She's a what?

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Draco and I were helping around the shop with the twins while their wives were out for shopping. Since I was too lazy to go with them, I spent the day along with my husband and my best friends. Scorpius was taking a nap upstairs in Fred and George's old flat while Louis, Fred II, and Georgia were around the shop playing

"Say Mavis, have you wondered what Chloe's doing right now?" George asked as I helped him restock some of the ton tongue toffees.

"Maybe she's studying or chatting along with Teddy with their plans" I answered sighing.

"It's kinda quiet without her around, even without the twins around" Fred stated frowning

"I really think we should break into Hogwarts" I mumbled

"Mavis you've got to be kidding us" George answered laughing "You're just missing Chloe aren't ya?"

"There's another thing that I've missed doing too" I smirked as I placed a dungbomb discreetly at Fred and George's robes without them noticing. The twins raised their eyebrows waiting for me to finish my sentence. I shrugged walking away from them

"Mavis!" The two yelled groaning as I smelt a disgusting smell coming off from the distance

"What did you do?" Draco asked raising his brows at me.

"You already know what I did love" I said kissing him in the lips. Draco smiled kissing me back

"This is why Louis and Chloe are pranksters. Family of pranskters" He mumbled resting his forehead in mine.

"Something wrong with that Mr. Malfoy?" I asked smirking at him. Draco smiled shaking his head

"None at all Mrs. Malfoy"

Fred and George changed into another pair of robes since the smell didn't came off their previous robes immediately. Ofcourse who would like to enter a shop where the owners are foul smelling would they? Good thing there wasn't much customers for today. We were only answering owls from those who were writing from Hogwarts. Then a new owl came along as it tapped the window. Draco opened it as it dropped off a letter. The four of us looked at it excitedly hoping it's from Chloe

"I'll open it" I said opening the letter excitedly. Once I opened it. I smiled knowing it was my daughter's hand writing "It's from her!" I squeaked smiling widely

"Well do tell us what it says Mavs" Draco said eagerly

"Yeah, we're quite eager to know what house she got in" Fred and George said. I breathed in deeply as I read the letter

Dear mum and dad,

Hogwarts is a very nice school and I'm very excited to see what this school year brings to me. It was much more beautiful than what you have described mum and dad. Professor Longbottom knows the two of you and I was shocked. I didn't know that you were a friend of his! Oh and do tell Uncle Fred and George that they are such a liars for telling me that we've going to fight of trolls when we are going to be sorted in our house.

I looked up for a moment to look at Fred and George. "Seriously? You told Chloe that they have to fight a troll to know what house they'll get in?"

"Well to be honest with you Mavis, it's quite funny to see her all scared" Fred sniggered. I rolled my eyes laughing. I continued reading Chloe's letter

So that's it. Teddy got sorted first before me. He was sorted in Hufflepuff. When it was my turn everyone looked at me and whispered to one another. One said I wasn't really a Malfoy because I'm a red head and they think that I was a spawn of Uncle Fred or George. I would really like to kick their butts when I saw them again

"Pfft. Why would they think Chloe's a Weasley? Mavis is a red head. Dumb stupid kids" George said snorting. The four of us laughed

"Her inner Slytherin is showing too. She's quite annoyed with the rumours" Draco said shaking his head. I sighed as I continued reading the letter

Anyways, Mr. Sorting hat was kind to me. He told me that Malfoys are naturally in Slytherin and that I fit perfectly in Slytherin. But I have more traits that Slytherin doesn't possess. I think I might have broke the long line of being Slytherin because Mr. Sorting hat placed me in Hufflepuff. Everyone was quite shocked that a Malfoy was in Hufflepuff they whispered and looked at me in a confused manner. Was it bad being in Hufflepuff? I think it's cool being a badger and one professor fainted. I'm not quite sure what his name is again but I'll get to him soon enough. I'm quite happy with my house though, it's comfortable and relaxing and I'm with Teddy. Uncle Oliver and Aunt Olivia were shocked because I wasn't in Slytherin but they were quite happy that Teddy and I are placed in Hufflepuff together. I wish you are here mum dad. I'll write to you soon! I love you.

I looked at Draco who's mouth is wide opened. Fred and George bursted out laughing in Draco's reaction

"I-uhm Mavis? What house did she said she were again? I-i think I misheard her" Draco said stuttering his words out

"She's in Hufflepuff darling." I said smiling. Draco stared at me in disbelief He was about to speak when I handed him Chloe's letter "Read it yourself dufus. You're not dreaming either if you ask me." Draco shakily grabbed the letter and read the paper over and over again

"Can you believe it? A Malfoy? In Hufflepuff! Unbelievable!" Fred mocked Draco nudging him slightly

"There must've been a mistake!" Draco protested

"Why would Chloe joke about her house? She's quite happy with it" George said smirking

"B-but a Malfoy? In H-hufflepuff? This is-" Draco suddenly fainted slumping down the floor hard.

Fred, George, and I bursted out laughing

"He did not just faint" I said clutching over my stomach from laughter "He couldn't believe a Malfoy just got sorted into Hufflepuff"

"We were expecting her to become a Hufflepuff since she's sweet and caring. Although we were confident that she's a Slytherin since both of her parents are" Fred stated

"I agree, Hufflepuffs not that bad. They are good at almost everything." George added as Fred and I nodded in agreement

"Well, we should not forget that my husband is still lying on the floor unconscious" I said laughing

"Right rennevarte" Fred said flicking his wnds boredly as Draco opened his eyes

"It was all just a dream isn't it?" Draco asked us confusedly

"Draco. Chloe's really sorted into Hufflepuff along with Teddy" all the colors in Draco's face was gone once again

"But how?"

"Ask the sorting hat you fake blonde" I scoffed "Draco you solemnly swear that it doesn't matter what house Chloe will get in remember?" I said reminding him what he said. He sighed shaking his head

"I know but this is truly unbelievable. I'm quite proud she got in the house where she truly deserves to be. I just wished it would've been in Slytherin" Draco said rubbing his temples

"Slytherin or not, our daughter is the best thing that has happened in the Hufflepuff house. Besides she'll find a way to make everything she planned correctly" I said smiling at Draco. Draco smirked knowing what I was saying

"I know she would. Besides she's got some atrocious genes in her. What would possibly go wrong"

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