Chapter 11

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To say I felt awkward as I followed Em into Diana's office would have been putting it lightly. What I felt was like I'd accidentally walked into the women's bathroom after getting confused by the sign at a fancy restaurant. Should I have been here? It seemed like therapy was an intensely personal thing. I wasn't even sure why she wanted me here to be honest.

Diana looked up at me and I had to admit, she looked completely different from what I expected. Diana's to me were like Princess Diana. Tall, statuesque, thin...blonde. Diana was shorter than Em was with brunette hair and she wore glasses. She smiled when we walked in,

"Hello there. I'm so glad to see you." She gestured to the couch for us to sit down, "Sit, sit." She pulled her chair out from behind her massive desk. While she got herself situated, I took a moment to look around.

The walls were a light purple color, her accents around the office were yellow. It was clear a designer had been through here and they'd been told to make the space as relaxing as possible. Even the couch looked like somewhere one might lay down and take a nap. Her graduation certificates were hanging on the wall, though too far away for me to see the school she'd graduated from. Based on the furniture in the office and the fact the she had a brand new Audi parked outside, I reasoned that she must know what she was doing because the woman was swimming in cash.

She sat down in her chair, grabbing a notepad off her desk before pushing her glasses up onto her nose and then looking at us. She clasped her hands in her lap,

"Well...what brings you in here today." When neither of us spoke up, she set her sights on me, "You must be Harry. I've heard a lot about you."

A small amount of fear passed through me. Had Em told her what I'd done? Em had stopped seeing her before all of that happened, but I wasn't sure how extensively they'd talked on the phone.

I nodded once,

"Yes ma'am."

"You don't have to call me ma'am." She reached her hand out to me. I shook it gently and then sat back against the couch. She looked over at Emily and then back at me, "Emily?" She said softly.

I looked over at Emily, who looked so small and innocent sitting next to me it broke my heart, and then back at Diana,

"Um. I don't know if she's comfortable having me in here."

"Is that true Emily?"

Emily looked over at me,

"I mean...I wanted him to come. I asked him to be here."

"Why's that?" Diana asked.

Emily shrugged,

"I don't know. I thought maybe..." She let out a sigh and I could see she was about to cry, "I didn't want to be alone."

Her hand was next to mine on the couch, close enough that I could've just reached right out and touched it. It took everything in me not to flinch or move so our hands connected.

Diana looked at me,

"Is this couples therapy we're doing now?"

I shook my head,

"No." I answered quicker than I'd wanted to. I just didn't want Emily thinking I had designs on her. I was going to be here for whatever she needed, no matter what that entailed.

Emily's head snapped in my direction as if she was shocked I answered that quickly as well. She cleared her throat and looked back at Diana,

"We're not together anymore."

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