10 years later

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After the wedding, Draco and I found a place in Godric's Hallow and started a new beginning there. Leaving our flat in Diagon Alley for good, new memories came by and it was a great start for the both of us. Now, Draco and I were lying in our bed sleeping peacefully one fine Saturday morning until Chloe, our ten year old daughter started banging loudly at the door.

"Mum! Dad!" Draco and I shot up from our bed when Chloe started yelling loudly banging our bedroom door

"For the love of Merlin! What is it Chloe?" I groaned opening the door. Chloe pounced on Draco and I shoving a letter infront of our faces

"I already got my Hogwarts letter! See! I'm going to Hogwarts along with Teddy!" She squealed exitedly.

Draco and I looked at each other shocked. We were exited to see that our first born was already going to Hogwarts.

"Mum? Dad? Can you stop staring at each and pay attention to me?" She whined crossing her arms and pouted. Draco and I glanced at her and smiled

"Sorry princess, we're just amazed and proud that our daughter's going to Hogwarts this September!" Draco said hugging Chloe tightly. Draco spun her around as she squealed laughing

"You two be quiet if little Scorpius woke up you'll be dead" I threatned them. Scorpius was just two years old and he was sleeping soundly in the room just next to us

"Don't worry Louis will take care of him" Chloe answered. Louis, (pronounced as Loui) is our eldest son, Chloe's older than him by five years and also a metamorphmagus like me.

"What do you mean Louis will take care of Scorpius? He's still a child" I told her furrowing my eyebrows at her. Chloe just smiled innocently

"Do you want to go and tell your Uncles Fred and George?" Draco asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. Sure Draco and I haven't been visiting Diagon Alley for days now well mainly in Fred and George's who still manages the shop (which is a huge money spinner now) even though the two are now married with their wives.

Yes, Fred also found the love of his life two months after Draco and I's wedding. Her name is Mackenzie Harper-Weasley.

Ofcourse, Me being their only girl best friend, happened to be the God mothers of their first born. Georgia Mavis. Same goes to George and Athena's son Fred II.

Georgia and Fred were the same age group as Louis is. Ofcourse they are continuing their parents 'pranking legacy' in Hogwarts.

"Yes! I want to go to Diagon Alley now! Can Teddy come too?" Chloe asked hopefully, She gave us the puppy dog eyes. Ofcourse, we couldn't resist her. She knows we can't

"Sure. I'll write to Andromeda to bring Teddy here by 8 am" Chloe beamed at us and hugged the both of us

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She squealed running up to her room to get ready.

"Wow" Draco said in astonishment smiling at himself "I can't believe Chloe's already going to Hogwarts"

"I know right. This is going too fast. I mean we're already twenty eight year olds and we already got three kids. It was just like yesterday we were just having her" I chuckled smiling at Draco

"Yep, we maybe twenty eight year olds  but you're still beautiful as ever" I felt myself blush at Draco's words. He smiled hugging me. Draco was still Draco. His features changed a little. He grew up to be manly and handsome as hell

"Still a cheeky bastard" I commented laughing. I kissed his lips softly as he deepened the kiss

"I love you" He mumbled through the kiss

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