Chapter 12

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The last thing I wanted to do was make it to Emily's house without incident. But what do ya know? That's exactly what happened. There wasn't even any traffic. It's like the usual crowd of London traffic parted just to allow me a straight shot to her house. Hell, we even got there earlier than we usually would have.

My mood got worse and worse the closer we got to her house. I felt like all the progress we'd made over the past few days was being ripped away. They were going back to her house to live without me.

I pulled into her driveway and sighed. She got out and grabbed Noah as I turned to make sure that Lucy got out ok. Lucy tore up the front steps as I chased after her with the new keys for the locks that had been dropped off early yesterday afternoon.

I took a look up at the house It seemed that everything was fine. Julian's car wasn't parked outside which was a good sign. I pushed the door open and turned to allow Em and Noah in first. Lucy ran off towards her bedroom while I checked the rooms to make sure nothing was out of place. If I was going to leave them here, it was going to be locked up like Fort Knox.

Emily set Noah down on the floor, watching as I went from room to room. She smiled weakly,


I shook my head,

"I'm just making sure he didn't take anything."

She laughed softly and I heard her bag drop to the floor,

"I can guarantee you he didn't take anything. He hated this house. He wanted to move."

I snarled,

"He was a tool."

She smiled up at me,

"Yeah, he was."

There was nothing else for me to do. The house was secure, the kids were fine. Noah was recuperating from his pneumonia. Lucy was happy as could be.

But Em and I were still in shambles. I wasn't done. I still had to get her back. I didn't know how to do that now that we weren't together every day. How was I supposed to get her to see I'd changed? How was I supposed to get her to fall in love with me again?

I didn't wanna go.

I walked towards her,

"The security company said they changed the password. So you'll be locked up good and tight once I go."

She nodded,

"I know. I told them to put you back on notifications." She shrugged, "In case...something happens."

I stared back at her,


"Harry, we'll be ok. I mean, we're gonna have to get used to this right? It's how things are now."

I watched her for a moment, waiting to see some type of hint of her face changing. All I needed was one small sign that she still loved me. But there was nothing. I was kidding myself.

I stepped towards her,

"Listen, I know we...we've had our differences. I know you don't want any relationship with me at all past the kids...I know." I stumbled over my words as I looked down at my hands. I finally got up to courage to look up at her, "But if you need anything...for any reason...I will always be there." My throat felt so tight, like someone had their hands around my neck. But I needed to get through this, "No matter what." I finished, the last word coming out kind of breathy as the tears pushed their way forward.

She didn't say anything, just nodded and played with one of the pillows on the couch. I took a deep breath and turned to walk out of the house.

I had become a cry baby. That was the only explanation for how hard I cried on my way home. I just wanted my family back. I wanted to hold my son and kiss my daughter and make love to my girlfriend.

Pieces Of Us - Until I Find You Again // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now