Chapter 11 (Edited)

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       Darryl Quinn stepped out of his car. The moon was bright and the night was about to reach its midpoint. He knew that being a lawyer would require lots of sleepless nights. But never had he thought that he was visiting a client so late. Though the pay was amazing and the luxurious life didn't take long to get used too, there was still a thread of emptiness. The silent winds that entered his house at night and the creaking of the wood when the house shifted; sometimes it was all the sounds put together which became too deafening.

     He rang the doorbell to the sturdy two story house and waited a few moments before the door had creaked open. A man in his fifties, with slightly greying hair visible on his head and a thick moustache with skin which held light creases of wrinkles greeted him from the other side.

     Darryl held out his had to shake and waited as the man reached out and shook it. There was a harshness in his eyes and his firm grasp, as though stating, you better not mess this up or else. Darryl nodded firmly and was welcomed inside.

     "Mr. Simone, I was very glad you had called my secretary to schedule an appointment. But it is yet to understood the purpose of our meeting." Darryl was ushered into the living room where a small light was on and all he could hear were the sobs of a woman.

     The man sat down, tiredly and began to explain his dilemma. But as he started to speak Darryl realized that this case was like all the others he'd attained. The son or daughter had been put in jail for some time because they had associated with the wrong people. He hated these cases. The children really should've known better or the parents should at least try to raise them better or at all. He knew he got to become a lawyer because he learned the hard way. His parents had always been away and the lack of importance they put on their second son was disheartening. But he learned that overtime, he didn't need them and soon they might be needing him.

     It surprised Darryl when the old man finished and light stated, "If you can get him out of jail thanks, but if not, then he can serve his damn time." Darryl was shocked the least but he didn't bother mentioning or showing it. Facial expressions were a key element when working as a lawyer.


     At the end of the meeting, Darryl and the man shook hands and the woman just smiled at him. She had stopped crying as soon as Darryl had mentioned that he could get their son out of jail. The old man had cursed every living soul and object imaginable. Darryl ignored his reaction and continued speaking.

     They had planed to meet a second time to discuss any further details and then Darryl was shown to the door.

     When Darryl started driving he received a text. He ignored it, the rule not texting and driving was applied to his life. Another text alert sounded. Then another and finally a fourth. Darryl pulled out his phone, glancing at the road every once in a while. He opened the unknown number and saw four pictures of himself. They were all of him sitting in the car at the exact moment. 

     Another picture was sent. This one was of his reading the text and a car coming towards him. He looked up just as a horn blared and he swerved the car. The car did several 360 turns before finally flying off the road into nearby construction area.

     Darryl cursed and tried to unplug his seatbelt with shaking hands. When he finally achieved the simple task, he kicked open the car door and stepped out. By now the roads were empty and the sky was getting darker. He checked his watch to see it was 11:50pm. He knew if he didn't get home soon he wouldn't be able to wake up for the interview he had the next morning. He quietly cursed everything in sight. How could he be so stupid? Why didn't he think of an earlier time to have that meeting? What the hell was going on with all these anonymous texts?

     He was about to dial the emergency number when he received a sixth text. This one was a video. He hesitated to press play but his curiosity won over. As he clicked play, the video showed the car spinning and crashing and him kicking his door open. It seemed as the video was made from behind the hedge that surrounded the large white, house, just a few kilometres away from the construction site.

     Darryl slowly turned around and stared at the hedge, hoping that someone would step out but also hoping they wouldn't. He was rewarded when his first wish came true.

     A figure stepped through the hedge. Darryl took a deep shaking breath and turned to see the figure approach. But the darkness kept their face hidden.

Darryl fully turned around and stared as the figure slowly approached, as though it was hunting its prey.

"Who are you?" Darryl yelled.

The figure didn't answer.

"I'm calling the police. Answer me now!"

Suddenly the figure was gone. Darryl spun around to see where they had gone. When he felt his phone being plucked out of his hands. But before the phone disappeared, the time flashed; 11:57pm.

"I would not do that if I were you." A whisper passed by Darryl's ear.

Darryl shivered. Fear was settling in his stomach. He knew he was in trouble. He hoped that after this was over he would be able to forget.

"What is wrong?" The figure threw Darryl's phone on the ground. The screen had the recent post of his car accident on his Instagram page.

Darryl stared at the screen. He was terrified but he didn't move a muscle. He was holding his breath. His hands started shaking as bad as his legs. He couldn't stand straight.

"What do you want?" Darryl asked. He could feel the sweat dripping down his back. His clothes felt sticky and he was sure that he was going to have an anxiety attack. They were very common for him growing up.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, then his neck and then his cheek. Something covered his eyes and Darryl started struggling.

"" Darryl asked.


      Darryl felt something sharp on his chest. It pierced through his skin. He screamed when it fully cut his skin. The cloth from his eyes was moved down to his mouth; muffling his screams. Darryl opened his eyes and the last thing he saw was the face of the mysterious figure. And the time on his phone that glowed in the darkness of the night.


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