Chapter 4 (Edited)

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The Blood

He spent years to wait for this day to come. He was losing count of how many times he swore that he would avenge his family and his kingdom, yet in the glimpse moment of forbidden pleasure, Dayu forgot all about of his revenge for awhile. That damned Emperor was really...

He knew where he had to touch. He knew where he had to caress. He knew when he had to ignite the fire in his kiss.

He must be had more than enough practice with all those ladies in his harem, Dayu thought begrudgingly. That's when Dayu snapped back to reality and all disgust came to him like a big wave of flood. He endured all the touch from the emperor's wandered hands with so much more hatred in his mind.

'You have to endure it for a little more, Dayu. Just a little more.' Dayu told himself.

Finally, when the Emperor hands were getting more out of control and began to touch the place where he shouldn't, Dayu started to take the action. He took the poisoned blade and pointed it out to the emperor skillfully. That immoral Emperor even didn't realize what he was doing until he felt the tip of Dayu's blade latched to the surface of his stomach.

"I've been waiting for this day to come since forever," Dayu spoke up with the mixed hatred and satisfaction in his voice. He didn't know that everything would be this easy. After he killed the Emperor, he didn't care anymore if the emperor's armies would burn him alive.

But something was disturbing Dayu. The emperor should be panicked with the fact that his life was in serious danger at the moment. He should be scared. He should be begged for his life just like those people begged to him for his mercy when he was about to kill them all. Yet Dayu saw none of those in the Emperor. His eyes showed no fear. He looked disturbed but it was so far from the fear. Instead, his small chiseled eyes were staring straight into Dayu's eyes with uncovered curiosity. His eyes were clouded with passion and lust just like before he began to take Dayu in their heated intercourse just a moment ago, it wouldn't change with the sharp blade threatened to end his life.

"I never met someone like you before." Suddenly the Emperor spoke up. His palm was lifted to caress the side of Dayu's cheek. The blade pointed on his stomach really didn't disturb him at all. His eyes were locked to Dayu's eyes. "You are so beautiful, so passionate, so... tempting."

Dayu's eyes widened. What's this emperor thinking? The disgust climbed up to Dayu's throat and this time he was having the urge to throw up from the emperor's touch. He was about to slap away the emperor's hand from his face when suddenly the emperor moved and pushed him down.

Before Dayu realized, he got himself pinned down in the mattress. The emperor was kneeling between his thigh. One of his hands pinned Dayu's wrist and the other one was gripping and twisting Dayu's hand that holding the blade. Feeling the pain from the twisting, Dayu yelped and the blade was slipping off from his hold. The emperor immediately threw the blade away.

"I was captivated by you and I was having the thought to bring you to my harem, yet you have the gut for attempting to kill me." The Emperor said with venom dripped in every word. His eyes were lining down straight to Dayu's eyes under him.

Dayu shuddered. He failed. He failed so miserably. He should have been thrust the blade immediately when he had the chance, but he was so dumb for letting the emperor's touch distracted him. He should have been more aware he was facing the great Emperor Wang Qing; the cruelest Emperor that already bringing down countless kingdoms to their knees ever since he began his ruling in Wang Dynasty at such young age. He shouldn't have been so careless.

"Don't cry. You should know how much I hate tears." The Emperor whispered. He released his grip from one of Dayu's wrists and he reached for Dayu's face; erasing the dropping tears in Dayu's cheek with his thumb.

Dayu's breath hitched. When was he starting to cry? He wondered. He didn't realize that. Now he hates himself even more. He failed and now he was crying right in the front of his enemy. How much he wanted to humiliate himself more?

"I hate tears. Usually, I don't even bother to glance at them. Most of the time I will just take my sword and slaughter them so I won't ever see their pathetic tears anymore."

"Then... why don't you do what you usually do? Just take your sword already." Dayu's lips were trembling. No, it wasn't because he was scared. It was because he hated himself. He was ashamed of how weak he was. Now even if he died, how could his souls face his family and his people's souls?

The emperor's eyes narrowed. He didn't speak for a while. "I want, but I can't." He said begrudgingly. He seemed upset for some reasons. The emperor then moved and stood up. He just left Dayu laying there helplessly. "GUARDS!" The Emperor shouted. His voice was bursting through the chamber.

Dayu was at loss. Even though he didn't have anybody pinning him down anymore, he couldn't find his energy to move. His tears streamed down, even more, when the guards began to enter the chamber, curtseyed and waiting for the emperor's order obediently.

"Bring all the courtesans and their madam here. Also, the guards who led them in. Bring them all." The Emperor ordered with anger. It didn't need more than a second until the guards moved to fulfill the order.


Dayu closed his eyes in agony. Still, in the emperor's chamber, he was once again kneeling down. In front of him Lady Shao Yuan, Xiao Li, the other two girls and along with the guards who responsible to check and lead them to the chamber were doing the same. They were crying even they didn't even know what's their mistake. They just knew something was wrong by looking at the rage on their emperor's face.

The Emperor stepped closer to the guards. Eyed them like a hawk, sending the shivers down the guards' spine. "I despise any kind of mistakes, even the slightest ones."

"Your Highness, please forgive us. Give some of your mercies. We've been humble servants of yours for the longest of time. Please, Your Highness..." Both of guards cried. They restrained themselves from groping at the emperor's feet knowing how much their ruler hated pathetic people.

Without saying any words more, the emperor pulled out his sword. The shiny metal was swayed two times in the air before it met with the guards' neck. Blood was spattered. Lady Shao Yuan and the girls immediately cried hysterically when some of the blood was splashed on to their robes. The guards' bodies were lying lifeless on their feet.

"Your Highness, please forgive us..."

Their cries met with the deaf ears. This time Emperor stepped closer to Lady Shao Yuan.

"NOOO!!! Stop it! Why don't you just kill me? It's my fault but why do you kill the innocents?" Dayu shouted. He tried to stand up, but the guards behind him held him still.

"You should know that's life is indeed unfair. Sometimes because you are a fool you have to responsible for other people foolishness." The sword swayed once more in the air. The next minutes, it was Lady Shao Yuan who laying lifelessly on the floor.

"I hate you. I hate you with every breath I take and every pores in my skin." Dayu shouted heatedly.

The Emperor didn't say anything, but his thumb swept the remaining blood on his sword. His face didn't hold any expression before he glanced at Dayu.

"I can see it in your eyes. I know you hate me, but I don't."The Emperor turned his body around. "Guards, bring them all to the dungeon."


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