18th November (5)

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18th November (5)   4:30PM THE END

I was almost home when Kofi appeared from nowhere. I hate people bumping into me like that. I needed to know things before they happened, and I was not pleased with the way that silly cat appeared. I looked at him form the corner of my eyes and did not bother to talk to him.

“Hey, how did it go?” he asked with a smile on his face.

‘What is your problem? Did you do what I told you” I asked.

“Yes, I did. The meeting has been schedule tomorrow at the park early in the morning at 8 am. The other cats have decided to come and hear you out. Officials are coming as well” Kofi answered with enthusiasm.

“Good work done” I said.

“A prize for a good work done?”

“Not now, please! I have a lot on my mind now.” I retorted.


We walked in silence until we got to the door post of my house. I pushed the cat door but it did not barge. I pushed it again and it seemed it had been locked. I knew who was behind that. I turned to Kofi and smiled. “That’s all for today. We will meet tomorrow, somehow”

“Is that it?”


“thought you would allow me roof over my head in your house” Kofi said, looking disappointed.

“No, I can’t do that. You know the problem I have with my people at the moment. When things do settle, we can make an arrangement for that. Not today.” I answered, feeling a bit sad for him.

‘Where would I sleep?” He asked inaudibly but I heard him.

“Go to the town restaurant. You will find food and shelter somehow. The man is a good man, unlike others”I said, looking at the door with disdain. “If you get there, ask for a cat called Darling, tell her I said she should give you a place to stay and food to eat for the night, and that I would pay the expenses tomorrow.”

Kofi beamed.

“Is she your new girlfriend?” he asked with mischief in his voice and brightly lit eyes.

“That’s none of your business. Just tell her that.” I said, turning to find an entrance but I remembered something. “Don’t take anything costly. I don’t have much on me yet”

“Nothing much, Sir.” Kofi said, turned and walked a few steps away, turned back and said, “Thank you”

I smiled and nodded. He was gone in a second. I now had a n opportunity to find a way in and find some rest but I knew that rest would be far from me since the fire in the house was still burning wild… from the look of things. It was getting late and I was becoming hungry.

Things have changed drastically. That nearly brought me to tears.

After a few steps away from the door post, I saw an opened door. I jumped and stood on the window panel.  No one was in the living room but I was sure someone was in the house. I jumped onto the carpet and started towards the kitchen to get to something for the churning belly. Entering the kitchen, I saw Harrison searching through the refrigerator for edibles, of course. He turned and saw me. He stopped whatever he was up to and stared at me.

‘What are you doing here” he asked. “You are not allowed in this house anymore.”

“Who made those rules? You? I don’t give a hoot about you” I said, walking boldly toward the refrigerator to get what I needed.

“You cannot come near.” Harrison said

I walked towards him and scratched his face. He screamed and backed off. His sullen face became red. He had not recovered from the poisoning completely and still had the frail countenance.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Harrison. Don’t make me, please. I’m not in the mood for jokes” I said.

“And I am not tin the mood for jokes as well” a voice said.

I turned and it was Kelvin.

“I warned you not too leave the house but you left. What do you want here?” Kelvin asked. His gaze was dark and his frown was deep.

“This is my house as well, and I have freedom of movement” I said. There was a plea in my voice and I wished he would read that instead of my words which were in direct opposite.

“Ofori, you don’t seem to understand what I say, do you?”

“I understand fully and I know that you are only mad at me. Don’t treat me this way. You are my friend” I said, gazing sorrowfully at him.

“Hmm… All emotions are bursting” Harrison mocked.

I looked at him and I felt like punching him but I decided to control myself.

“For disobeying me, leave this house and never come back” Kelvin said.

“What are you saying?” I asked in disbelief. “What did you say?”

“You heard him” Harrison said, giggling.

“I SAID LEAVE THIS HOUSE NOW!” Kelvin burst out, almost bringing the house to its very foundations.

It was okay.  I was not going to fight anymore. What else could I say? Yes, I made a mistake putting purgative into Harrison’s food but I did not put the shaving powder in the food. It was purgative not shaving powder. I did not have to say that to him anymore.

“I hope you don’t regret this.” I said with a sly smile on my face.

“Just leave” Kelvin said. He avoided my gaze.

Something was going on. I felt something I could not explain. All of a sudden, Kelvin had become angry and… someway. I could grasp the reason for his extreme actions. I remember doing serious things to him but he never reacted this way before. Something was amiss. However he would have to deal with it himself because…

“If I walk out of this house that would be it”

“Of course, that should be it.” Harrison said, smiling at me.


He turned and walked away.

I turned and walked away. I jumped out through the window. As I walked towards the fence, I felt hot trickle of tears drop drool down my cheeks. I wiped it off. No, I would not cry, even though I felt sad that it had all come to an end.

Who said it had all come to an end? The future was bright. Tomorrow, I would meet the community of cats, and I had something for them

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