Chapter 27

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(Upon many requests, this chapter only will be opened for 2 x 24 hours. After that, the chapter will be taken down again)


Wang Zhiyuan was throwing a distant look toward the sky. He couldn't tell if it was nothing more than his illusion or it was really the clouds seemed awfully gloomy that day. The birds' chirping sounds also sounded strange. The breeze was giving an odd sensation. He had been having this bad feeling ever since they started the journey leaving the border for their return to Forbidden City.

The young general of war who was riding his horse in the front of his lining entourage glanced to the back, his armies were making a long queue of soldiers behind him. The journey was dragging slowly since they should match up their pace with those who walked by foot.

Wang Zhiyuan then directed his eyes to the girl beside him. It was Xiao Li, the Consort's maidservant who came for them in panic and revealed the current situation in the palace. For some reason, Xiao Li seemed also on edge. She refused the get on a carriage and insisted that she would ride the horse by herself. She was anxious and impatient to get back to the palace as quickly as possible.

Wang Zhiyuan's feeling was getting worsened by looking at the quiet girl. After a short moment of consideration, he turned his horse to the middle of the lining entourage, to where the carriage that brought Feng Yu Tian was. The general of war asked his armies to stop for awhile. He stepped down from his horse, opened the carriage and met with the leader of the rebellion army who were tied up securely inside.

"All my respect to the first prince of Dao Ling, Lord Feng. I'm humbly asking you for a request, are you willing to listen to me for awhile?"

Feng Yu Tian looked up in surprise, completely taken aback with the sudden politeness of the Wang Dynasty's general who captured him. It seemed that he knew all along about his true identity.

"A rabbit in the mouth of a snake shouldn't tell the snake where to bite, a prisoner would never have a right to object his capturer's desire. What kind of request that makes Wang Dynasty's Great General of War willing to lower his head in front of a mere prisoner?" Feng Yu Tian calmly responded.

Wang Zhiyuan took a moment of silent, slowly he uttered a sentence that immediately could grab Feng Yu Tian's attention; "It's about the beloved consort of Wang Dynasty's reigning Emperor, your little brother, Feng Jianyu."

Feng Yu Tian's eyes widened as if it would jump out from its socket. He thought he heard it wrong. Wang Zhiyuan mentioned his little brother he had been searching for in these past few years as a Consort of their Emperor. Was that even possible?!


Because of Wang Zhiyuan's initiative, they reached Forbidden City faster than it should be. The General of War was taking a decision to leave his entourage behind. Meanwhile, he advanced the journey in a small group by riding horses. It was because his bad feeling that kept nagging inside of his mind that pushed him to make such decision.

Aside from Feng Yu Tian, he only took Xiao Li and five of his trusted armies with him. It was actually such a risky decision to take Feng Yu Tian along with him without enough of guards. However the general thought it was the only option he had to be able to arrive in Forbidden City as soon as possible. That was he needed to reveal the truth of what actually happened in the palace at the moment to Feng Yu Tian. Knowing it was related to his brother, Feng Yu Tian wouldn't run away.

However, as their small group entered the palace's gate, they've getting anxious even more. Every single person they met in the palace was wearing a gloomy expression on their face. As if they were mourning about something. It made Wang Zhiyuan rushed faster toward the Hong Palace. He was so afraid that they came too late.

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