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After Draco and I went to buy Chloe some new toys, clothes and her sippy cup, Draco took me to the Malfoy Manor along with Chloe to spend the day with his parents. Lucius and Narcissa were beyond welcoming than we expected to be. We sat in the living room while Lucius was holding Chloe who was sucking her pacifier happily.

"What's this?" Lucius asked picking up Chloe's pacifier from her mouth. Chloe looked at her intensely giving his grand father a dirty look. Lucius eyes widened and looked at Draco and I

"She's giving me a dirty look."

"Yes father she is giving you the dirty look because you–" Chloe started to throw a fit, her loud voice echoed around the room

"Hey don't cry Chloe, a pacifier yeah? Wee! A pacifier!" Lucius said sounding alarmed when his grand daughter started to cry he gave back Chloe's pacifier, Chloe stopped crying but she still shot Lucius a dirty look. Draco smirked and picked up Chloe, Chloe rested her head in her Dad's shoulder glaring at Lucius while she sucked on her pacifier

"She's still glaring at me what have I done?" Lucius asked frowning looking at Chloe

"You see Lucius, you tend to make babies cry by grabbing their toys away from them, remember that you did that to Draco when she was about Chloe's age." Narcissa said laughing. I sneered at Draco teasingly, recieving a scowl from him

"Chloe can you stop giving father that look?" Draco asked softly to his daughter. Chloe let out a whimper and snuggled into her Dad's neck

"So, when's the wedding?" Narcissa asked suddenly, Draco and I looked at each other, He pursed his lips not knowing what to say

"Honestly Narcissa, we really don't know when" I said smiling shyly "Draco and I haven't thought about that"

"Besides, I haven't proposed properly yet" Draco added

"If that's so, We'll be ready to help if the two of you got properly engaged" Lucius told us

"Really?" Draco asked

"Yes, I know how you truly love Mavis and ofcourse your daughter whom is a daddy's girl I suppose and sneaking away during the dead of the night while I cover you up" Narcissa said smiling

"Oh that's why Draco's been gone during some times, thought he was just having a fresh air" Lucius said. Chloe begun to babble throwing her fists happily into the air and eventually hitting Draco's nose

"Blimey Chloe that hurt" Draco groaned handing me Chloe while he fixed his own nose. Chloe laughed at her father reaching out for him again

"Chloe I think you're going to be a beater when you grow up, nice hit though you made my nose all bloody" Draco chuckled kissing Chloe on her nose.

"Draco stop encouraging our child to hit someone hard" I told him Draco just stuck his tongue at me, Chloe copied his father's actions sticking her tongue at me too, I shook my head laughing

"Chloe is really your number one fan Draco, look at her sticking her tongue out at me" Draco looked at Chloe who was sticking her tongue out at everyone.

"Well, she's a very fast learner"

A few hours in the Malfoy Manor, we bid farewell and decided to go back in our flat, Chloe starting fussing again signaling that she was hungry

"Now Chloe, you're hungry again?" I asked, she looked at me pulling her puppy dog eyes

"I know Chloe, Mummy can't resist you. Come on Daddy's going to get your milk" I said putting her down in Draco and I's bed, She sat in between my legs fiddling with her pacifier. She let out a squeal throwing her pacifier. Draco soon came in the room smiling he gave her the sippy cup which she took gladly.

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