Headmistress' office

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Dear Draco,

Ron and I have already found the last ingredient for the potion. We will start brewing it tomorrow morning. We are hoping for Mavis' fast recovery


I felt myself leaping in joy causing Mavis to shook awake. She groaned clutching over her head. My eyes widened as I crouched down beside her

"I'm sorry Mavis, I'm sorry for waking you up. Are you okay?" I asked in panic. She smiled at me widely

"Yeah. Got a little dizzy though" She sighed sitting up. I handed her the potion that Madam Pomfrey instructed me to give. She drank it without hesitation. But then she almost turned pale from the taste

"That's just horrible" She said choking a little. I rubbed her back as she sighed

"I have this unusual dream Draco" She started

"What dream?" I asked eagerly

"There's this weird looking woman. She looks like a psycho to be exact cackling loudly while taunting me that she'd kill me" She said in a scared tone. I stared at her for a second and motioned her to continue what she had dreamt last night "You were there along with Fred and George. She killed you one by one infront of me. I'm scared Draco" She whimpered hugging me tightly

"Nobody's going to kill us" I cooed hugging her back "I'm safe for I am with you" The doors soon opened to see Fred and George smiling at us widely

"McGonagall wants to see us as soon as possible" Fred said excitedly

"The pensieve is ready to use" George added. I beamed at them happily.

"That's great! Shall we go now?" I asked excitedly.

"As long as you two are ready" Fred smiled

"We'll be meeting you two outside" George said waving their hands good bye as they left the Hospital wing. I looked at Mavis excitedly

"Babe! Come on! We have a big day ahead of us!" I said excitedly carrying her. She was taken a back for a moment but clutched on me laughing. I ran out of the Hospital wing while carrying her. While I ran in the hallways of Hogwarts. Students looked at us curiously and whispered to one another. Some smiled remembering the two of us probably.

"Slow down lover boy. If you drop our Mavis I'll kill you" Fred warned glaring at me jokingly

"She's fragile you know" I said looking at the love of my life who was begging for me to put her down

"I maybe fragile but hey I can walk you little twat" She joked. I put her softly in the ground. She thanked me and straightened her clothing,

"Albus Dumbledore" George spoke to the Gargoyle. The Gargoyle came alive and presented us a staircase. Mavis awed in delight as we climbed up to the Headmistress' office

We knocked twice before McGonagall told us to come in. As we came in, the pictures of the previous headmasters and headmistress was the first thing I saw. Everyone of them was sleeping except for Dumbledore. Who was talking with Professor McGonagall

"Albus, I know what to do.."

"Whatever you say Minerva. But I must remind you that your previous students are already here now" Dumbledore smiled at us as McGonagall turned around

"Hello" Mavis said smiling "Are you the headmistress of Hogwarts?"

McGonagall looked at her and smiled "Yes, I am. I was your transfiguration teacher back then too. I am Professor McGonagall"

Fred cleared his throat impatiently. He was making a fuss about McGonagall introducing herself to Mavis. McGonagall looked at him sternly

"Mr. Weasley you do know you haven't changed since then"

"I am truly flattered professor, now can we please do what we have to do now? I can't wait" He asked

"I agree with Freddie. Mavis isn't the same snarky feisty sassy Mavis we know. She's just like a lost child" Mavis looked at George

"Fred, I don't-"

"I'm George" George frowned looking at her "See professor? She used to know Fred and I's differences back then." McGonagall sighed shaking her head

"Alright" McGonagall waved her wand as the penesieve went in our direction. Mavis looked down on it curiously

"Who wants to go first?" She asked

"Us first" George said smiling with his twin. McGonagall nodded as the twins whipped out their wands and pointed it at their temples. A silvery white glow came out as they poured the memory into the penesieve

"It contains every single memory that we have together"

"Every important ones"

"And every prank we made" the twins said in chorus as Mavis smiled

"What should I do now?" Mavis asked

"You look down at the penesieve" I said she looked at me hesitantly

"Don't worry, it wouldn't hurt"

"Would you come with me?" Mavis asked. But I looked at the Weasley twins instead of her

"Fred and George will. They were at your side since you three met" Fred and George smiled thankfully at me as I pushed Mavis softly over them.

"You have to look at the penesieve with us okay?" George said

"Don't worry we got you" Fred smiled at her. Mavis smiled and counted from 1 to 3 before she dipped her head at the penesieve along with the twins.

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