4 months later

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Draco came back to the manor four months later with a huge smile on his face. Chloe was already four months old and her fiery red hair was started to lighten. Draco was a little shocked to see Chloe sprouting red hair but He didn't mind as long as She's as beautiful as her mother.

"Potter's safe he's escaped him" Draco said panting "But the Dark Lord wasn't happy of him escaping. He killed several house elves right infront of us" Draco turned paler than ever, everyone in the room looked at him worriedly

"How did you know about this?" Mrs. Weasley asked

"I was up in my room when Mother called me to check upon someone, Potter was being held hostage as well as Granger and Weasley, They told me to take a look at him because he was stung by the stinging hex, I know that it was really Potter but I lied to them, I told them that I didn't know if it was really Potter, He's our only chance" Draco explained to them then continued to tell the story. Once he was finished everyone looked at him stunned

"Where are they now?" Remus asked

"Dobby took them away, I don't know where but they took of minutes before You-Know-Who came, He was angry. Very angry, he killed almost all of our house elves infront of us, mother told me to leave the Manor for awhile. So I came here" Draco answered, then there was a loud scream that startled Chloe awake her arms and legs flaring. Everyone was also startled to see Tonks who was clutching at her stomach

"Goodness! Dora's having the baby!" Remus shouted. Nana stood up and escorted the two in their rooms.

Chloe looked around seeing everyone startled. Oliver and Olivia looked at their niece curiously. Oliver's hair copied Chloe's light ginger hair, Chloe squealed flailing her arms around. Oliver laughed along with Olivia

"Looks like the twins are entertaining her" Fred chuckled while she nudged Mavis, Mavis turned around to see Oliver and Olivia laughing making goofy faces at Chloe

"Atleast the two had something to keep them entertained" George said "I really think the two doesn't know the word exhausted"

"After introducing them to the world of pranks and ofcourse influencing them to follow our legacy, the two are fascinated at everything ofcourse" Mavis chuckled.

The twins soon got bored entertaining Chloe and soon started to annoy Fred and George much to their dismay. Draco and Mavis on the other hand sat on the sofa with Chloe in Draco's hands. Chloe looked at her father and smiled

"How come Chloe likes you so much?" Mavis asked Him "She always looks at us with a serious expression in her face, You'll see her smile once or twice a day. But this is too much" Mavis chuckled looking at her daughter who was staring at Draco smiling

"Basically a Daddy's girl, I spent countless nights-"

"Taking to my baby bump while I'm fast asleep, yes you always talk to her at 2 in the morning I can here you whispering and laughing at yourself" Mavis said laughing at Draco who blushed smiling apologetically at her

"Chloe really loves Dada doesn't she?" Mavis cooed at her daughter who smiled at her "awe now you're smiling at me?" She chuckled. Chloe squealed beaming at her Mum

"It's a boy!" Mrs. Weasley announced entering the room

"Tonks gave birth to a boy! He's name is Teddy, Teddy Lupin" Remus said smiling

"Congrats Remus, You're already a father!" Sirius said patting his back

"Yeah, this calls for a celebration" Fred smirked looking at his twin

"Butterbeer" The twins said in perfect synchronisation

Remus chuckled shaking his head, "I'm going to Shell Cottage to deliver the message"

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