Chapter 28 (Edited)

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       Damaria managed to get a decent amount of hours of sleep. She woke up slightly tired by yesterday's events and Logan's unexpected phone call. She knew he called to speak to Libby, but Damaria also knew the last thing Libby needed was a phone call from a parent who left her somewhere else while they argued in court.

The penthouse was quiet. Maria informed Damaria that Ryder and Libby had left for school early in the morning. Damaria grabbed the coffee Maria had made for her and left the house for work. She had worked up the courage to go back and check on the hotel and speak with Stefan. She knew she was risking a panic attack, but she needed answers.

The museum was busy. Like it had become over the week with the recent murders and people coming to stay at Lance's hotel having no place to go. Damaria walked in and greeted Paige and Catrine and then headed for her office. Her first job was to check on the new exhibit and then head over to the hotel. She needed to inform Paige about the schedule.

Her office was locked and she was glad. She had a slight suspicion she'd forgotten to lock the door. Placing her purse and sunglasses on her mahogany desk before heading towards the front desk to locate Paige. Catrine was shuffling through several piles of papers when Damaria approached the desk.

"Good morning Ms. Ayda." Damaria greeted.

"Morning, Miss. Allegra, how can I help you?" Catrine smiled and placed the papers down.

"Are you aware of Ms. Collins' location at the moment?"

Catrine paused for a moment before shuffling through a few more piles of papers and handing Damaria a sticky note. "Paige left this, she told me to give it to you if you ask about her." She watched as Damaria read the note.

Damaria hesitated before reaching for the sticky note and taking it from Catrine's fingers. She carefully unfolded the note and skimmed through it.

Third floor. New exhibit room 301.

Shipping coming in this afternoon.

Libby's going to help with setting up.

-Paige Collins

Damaria nodded a thanks to Catrine and then headed upstairs. The elevator was going to take longer with the amount of people waiting. Damaria made it to the third floor where there was an empty room down the hall. She found room 301 and Paige.

"Hello Miss. Allegra." Paige greeted while cleaning some of the shelves on the east side of the room.

"Hello. I was only here to check up on the progress of the exhibit but it seems, we are very behind." Damaria sighed disappointed. She looked around but nothing had changed since yesterday or the day before.

Piage sighed. "I'm sorry Miss. Allegra, the delivery wasn't ready when we were told. I've called and the truck stopped at one location longer than necessary, there were some...technical difficulties."

"I understand that but we need to be informed immediately. Never mind, I also came to make sure you are informed that I am going to check up on the hotel, I leave you temporarily in charge."

"Of course." Paige nodded while taking some notes down.

"Thank you."

Damaria headed for the hotel through the main entrance. The parking lot was crazy and the roads were busy with people walking around and racing to get somewhere. Rush hour was a pain but Damaria needed to see Stefan before she lost her courage.

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