Chloe the sass princess

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"Can we go to Ollivanders now mum?" Chloe asked impatiently while we were still talking with Fred and George

"Someone's bit eager to buy her wand" Draco teased poking our daughter's nose

"Well little Malfoy, you see your mum is still talking with her best friends" I heard Draco answered our daughter

"Can you stop her from talking to them? I think she already forgot that we also came here to buy some of my things in school" Chloe babbled but she didn't realise Fred, George, and I are already staring at her.

"You see Chloe, you can never stop the three of us from hanging around each other." Fred said shaking his head

"Or talking to each other" George added

"Or even pranking each other" I added as Chloe pouted

"Please?" She asked. I looked away knowing she is giving me the puppy dog eyes

"One things for sure. Fred, I think the three of us can't resist Chloe's lil' dog face" George said in awe as she stared at Chloe. I sighed knowing I can't resist

"Mavis don't you dare" Fred warned. I saw him he was still covering his eyes avoiding Chloe's puppy eyes


"I still don't get it why you guys act like kids even though you have kids" Mackenzie sighed laughing at us

"Because that's what we are babe" Fred stated

"Oh forget it! Let's just go" I sighed indefeat as Chloe smirked in victory

"I told you mum's going to fall for it." Chloe told Draco as the two high fived. I looked at the two in disbelief

"Did you two just placed a bet on me?"

"Well love, technically it's not a bet since Chloe's too young for gambling" Draco defended himself

The three of us including Teddy said our good byes to Fred and George telling them that we will be back to pick up Scorpius and Louis later. after that, travelled to Ollivander's.

"Did you bought your wand at Mr. Ollivander mum?" Chloe asked curiously. She looked at me with her light blue eyes twinkling

"I didn't bought my wand at Mr. Ollivander. Bought it at Mr. Mazimil a wand shop in the Philippines" I answered smiling at her "But your dad did"

We entered the shop as Mr. Ollivander smiled at us with excitement

"Ah. Mr. Teddy Lupin and Ms. Chloe Malfoy. I always wondered when will the two of you get your wands" He said happily and walked over to get some boxes that contained wands "I still remember the time Draco brought his wand. Quite impatient on getting it" Draco turned a bit red and chuckled awkwardly

"Is it true dad?" Chloe asked laughing

"I was a brat back then!" Draco said groaning

"And I still remember Tonks and Remus buying their first wands. Pity that Teddy haven't seen his brave parents tut tut" Mr. Ollivander said frowning at Teddy. Teddy smiled warmly at him

"I'm sure that they are proud of me" Teddy said shyly "I've seen them in my chocolate frog cards waving at me."

"Very well" Mr. Ollivander said handing the two some wands "Remember. The wand chooses the wizard"

The two waved their wands but nothing happened. Chloe furrowed her eyebrows and frowned

"Nothing happened" She huffed looking at Teddy who was still waving his wand

"Nothing happened either" Teddy said in disappointment but his ears perked up "How about we exchange?"

"Good idea" Chloe giggled and handed her wand to Teddy. Teddy also handed his wand over to Chloe. The two waved it and still nothing happened

"Well, seems like that's not the wand for the both of you" I chuckled patting Chloe's back "You'll get it sooner"

"I hope so mummy. I'm exited!" Chloe squealed

"Me too!" Teddy said raising his hand in delight his hair changing into bubble gum pink reminding me of Tonks. My heart twitched a little but I smiled knowing she's in a better place. Draco sensed it and wrapped his left arm around my waist kissing my forehead

The two stayed inside Ollivander's for a good ten minutes because none of the wands happened to be theirs. Chloe was getting impatient and upset until Ollivander gave them one last wands. Ollivander handed Chloe a wand which was made with phoenix hair and dragon heartstring core and 12 and a half inches.

"This better work" Chloe huffed taking the wand. She gasped in shock as a warm glow emitted from the tip of her wand along with Teddy's. The two looked at each other in amazement and cheered

"We've finally got our wand!" Chloe announced hugging Teddy "It chose us!"

"This is wicked cool! I can't wait to tell grandmum about this!" Teddy said excitedly hugging Chloe back

"Isn't this cute? The two already found their wands" I said nudging Draco. Draco smiled at me and chuckled

"I know. I guess we'll be heading over Madam Malkins now" Draco said as we paid for the wands bidding goodbye to Mr. Ollivander

We went to Madam Malkins as the two stood on the stools to get their uniforms sewn. Chloe and Teddy talked for awhile while they stood patiently while Madam Malkins took their figures

"Look John! A Weasley hanging around with a Lupin!" A kid pointed out Chloe and Teddy to his friend the two of them laughed aloud. Draco and I were about to scold the kids when Chloe suddenly took charge from them

"I am not a Weasley! What's wrong with being a Weasley? Uncle Won won is an auror! Aunt Ginny plays wickedly good in quidditch she plays chaser for Holyhead Harpies for Merlin's sake! and my God fathers Fred and George works on their own joke shop which is very famous and they are also legends in Hogwarts! Being Weasley is cool and Lupins are cool too! Teddy's father is a legend in Hogwarts because Remus Lupin belonged in the marauders and he died as a hero! And for your information I am a Malfoy. Chloe Malfoy to be exact. My parents are Mavis Malfoy and Draco Malfoy, one of the finest aurors in town. How about yours? My mum is also the youngest auror and my dad is the most vicious auror around, what did your parents achieved, huh?" She sassed resting her hands on her waist and raist her eyebrows. Draco and I smirked at the same time

"Someone's Slytherin is showing" Draco whispered beside me

"So? Your dad's a bad guy! He's a death eater!" The kid shouted at Chloe. Chloe looked at him furiously

"Dad's not a bad guy! He's an auror! He catches bad guys! Get your facts straight you miserable ninny!" Chloe spat on the kid's face "You are such a miserable sod! If I see you in Hogwarts you're going to pay!" She scowled at the kid and stormed back beside Teddy. Draco and I were stunned about Chloe's sudden outburst. I grabbed Draco's hand and squeezed it. Deep inside I knew that Draco's shaken up a bit because the kids know about his horrible past

"I think after we buy them books we'll call it a day" I said trying to lighten up the mood "Let's just invite Fred and George for tonight and drink some butterbeers-"

"No no, don't bother babe. I think it's time Chloe will know the truth about my past" Draco sighed looking at me and smiled squeezing my hand tightly "She deserves to know what my biggest mistake in my life is"

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