Chapter 9

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Emily and I were hardly vanilla when it came to sex. Even after having been together for a while. I couldn't count the number of times I came home to her in some serious lingerie or wearing nothing at all. Noah and Lucy didn't deter her either. If she was in the mood, she had no qualms about dropping them off with Nan or Uncle Niall. Both were all too happy to entertain the kids for the night while Em and I got our alone time.

And then there were mornings like this one. When I was awakened to her hand on my cock, pumping me until I was impossibly hard. She pushed me onto my back, yanked her panties to the side and sank down on me without warning.

It's not like I needed warning, she was more than welcome to wake me up like that any day and she knew it. My hands gripped her hips probably a little harder than they should have. I knew I was going to leave marks. But she didn't seem to care. Her hands landed on mine,

"C'mon Baby..." She said through a breathy whisper, "Move me where you want me."

I tried, but I was so keyed up as well as still coming out of sleep that I could barely get my own body to work much less move her where I wanted her. She smiled, knowing full well the state of mind I was in. We liked to tease each other though. She leaned down, her mouth landing on mine in a deep kiss before she moved her mouth to my ear, "It's ok, I got it." She whispered.

My eyes snapped shut as she sat up straight and rolled her hips against mine. My head tipped back into the pillow as I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth with a breathy,


I was fully awake now as the buzz spread from my stomach.

I didn't have to open my eyes to know she was smiling. She kept up her rhythm, driving me further and further into oblivion with each slow stroke of her hips. She took me in slow and deep. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. I would never get tired of how good it felt to be inside of her.

"Baby." I sputtered out, "Fuck, you're gonna make me come."

"Feels good, yeah?" She breathed.

My eyes opened to watch her above me. She was wearing one of those loose tank tops that hung low and loose enough that there was always a danger her boobs would pop out. It drove me mad when she wore it because while it was loose I could still see the curve of her breasts perfectly. It was the perfect tease and she knew it,

"You feel so good, so warm...I could stay inside you forever."

She dropped her head, her hair curtaining around her face as she rolled her lips into her mouth and the tiniest mewl escaped her throat,

"Harry." She whined, "Mmmmm...shit."

She pushed up off of me, bracing her hands against my chest while she bounced. My hands slapped against her ass, grabbing a handful,

"Em...Baby don't stop." I begged.

I pushed up off the bed, holding her against my body, pulling her closer as my arms wound around her waist. I thrust up into her. The cry/moan that exited her mouth set my skin on fire.

She gripped my shoulders,


I dragged my lips along her neck,

"Yes." I breathed against her skin, "Yes, Baby."

A few more grinds of her hips and we both came undone around each other. I loved coming with her. The way her whole body clenched around mine made me feel completely connected to her. There wasn't a thing getting in the way.

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