A confused set of twins.. and Chloe

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"Oh my God you're so cute!" Mavis squealed as she carried a confused looking Chloe. She wasn't used at her mother being all gushy over her which lead Chloe to look at her curiously. She looked at me and over at Mavis again

"You wouldn't understand yet Chloe, but your mum loves you so much" I decided to reason to our one year old daughter who wearily hugged her mother kissing her cheek

"I miss you mummy" Chloe spoke, her words tangled, She still wasn't used on speaking clearly which made Mavis chuckle

"Mummy missed you too" Mavis whispered. I know deep inside she doesn't remember a thing about her, or even her twin siblings and everyone in the family.

Soon the four year olds entered the room and beamed when they saw Mavis was already back. They squealed and hugged Mavis. Which lead her to be taken a back. She looked at me with a questioning look. I sighed and whispered to her

"Those are Olivia and Oliver, your younger siblings. Oliver is much closer than you and a metamorphmagus like you" She opened her mouth to speak but no words came at her mouth so instead she smiled at the twins and hugged them

"Mavy we missed you!"

"Did you see mum and dad?" Mavis was shocked at Oliver's question. I remembered that she still didn't know that her parents were dead. Well, technically she didn't know.

"Uhm I-"

"Malfoy! Mavis!" Everyone jumped to see Potter barging inside our flat with a wide smile in his face

"Why in the world are you barging inside our home without permission Potter?" I asked annoyed by his sudden appearance

"You wouldn't believe it! Dumbledore's penesieve is still at Hogwarts." He exclaimed excitedly ignoring my previous question. My eyes widened at the news and smiled at him

"That's great! We can show her some of our memories then!" I happily said

"What's happening?" Oliver asked tugging at my robes. I looked down at him and saw the twins had curious looks on their faces. I motioned them to wait for our conversation to end before I explain them what has happened

"So when are we going there?" I asked

"Well, I think I just know how to bring some of fancy memories back." He smiled at me then at Mavis

"Do tell Potter, I think I would somehow like your idea"

"But first, I have to write to McGonagall for our permission ofcourse-"

"Oh come on Potter!" I snapped scowling at him "Can you- ugh!"

"Just let me do all the work you fake blonde" He muttered under his breath. I turned my gaze over him and looked at him intensely

"Did you seriously called me a fake blonde Potter?" I scoffed at him. Mavis looked at us bewildered

"Draco's a fake blonde? Wow I didn't know my boyfriend was a fake blonde" She sniggered, smirking at me. I scowled at her and groaned in frustration

"Come on Mavis stay out of this, ofcourse I am not a fake blonde" I sighed rubbing my temples looking at them "We will just discuss this tomorrow Potter, let my poor fiancée rest" I said pushing Potter away from the door, even though he was protesting, I shut the door right infront of his face and locked it

"Okay tell us what's happening! And what do you mean by Mavy's memory?" Olivia narrowed her eyes at me and placed both of her hands on her hips.

"I think I'll just put our baby in the crib." Mavis said sheepishly Chloe suddenly furrowed her eyebrows, she was beginning to get confused too

"Chloe doesn't have a crib she sleeps beside the twins" I whispered

"Oh" Mavis blushed in deep red

"What's happening?" Oliver asked not knowing what was happening "why does-"

"She lost her memories." I sighed kneeling before the two. The two looked at me bewildered


"Due to some reasons you two couldn't understand yet, but listen Oliver, Olivia. You have to understand the situation that we're in right now okay? You have to help Mavy remember everything the three of you did together. Can you do that for Mavy and Draco?" The twins looked at each other and smiled

"Sure Draco! Anything for you and our Mavy!" Olivia beamed and gave me a tught hug but Oliver smiled wearily at me and fiddled his fingers

"What's wrong Oliver?"

"If.. if she remembers everything, will she be okay again? Will Mavy not be acting weird by then?" Oliver asked with a little hope in his eyes. I smiled nodding at him

"Yes, we will find every single way to bring back the memories. I promise" I said smiling at him. His eyes widened and hugged me

"I'm so glad you are going to be Mavy's husband. You're so kind" I almost bursted out laughing from what Oliver had said but I smiled and thanked him.

As soon as I put the twins to their bedroom. I went to our bedroom to see Mavis doing weird faces at Chloe, who was laughing at her.

Typical Mavis. I thought. Though, she had amnesia she never ceased to amuse me.

She looked up to see me leaning by our doorway and smiling at them. She gave me a smile and motioned me to sit at the space beside her. I did what she motioned me to do and sat beside her.

"Daddy" Chloe smiled handing me her toy wand which Fred and George gave her. I smiled taking her toy wand and ruffled her ginger hair she was saying something but she couldn't make the words right. So instead she roared like a lion. I chuckled instantly knowing what she was asking

"You want us to do the Patronus charm don't you?" I smiled as She beamed nodding her head

"Patronus charm?" Mavis asked. I didn't know if I should smile or frown by then, because she was the one who taught me how to do it and now, she was asking me how to do it.

"You have to think of a happy memory and then concentrate on it okay? After that you say expecto patronum. The memory should be powerful okay?" I told her. She nodded and grabbed her wand

"Together?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled

"Together." We both think about our happiest memory, and waved our wands

"Expecto patronum" as if on cue, a silver light came out of our wandd as the lion and the lioness skipped around happily in the room. I smiled to see Mavis and Chloe both in awe on what was infront of them.

"This is amazing, I didn't know we could do this" Mavis said smiling

"The both of us did this a couple of times don't worry" I whispered at her, soon the patronuses died down as I rested my head at Mavis' shoulder

"What was the happiest memory did you think of?" I asked

"The moment when I first opened my eyes and saw you. I think it was love at first sight" She chuckled smiling at me. Then I laughed aloud as Mavis looked at me with curiosity

"Is that funny?" She asked blushing

"No, I just remembered the first time we met, you hated my guts. It was hate at first sight" I joked as she slapped my shoulder jokingly

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