Another World

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A/N: Imagine Draco holding little Chloe in his arms aaaaaa <3


After long hours of arguing with Draco, He finally gave up and agreed to join me into the muggle world. It was saturday afternoon and we didn't had work much to our relief, We were stressing over the past month in capturing formal death eaters. Good thing we managed to knock out four death eaters thanks to Draco ofcourse. After we dropped off Chloe in the Malfoy Mansion, Draco and I headed back into our flat and changed our clothing

"Come on Draco let's go" I wore muggle clothes along with Draco who looked at himself in the mirror smirking

"Who knew I would be good in muggle clothes, well, I really look good at anything and that isn't new" Draco chuckled running a finger through his hair. I huffed rolling my eyes at him

"Conceited much Draco? Come on! You look handsome already for Merlin's sake! I dont want muggle girls looking at my future husband" I blurted out, Draco looked at me with a wide smile in his face, his eyes twinkling

"Future husband... That sounds good" He smirked pulling me in my waist and kissed me deeply. "Well, I didn't have a proper proposal because you know death eaters, vanishing cabinets.."

"I really don't care about not having a ring or what, but technically you are my fiancé" I chuckled kissing him again, I pulled Draco out of our house and apparated into the streets in London.

Draco and I walked in the streets hand in hand looking around the busy streets of London, I pulled Draco into the Theatres and looked at the movies that were now showing.

"What is this?" He asked examining the large pictures with the titles of the movies

"You'll see" I pulled him into the ticket area and bought the tickets, We bought our snacks and proceeded to the Movie area. Draco and I found seats in the mid section, Draco looked around looking bored

"What the hell is this place? We're just going sit here and eat popcorn?" He asked impatiently, I scoffed rolling my eyes at him

"Stop being impatient and wait" He huffed and fiddled with my fingers, rubbing circles around my palm. Soon the movie started much to Draco's awe

"Why in the world are people stuck inside a huge wall?" He asked, I told him the concept of a movie, and how muggles created this. He nodded in response gluing his eyes on the screen. Soon, he was commenting loudly on the movie, making few people groan and move away from us. Some glared sushing him down but that didn't stopped Draco from talking loudly.

"Draco shut it" I laughed forcing him to look at me and crashed my lips into his, He responded into my kiss, pulling me closer to deepen it.

"You really know how to shut me up" He chuckled placing another kiss in my lips

After the movie, Draco was in tears when the main character died because of cancer, a muggle sickness that has no cure. I was laughing hard at him but he was denying that he cried even though his eyes were red

"For the nth time, I didn't cried! It was just dusty inside! It made me allergic!" He defended

"Sure whatever you say cry baby" I sneered, Draco glared at me and rolled his eyes.

"Come on let's just continue walking down the streets" He said, pulling me gently, He wrapped his arms around my waist while we continued to walk.

"The girls are staring" I stated looking at the girls who were eyeing Draco. Draco smirked pulling me closer than ever

"I'm irresistable you see Mavis, I thought we have–"

"I know Lucius now would you please stop being so full of yourself?" I sneered laughing in process, He pouted rolling his eyes

"Don't call me Lucius, Jade." He retorted. I chuckled wrapping my hands in his waist. Soon we stopped by in a muggle five star restaurant, Draco seemed to fancy the restaurant and pulled me in finding us some decent seats that were close to the window. The waitress came and patiently waited for us to decide on what we were ordering

"I think I'll go with, what's spaghetti?" Draco mouthed infront of me, good thing the waitress didn't seemed to notice his actions.

"I don't know just order what's good" I mouthed back. Draco looked uneasy and pursed his lips

"What would you like to order sir?" The waitress asked flirtatiously to Draco, I glared at her without her knowing. Draco smirked shaking his head

"Ask her first" The waitress looked at me and had a disgusted look on her face

"What do you want?" She snapped

"This filthy little mud–" Draco caught himself in the sentence and gritted his teeth "That's not the right way to treat my fiancée" He sneered at the waitress who shot a disappointed look

"He's mine, go find yourself other lads" I scoffed at her smirking "And by the way two orders of spaghetti" The waitress huffed taking down our order before strutting away

"I swear if this muggles are trying to poison us–"

"Draco if they are, the other muggles were already dropping down on their seats like this instant" I cutted Draco off who shrugged

"Well, fair point Evans"

The food had soon arrived after 10 minutes of waiting, Draco and I had enjoyed eating the spaghetti that Draco and I had purchased, the waiter had also gave us some champagne (a muggle firewiskey) for free. Over all it was fantastic. Draco told me that he would pay for the expenses which I insisted, but soon got his muggle money first before I could even open my purse. Draco had his infamous smirk plastered in his face when he beat me into it

"Come on love, let's go" Draco offered his hand at me while I gladly took it, We excited the restaurant and walked through the moon light

"It feels so good to be relaxed for awhile" Draco said, while he held my hand leading me into the nearby park "I think it's been weeks since we both had our last date"

"Yeah, busy with work, twins, and Chloe" I chuckled "But don't get me wrong I am thankful to have them"

"I know you are, you're a great mother and a sister." He said kissing my forehead, we both sat in the bench nearby facing the view of the night lights in London, ofcours the Big Ben and the London's Eye being visible near us

"Yeah, Chloe's growing up fast doesn't she?"

"Yup, the next thing we know we'll be sending her off to Hogwarts" Draco and I chuckled, while we sat in silence. Draco licked his lips and smiled goofily at me

"What?" I asked, He just continued to smile at me

"Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you" He whispered, He rested his forehead with mine, our eyes locked in a gaze.

"You did showed me who you really are during our stay in Hogwarts" I mumbled "You showed me the things that you don't usually show with others, I really do feel privileged Draco"

"Because from the start, I'm determined to get you. Whatever it takes, and now I'm here." He smiled placing a sweet long kiss on my lips

"Come on, let's get back to the flat, it's almost midnight" He took my hand and apparated back into Diagon Alley, infront of our flat, We opened the door and headed to the living room to see Fred, George, Oliver, and Olivia sprawled in the floor sleeping soundly in their pillow fort. I smiled and chuckled leaving them in peace and opened the door to Draco and I's room

Draco pushed me gently into the bed and crawled above me, smirking cheekily at me

"I'm not yet sleepy, maybe we should do something exciting" He trailed off smirking above me

"What exciting?" I teased

"It involves pillows and screams" He trailed


"I swear in Merlin's beard you are the best moment ruiner ever" Draco laughed crashing his lips into mine, His usual peppermint scent was present in the air, I laced my fingers into his smooth blonde hair while the kiss depened.

"I love you Draco" I whispered in the kiss

"I love you more than everything Mavis"

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