Chapter 28

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Emily woke up firmly planted in my arms. Which was just how I liked it. It was like being cuddled by a warm, soft blanket. I'd taken her three more times that night. Once in the shower, once on the floor of the bathroom and once on the bed.

Yes, I was insatiable when it came to her body. And I probably always would be. I'd had the unfortunate experience of knowing what it was like without her. And I would never again let myself or her have to handle an ordeal like that again.

My jobs were clear as far as I was concerned. I was supposed to raise my kids into responsible, happy, productive human beings. I was supposed to make sure my fans were satisfied. And I was supposed to make sure Emily smiled...all the time.

She stirred next to me, turning her head to press her lips to my forearm,

"Good morning." She slurred.

I spread my palm out on her naked tummy,

"Hi." I kissed her ear, "You want breakfast?"

She shook her head, pushing herself even more into my body,

"I don't want you to go anywhere."

I laughed softly,

"I have to eventually."

"No you don't. We can stay here forever." She protested.

I nodded,

"I'd love to. But the rugrats are gonna be awake soon."

She let out a deep sigh,

"Lucy has a sleepover tonight with Niall." I nodded. Emily's eyes fluttered open as she turned her head to look at me, "And we can be alone."

"Can't wait for that." I said into her ear, my voice low.

She shook her head as she turned onto her back and looked up at me,

"I think we should put my house up for sale."

I balanced on my elbow, looking down at her,

"What?" I asked, my brow furrowed.

She nodded,

"The only reason I go there is to pick up clothes and come back here. I know we're doing this because of some weird timeline." She played with her fingers and I could tell she was nervous, "But I don't think we need to adhere to that. This is our relationship. Not anyone else's."

I took a breath,

"Em, I can tell you're nervous."

She nodded,

"A little." She said softly as her eyes locked with mine.

"We don't have to do anything you don't wanna do. I mean it."

She nodded,

"I know you do." She lifted her hand to my chest, staring at it as she lightly traced one of my swallows with her fingertip, "It's not you that makes me scared. It's that fear, ya know what I'm talking about? That fear that we'll crash and burn again."

I let out a deep sigh. I had those same nerves. It was hard to admit it out loud. Em and I had had the unfortunate happenstance of knowing that sometimes love isn't enough. That people can forget what they are to each other no matter the amount of love they share. That you can still hurt someone despite never ever wanting to. I reached up to cover her hands with mine,

"Listen to me ok? I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I know you and I won't ever hurt each other again. I can't promise that we won't ever be angry or irritated to the point of calling it quits. What I can promise that I'm going to try every day to make sure we are my top priority. To not forget that when the stage lights go out, you are who knows me. Not the celebrity Harry Styles. But Harry."

Pieces Of Us - Until I Find You Again // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now