Chapter 7

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Three days later and I was no closer to coming to a decision on whether or not to approach Em about kissing me. She didn't seem to be in any hurry to discuss it either. She never mentioned it or even seemed the slightest bit concerned about it.

I never understood how people did that. Something pretty epic happens and they simply ignore it as if it didn't happen. I wasn't blessed with this gift. I felt everything even when I tried not to. And I couldn't hide it either. That's part of the reason I never post selfies. The last thing I need is to be grilled about what I was thinking in some random photo I posted based on my facial expression.

When I picked the kids up that Friday for our scheduled weekend, Julian was there so we were hardly able to talk about a hot kiss we shared in the kitchen while he was standing there. Although I really wanted to. Right in front of him. In fact, I wanted to kiss her like that again in front of him. So then maybe he would understand how you were supposed to kiss your fiancée.

I took the kids to the movies on Saturday afternoon. Saturday night I helped Lucy make cupcakes to bring to her bake sale on Monday morning. I knew Em would just pick something up from the store and at least this way I had a bit of control over the ingredients. By the time we were done, both of my children were covered in cupcake ingredients and shrieking with laughter. Just the way I liked it. Sunday afternoon we met Niall and Jessica for brunch.

I sat down at the table after getting Noah some eggs. Lucy ran off to grab some more pancakes,

"Be careful!" I commanded as she took off. I shook my head and turned back to my own plate of food. I could feel Jessica studying me closely while I buttered my toast, "What?" I asked as I looked up at her, "Going to do an expose on how Harry Styles likes his toast?"

She narrowed her eyes at me,

"Funny." She deadpanned, "When are you going to talk to her?"

My eyes widened as I looked over at Niall,

"You told her?"

Niall threw his hands up,

"Well what do ya expect? I mean, she's me girlfriend? She asked."

I shot him a look,

"She asked you if Emily kissed me? Really?"

Niall blinked a few times and shrugged,

"She asked me what happened." He finally answered.

"You could've left that part out."

Jessica sighed,

"Alright. Shutup both of you. Limited amount of time to discuss this before the little human gets back." She looked back at me, "What are you doing?"

I took a bite of my toast. Truth was, I didn't really mind that he'd told Jessica. It might be nice to get the female perspective,

"I have no idea." I answered honestly.

She scoffed,

"Harry! You have to talk to her about it."

"Any suggestions on how to do that while Douchebag #1 is around are welcome." I shot back.

Jessica sighed,

"The wedding is in two weeks. He's leaving Wednesday for a week. You can talk to her then."

I set my toast down and wiped my mouth with my napkin,

"I dunno, Jess."

Her eyebrows raised,

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