12th November, 2011 (3)

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The day moved on slowly till the Grandfather clock in the living room began to toll 7pm. Supper was almost ready and I had reserved my belly ready  to munch and munch even the plates. The exercise kelvin made me do was truly exhausting and I felt dry in the end. I need to revitalize, and I hope he would prepare me something good, not the vegetarian dish he threatened me with this morning.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"kelvin, someone is at the door!" I called.

he had warned me not to open the door when someone knocked and threatened me with the cat robbery concept. I couldn't imagine being stolen away from from Kelvin. Who would feed me the way he does? No one!

"I'm coming" He responded.

Yet still I had the right to know beforehand who was at the door so I jumped onto a table close to the door and went to investigate. I peeped through the window and there was no one there. Strange. Maybe some naughty kids who had nothing better to do were playing pranks on us. This has never happened before. Thinking of going back to my seat, I heard a meow.

I looked down to confirm the sound I heard and guess who I saw?I jumped down on the carpet and raced to meet Kelvin, who wiping his wet hands.

"What is the matter?" he asked.

"tell her I'm not in"




"I'm not ready yet. I still have fat hanging around me"

"No, you have to see her. I can't lie"

"Please, Kelvin" I begged. I have never begged before. But I did that today.

"I can't lie to her, Ofori"


"Nope, you are a christian cat and the bible tells..."

"Forget about the bible"

"No way."

I held Kelvin by his shirt and pulled him but my weak hands couldn't hold him still.

"If you let her in, I WILL KILL YOU!"

"You won't do that. You love me" he said with a funny voice.

I ran to hide behind the kitchen door as Kelvin rebellious opened the door. Sheila appeared in all her glory and beauty.

"Good evening, Mr. Yawson." her voice was so sweet.

"Good evening, Sheila. Come in" Kelvin said.

"Thank you. Is Ofori in the house?" She asked.


Oh, no!

"can I see him?"

"yes, he is in the kitchen"

"Thank you" she said and started towards the kitchen.

I quickly left my hiding place and entered the kitchen to put myself in a good posture for this unplanned meeting. I was witless. She came in, calling my name to get my attention. I turned to her, pretending I had not known of her presence.

"Sheila, I did't expect you here. What's up?" I said with a soft smile.

She was hot in her pink dress. That cat wears my heart with love anytime I see her. She fits perfectly in every dress. When others are struggling to have the perfect wear, she just have to slide in anything and that's it. She is complete. Her radiant golden fur makes my heart cease beating.

"Sorry. Are you busy?" She asked.


"I felt lonely in the house and I decided to come and just be with you. I hope I'm not bothering you"


"You are looking nice."

I couldn't believe what I heard. I was numb.

"have you coated your fur with another colour?"


"It looks different from the usual" She said.

I smiled, and her eyes sparkled with resonance.

My day was getting better. My positive thinking had worked. Positive thinking works. And beauty within shines brighter than the beauty outside.

Oh, what an evening!

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