Chapter 6

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"Your toenails are red." Niall observed as we sat in the studio. I usually took my shoes off once inside the building. I needed to be as comfortable as possible while I was recording so I could focus on the music and shoes just were not conducive to that.

I looked down at my feet and nodded before looking back up at the notebook in front of me,


Niall nodded,

"Em told me about Graham. He's got a crush?"

"Don't remind me." I grumbled.

"Just make sure that kid knows that once he gets past you he's gotta deal with me." Niall warned as he turned back to the console.

I smiled. It may seem odd, but I liked the fact that Niall treated Lucy and Noah as if they were his own. It was just another layer of protection that my children were definitely deserving of.

I lifted my head off the pillow on the couch,

"Hey...she tell you Julian's not gonna be here for Noah's birthday?"

He nodded,

"Yeah. That guy..." He shook his head, "I just don't get it sometimes. I mean, I know she's with him so she doesn't have to feel but...he upsets her past the point of anything you ever did sometimes."

I sat up, laying my notebook down on the table,

"I think I might have gotten her to open up a little bit the other night. After she heard me handle Lucy's issue at school and I wasn't a complete wanker about Julian after she told me he wouldn't be at Noah's party, she's been way more talkative with me. She even texts and calls me now. It's almost like we have the beginnings of a little friendship."

Niall nodded as he turned back and forth in the chair he was sitting in,

"All I can say is keep tryin'. I'm rootin' for ya. Anythin' to get her to see that marryin' that guy....ugh." Niall studied me for a few moments and I could tell he had something more to say but didn't know if he should. He chewed on his lip nervously.

"What?" I asked.

Niall shook his head and turned back to the console,

"I shouldn't say anythin'."

"You should if it can help me."

Niall turned to look at me, waiting for a few moments as if he was gauging whether or not he should. He shrugged finally,

"Jess and her went dress shoppin' the other day. She found her dress. Jess found the bridesmaids dresses too. Em seemed...excited...I guess? She ordered all of them that day."

I wish I could say that didn't hurt.

But it did.

Like hell.

I blinked a few times, my eyes diverting down to the floor. I stopped when they landed on my notebook. I reached forward to touch the pages in front of me. I hadn't shown any of the boys what I'd come up with yet. I hadn't been sure how to approach them with the songs.

I blinked a few more times, keeping my eyes trained on the notebook in front of me,

"I wrote some songs." I said softly.

Thankfully Niall was one of those people who always heard everything no matter how loud you said it. He turned back to look at me,

"Did ya?"
I nodded, my finger flicking at the edge of the pages in the notebook,

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