Battle scars

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Draco told his parents about his daughter. It shocked them especially Lucius, Narcissa smiled at us congratulating us with our daughter she even wanted to meet her after we were done helping cleaning Hogwarts

The war still left an aftershock for every single one of us. I sighed walking down in the forbidden forest sighting some centaur who was having trouble with his hoove

"Hello? Mr. Centaur may I help you?" I asked him. He looked startled but he nodded

"This stone is stuck in my hoove, do you know what stone this is?" He asked

"No sir." I said truthfully

"Very well, this stone is known as the resurrection stone. It can bring back the dead, but only their ghosts, it will make you mad though" He said clutching through the stone

"Why would it make me mad?" I asked politely.

"My dear child, have you ever heard of the three brothers?"

"No sir I haven't I'm truly sorry" I answered blushing a little

"Well then, I shall tell you the story" The centaur told me about the three brothers and their faiths. The three of them had a gift from death The elder wand, the resurrection stone, and the invisibility cloak. They were also known as the deathly hallows

"So the deathly hallows are real" I whispered

"Yes it is, and Harry Potter is the master of death. The elder wand is his, even the cloak and this stone" The centaur said I looked at him amused

"Well, I shall give you this, swear to me that you will protect this at any cost and you shall not give it away"

"I swear Mr. Centaur" I said Bowing to him. He handed me the stone along with a box to cover the stone. I thanked the centaur and pocketed the stone

"You shall head back to your school now young one" the centaur said as I obeyed his order returning back at Hogwarts.

"Where have you been?" Fred asked worriedly "we've been looking everywhere for you"

"Thought you have been eaten by Grawpy" George said jokingly

"I had a walk in the forest to refresh my mind" I told them.

"Well, are you ready to head back? I'm sure Chloe misses you and Malfoy" George asked

"Where is Draco by the way?" I asked

"Here" He said appearing beside me

"Ready to go then?" I asked

"How about Mrs. Weasley and the others?" Draco asked

"They said they'll follow later" Fred answered

"Let's go then, I miss my little Chloe" Draco said, I laughed as I grabbed him by the arm apparating to Evan Manor

"Merlin's beard! The four of you look like a mess! Is the war over?" Popa asked as he came to our aid

"It's all done Popa." George said beaming "You should've seen how skilled Mavis is in duels"

"She saved my life Popa, I should've been dead by now if she didn't pushed me away from the exploding wall" Fred said smiling

"I'm so proud of you! Oh my dear grand daughter!" He said hugging me tightly

"Are they already home?" Nana asked carrying little Teddy, I looked at Teddy frowning at his parents fate.

"Where's Teddy's parents? Gabriel?–the others?" Nana asked. The four of us looked at each other

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