it in the first place. It centered me, calmed me and it definitely made my back feel better which was helpful considering the shape it was in from sleeping on the couch. To say I was rusty on my poses would've been an understatement. The distraction from the phone caused me to lose my concentration and I nearly toppled over onto my butt before untangling my limbs and catching myself.

Whatever. Yoga would have to wait.

I picked up my phone,


"Is this Mr. Styles?"

I pulled my eyebrows together. No one called me Mr. Styles. This was either a telemarketer or a political phone call,

"Who is this?"

"This is the counselor at Rothman Academy."

My attitude quickly changed. Not a telemarketer or a politician, Lucy's school. I ran a towel down my sweaty face,

"Oh. Hello."

"We've been trying to get a hold of Lucy's mum but she doesn't seem to be available. We found your number on her transcripts." I rolled my eyes. My own daughter's school didn't even have her father's number readily available, "Are you available to come down here for a meeting, sir?"

"Um, yeah. That's fine. Can I ask what this is about?"

"Lucy had an altercation with a classmate today. We're asking the parents of the boy to come down and meet with you as well."

My heart sank. Probably the same boy she'd been having issues with. I nodded,

"Alright. I'll be down there in 20 minutes."

"That's perfect. Thank you."

I hung up the phone and looked down at it. I deliberated for a few moments on whether or not to try to get Em on the phone and then decided against it. I was Lucy's father. I could handle anything Em could. I walked towards my room, changing into a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. I needed to look like a father, not a popstar. Especially if I was about to meet the parents of a boy who was upsetting my daughter.


I made it to Lucy's school in 15 minutes flat. I was proud of myself. At least I wasn't late. I walked into the building and was immediately greeted by the headmaster, his second in command, Lucy's teacher and the nurse. I wasn't sure what the nurse was there for. Maybe they just wanted an even number.

They all had the same nervous look on their faces. Seems my vocation preceded me. I smiled warmly as I held my hand out for them to shake as they introduced themselves,

"We're so pleased you could make it in, Mr. Styles." The headmaster said as we walked into his office, "We realize you're a very busy man."

I cleared my throat. Well if he counted the yoga session and unscheduled nap I had earlier, I guess he was right about the busy part. One Direction didn't have a lot going on right now, seems people assumed that no matter if the band was on tour or not I was always busy. I didn't necessarily want to dispel that rumor. It allowed me to get out of many things. It worked almost as well as "My mum won't let me go" had when I was younger. I sat down in the chair,

"No problem. So what is going on exactly?"

The headmaster sat down in his chair as the others gathered around me like I was a zoo animal,

Pieces Of Us - Until I Find You Again // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now