Chapter 20

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The first time I saw Emily after the incident was when I'd returned home from tour a week later. I came to pick the kids up after an hour of text message begging. That also marked the first time she answered any text message I'd sent her period. I guess I could have gotten shitty about the fact that she was being so obstinate about letting me see my kids, but she suspected my ulterior motive was that I also wanted to see her. I couldn't blame her for that, I'd been begging her to talk to me 24/7 for the last seven days.

But after some promising and convincing and a plan that didn't involve us having to speak at all, she relented. So I walked into her house and collected my children whose bags were packed and waiting at the front door when I got there. The only reason I saw any glimpse of her at all was because Lucy wanted to show me something in her room.

I passed the kitchen to see her seated at the kitchen table, sipping on a mug of tea in front of her laptop. She looked up at me, our eyes locked, I froze, the look of complete contempt on her face actually made my blood run cold. And that's when I knew just how badly I had fucked up.

Oh how times have changed though. Walking into her house today, I was greeted with smiles and Lucy's usual attacks of hugs and kisses when she saw me. Noah instantly reached for me from his baby walker. I leaned down to pick him up, tugging his shirt down once he was safely balanced on my hip,

"Ello there, Lil's your day been?" He giggled and clapped excitedly. I caught sight of Em walking out of the kitchen, a smile a mile wide on her face. I returned her smile in equal measure and then looked back at my son, "Me too." I whispered.

Emily walked towards me,

"Right on time. I'm impressed."
I shot her a look,

"I haven't been late in quite some time."

She nodded as she pulled her bag over her head,

"True, but I just wanted to let you know that I noticed."

I looked over at Noah,

"Your mum is sassing your dad. How do you feel about that?" He reached forward and put his hand over my mouth. Emily burst out laughing. I nodded, shrugging as I pulled his hand away from my mouth, "He's always been the smartest boy in this family."

Lucy grabbed my hand and tugged me towards my truck parked outside,

"C'mon. Nan is waiting!" She ordered.

I looked back at Em,

"She gets this from you."

Once our kids were strapped into their seats in the back, Em and I took ours up front. Emily quickly turned on the screens in our headrests and started Finding Nemo which would keep them occupied for the drive so we could talk.

I pulled onto the highway to my mum's house, making myself comfortable for the almost three hour drive. Emily surprised me by reaching over and taking my free hand in hers. She threaded our fingers together, covered my hand with her other one and set our clasped hands in her lap. Yes, times certainly had changed.


My mother couldn't get out of the house fast enough once I pulled up. Gemma was right behind her with Robin trailing after them. They had already freed Noah and Lucy from their seats before Emily and I even got out of the car. Gemma had Noah in her arms, cooing and giggling with him like they were speaking their own language.

She shot me a dirty look,

"Keepin' him from his Aunt isn't cool."

I shook my head,

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