Chapter 26

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Emily requested we go back to my house rather than split up for the evening once we got closer to London. I was ecstatic with this development. Especially after the discussion about her parents in the car.

We sat in the kitchen while I made dinner. She colored with Lucy while I played around with Noah in his high chair in between stirring sauce and cutting vegetables. Out of everything I'd lost, this was what I missed the most. We were a family again.

We put the kids to bed together, both of us tickling Lucy in her bed while she squealed and giggled before kissing her goodnight. Noah was much easier being that he was already sacked out by the time we laid him in his crib.

And now the house was quiet. I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, fully prepared to collapse into her lap and snuggle my way to at least ten hours of sleep. But when I walked out, she was not on the bed where I'd left her.

"Em?" I asked softly.

I saw the curtains blowing from the open window. A slow smile crept up on my face when I saw the screen was sitting on the floor in the same place it had been when she'd insisted I meet her on the roof.

I pulled the curtain back to see her seated a few steps away from the window, one of my hoodies pulled over her knees as she stared up at the sky. I hopped out onto the roof as silently as I could, sitting down behind her and pulling her into my chest as my legs surrounded her. She kept her eyes on the sky but leaned her head against my cheek,

"Remember that night we came out here the first time?"

I smiled,

"Remember it? It's probably #2 on the list of the best nights of my life."

She lifted her head off my cheek and turned her head to look at me,

"What's #1?"

"That first night in Holmes Chapel, after I'd kissed you by the bridge."

"Really? Why that night?"

I shrugged,

"Because that was the night I knew."

"Knew what?"

"That we were gonna be...forever." I squeezed her into me when she didn't respond, "Everything ok?"

She looked up at me and nodded. Her sparkling, crystal blue eyes that always looked at me like I was her peace had returned. It took my breath away. She looked down at the roof for a moment,

"I was just thinking...about what you said in the car."

My smile faded,

"Em, I-"

"I think you were right." She interrupted before I could continue. She lifted her eyes to mine, "I think they should know every single person who loves them. I think they should know they are surrounded by hope and support. That includes their grandparents."

I was filled with pride at that moment. While I had made my own strides in becoming better for my family, she had too. And here I was thinking I was the one who had a lot of work to do.

I nodded,

"Ok. We'll do this at your pace. Do you want to call them or do you want me to?"

She shook her head,

"I'll do it."

I lifted my hand, cupping her cheek,

"I'm proud of you."

She covered my hand with hers, an easy smile gracing her beautiful face,

"I'm just getting it out of the way."

Pieces Of Us - Until I Find You Again // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now