19th November (2)

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19th November       8:10AM        THE MEETING

When I arrived at the park, a crowd of cats of different sorts were gathered at the meeting place Kofi had designated for it. It was really a scare because I had not spoken to a large group of cats before and most especially on a serious subject as the one I intended to. There had to be starting point to everything in life and this was mine to public speech.

There was a slab of wood Kofi had managed to put in front as the stage, and that looked frightening as well. Standing on it wood shoot me up for attention from the other cats. I slowed down in my pace as I got closer to the somewhat anxious crowd. I walked gently onto the stage and immediately all the murmurings and the chit-chats ceased. I looked down on them from where I stood, and they looked up at me with eyes that said so many things from where they stood. There weren’t many familiar faces but the few I knew did not look pleasant at all. It was as if they need I hood poop in my mouth to pour at to them. Amongst these unpleasant faces were my two antagonists, Harrison and Akua. They stood side-by side each other. There was another face I could not describe as pleasant or unpleasant. It was Sheila’s. I looked away immediately I saw her.  Somewhat I realized some fury in me which fueled in me boldness.

“Thank you for coming.” I began. “Although it was on short notice, I’m grateful you could make it here this morning. My name is Ofori, one like you and amongst you. This place has been my home and I strive to continue making it a home for myself and for all of you. Home is the only place you can find safety and love but when these essentials disappear, home becomes a house. In recent times, I’ve heard and seen certain cats treated badly by their patrons of which I am one. I can mention Kofi, a neighourhood cat who has been sent out of his abode buy his patron, Mustapha, Leila,  Akosua, Brenya and some others.” I looked at Harrison and Akua, and they in turn looked at me through their dark shades. It was unpleasant being looked at by eyes you could not see but I had this streak of defiance which kept me still looking at those dark shades. Cats are known to have such power with sustained stare, and I knew we three stood on the same pedestal because we were cats but I had to prove to them that I was not afraid of them or anybody.

“Like some of you, this is the home we’ve got, and we have no where else to go if we are sent out of here by any unpleasant condition, and this I fear would be our story if something is not done immediately. I visited our TMO in his house yesterday to relay my fear to him, and I was utterly surprised he did not know about the problems some cats have been facing. That is why I decided to call upon you all so we can put together our minds on how to maintain this place as our home. We need our on settlement grounds where we can call our homes. I’m not talking about moving out of this town. I’m talking about a well constructed town for cats in this town by the humans.”

“How is that possible? They will not do it!” One cat shouted, and the rest began to echo his question.

I smiled. “Yes, I’ve thought about it. We will make them do it cheerfully or otherwise. It’s our animal right to be protected and catered to and I will make sure it happens. After all we all benefit from such wonderful creations. A cat neighourhood with every amenity and resources; food, water, houses, communication units, schools, playgrounds and many more. How much wood would they need to construct a single bedroom for a cat? Very little of what they spend building their gargantuan rooms. We will have to make them understand all these things, and they will understand them if we use the right approach”

“Are you trying to say that we vote for you or something? It’s not election yet!” One cat shouted, and like before the others began to echo his question.

“Such an intelligent question. That is one of the things I’m seeking for. Elections are on yearly bases though but it’s only three months away. We need to impeach the current TMO out of office to make another cat climb into that position of responsibility. I seek that position with good intents for us all. I have plans to bring order and development and hope for us all. I’ve been torture and false accusation, and it has not been easy. I know what I am up to, and it is all in our good. I intend t…”

From nowhere I heard uproar, and then I saw the current TMO and some other six male cats coming towards me from the left side. The crowd was stirred and they all looked at the direction in which they were coming. I felt a wave whirl within me but I kept my still. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kofi climb the stage and I felt reassured, at least somebody stood by me. Before I could take in another breath, Darling climbed onto the stage. She barely had a place to put her foot when I turned to look at her. I was surprised but then I was happy. I had a questioning look. She simply smiled and looked at the TMO and his gang.

“What the hell I’m I hearing?” The TMO said when he and his gang came close enough to be seen and heard. “What do you think you are? Superman? Your plans are just feathery, no weight, an illusion. That is what it is. Come on, get down from the stage”

I turned to the crowd and said to them in an animated laughter “Look at him. He is commanding me like a slave. This was what I was talking about. He respects no other cat as an equal because he is the TMO. But the truth is we are all equals.” I looked at Kofi and Darling. “I want him to come upstage and explain some things to us. Would you please step off stage while he comes up?”

Darling and Kofi obeyed. The TMO reluctantly climbed up. I was surprised to see that shivering unhealthy look on his face.

“Brothers and sisters, who knows this man?” I asked.

There was silence. A hand shot up. Another after some seconds and that was it.

“Nobody knows you even though you are our TMO. A TMO is supposed to be the cat’s friend; going around and getting acquainted with them is your duty;. Do you do that?”

The TMO stared at me and what oozed out of his eyes was venom in its potent form.

“No. Why? “I asked with an exaggerated tone of voice. “Because he got malaria and …”

There was an uproar of laughter.

“I believe you all get the irony in this. A cat with malaria? Unthinkable.”

“We need an election!” One cat shouted, and just like the two occasions his statement was echoed by the host of cats in an animated vigourous excitement that deafened me. I smiled for I was happy ninety-nine percent of the cats sought for a new TMO, which meant automatic impeachment.  

The meeting came to an end and the conclusion was simple. An election date was set and that was the following day. Cat elections were done almost when it was necessary. Campaign or whatever had to be done was done in a day.

I saw my dreams budding gently and beautifully. Things would change drastically after I’m done with the humans.

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