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Few Months after the Coronation

The Royals, ministers, and advisors who made a presence in the morning court that day looked at the Emperor as if the Emperor was growing two heads. Their reaction could be counted as an act of audacity, but they just couldn't help it. The Emperor just proposed them such an outrageous idea.

The Emperor wanted to divide the lands they had been conquered to be several free districts but it would be still under Wang Dynasty's surveillance. Basically, the Emperor wanted to release the kingdoms they had conquered through war after war for these past years.

How could they just accept this kind of idea? Aside from losing the lands, they also would lose its resources. Their kingdom wouldn't gain anything but disadvantages through this plan.

And to say that they were surprised that this plan came up from their Emperor would be an understatement. As far as in their knowledge, the Emperor was a very ambitious person. The Emperor's biggest ambition was to conquer all the land in this continent under his reign. How could the Emperor end up bringing this plan?

Not only their subjects, the Empress who had been sat quietly also throwing questioning look toward his husband. He knew that the Emperor had been constantly in deep thought lately, but he wouldn't expect that the Emperor would bring up this topic.

"Your Highness, forgive me for the lack of my knowledge, but isn't it this plan will only bring disadvantages to our kingdom?"

If it was the old Emperor, they wouldn't that brave to utter their objection. But the Emperor was showing a big degree of change ever since the Empress took the position. If this was still their old Emperor, they would be losing their heads already.

At first, the royals who had objections for having a male Empress was quite a number. It still sounded ridiculous to let a man be an Empress. But as the days passed by, the Empress was slowly showing his true nature.

The Empress was calm and having a wide knowledge. He was also very smart and very aware of his own position. He was also kind and wise. Even though he was now bearing a status of an Empress and the Emperor's most beloved person, not even once flaunt his status to submit to him. He gained the royals' respect by showing his self-quality.

They had been losing count how many times, the Empress would come with a smart solution whenever there were misunderstanding and disagreement during the meeting court.

Not to mention, the change of the Emperor just because of the presence of the Empress. Once in a while when the Emperor was losing his patient almost came back to be his old self, solving everything by drawing out his sword, all the Empress needed to do was to hold the Emperor's hand. The Empress would smile softly, asked him to calm down.

Now that once cruel and heartless Emperor had become someone who was more forgiving and patient.

All of other consorts and concubines could come and tried to snatch away the Empress' position, but not of them who would be able to show the same quality the Empress Yu had. Eventually, the objections from having a male Empress died down as they lost their reason for their refusal.

"Yes, if we talked about the short term, it would be disadvantages for us. But let's talk about a long-term period. I believe as we kept inflict war after war with other kingdoms, we just gained more enemies. The threat same something we couldn't ignore anymore. We all can see how many groups of rebellion we had caught. I had to admit that I was too arrogant to admit that someday our enemy maybe could find our weakness and attacked back. They are just waiting for the right moment. And also our concern all these time only to claim all those lands. All its resources in those lands were put as a waste in our hand because we don't have the ability yet to organize everything. If we release the lands, we would put our own people to govern the land. The resources would be divided between the under surveillance kingdoms and us as the main kingdom. Basically, they would still become part of our kingdom until they were ready to stand alone and later would create an alliance with us." The Emperor explained.

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