Chapter 19 (Part 1)

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Heart Made of Stone

"Big brother will be really angry with us!"

One of the bandits with thick beard shouted. Looking how his face was red with anger, Dayu could tell that he was really upset with the current situation. After the bandits succeded taking a captive of him, they immediately dragged the consort into the forest. The consort was having most of his movement's nerves getting locked and the consort ended up couldn't fight back. His movements were very limited, even the bandits had to carry him along the way so he wouldn't slow down their pace.

As they more getting into the heavier area of the forest, one of the bandit chocked in something into his mouth. The consort could taste the bitterness from the fluid in his tongue before it flowing down through his throat. In the matter of minutes, the consort felt his eyes were getting heavier as the seconds passed by. It really didn't take long before the beautiful male was losing his consciousness.

By the time the consort regained his consciousness back, he felt slightly disoriented. His head was heavy and spinning. It took awhile for his brain to register that he was already in a very unfamiliar base. They got him caged inside a small cell room with both his hand tied. Few of the bandits gathered in the room in front of the consort and they looked like getting themselves into a heated argument. Totally unaware that their captive already awake.

Since beginning, the beautiful consort already noticed that there was something strange about the bandits. The way they fight with such a high skills wasn't something common for ordinary bandits. Yet there was something that had been bugging his mind for awhile by looking at these bandits, unfortunately the consort still couldn't point it out what it really was.

"Don't you dare to throw the blame to me, Jiang Yao! I still remember how delighted you were when I told you the idea to attack the Wang's emperor entourages without Big Brother knowledge." Another bandit with a long scar along his cheek shouted back to the previous bandit.

"Hah! You are the one who miscalculated the plan. I thought you said you were done drugged their dinner so most of their armies should be slowing down. Attacking a drugged armies should be easy task, we could immediately kill the Wang Dynasty's emperor and Big Brother will be very proud of us. But we just have to ruin everything."

"How could I know that damned emperor is too skillfull, he didn't seem have trouble handling us by himself."

The bandits looked like a little freaked out. It seemed that they were still having a nightmare remembering their failed attack earlier.

Meanwhile, the consort was just watching quietly from his position. Not even once he made a noise to make the bandits aware of him. If his deduction was right, it looked like none of this bandits in this room who the true leader for their group. Even though the bandit with scar seemed that he was in charge of the attack earlier, but now hearing them getting scared of upsetting the person they called as 'Big Brother', then their actual leader should be him. Their true intention was to kill the emperor to please their leader. It was nothing about robbed their wealth and belongings like the common bandits should be targeting for.

"We should stop this useless argument." Another bandit spoke up. "We have to think a way to get out from here. This place isn't too far from Jiangnan Province. It's where one of Wang Dynasty places their reinforcement. To speak the worst possibility, maybe the emperor already called the armies to surround the whole area. We won't be able to escape until we can contact Big Brother for help. Not to mention we took that beautiful man with us. Even a fool can tell that the male is having a relationship with the emperor. The emperor will not stop before he slaughters our heads with his own hands."

The bandits immediately frowned. It seemed the situation was far worse than they predicted.

"Who knows the great emperor of Wang Dynasty is having an affair with a man. His head is more twisted than I ever thought."

"But the male is quite captivating, doesn't he? I won't even mind to play with him a little. He must be have something until he can make the emperor takes him as a keeping." One of the bandit tried to make a joke to cheer the sour mood a little, but that was when he glanced toward Dayu and noticed that the consort already woke up. A loud gasp escaped from his mouth, startling his subordinates.

The consort wasn't too fazed with the whole attention suddenly shifted toward him. He kept himself composed and he didn't seem that he was scared at all. Instead of asking for freedom or something else that common in that kind of situation, the consort with a straight face asked, "Who is your leader? Can I meet him personally?"

The consort's questions rendered the bandits wordless and looking at each other with clear confuse on their faces.


"They are not real bandits, Your Highness. Through my investigation, they are part of rebellion armies. They have a large reinforcements of few thousands armies, but the exact number is still a question. Same goes with their base, we have been trying to track their base, but it's always failed. Their leader is unknown but they call him as Big Brother. By looking at most of their members have such a high skill, it seems that the leader put his armies under hard training. They manage to get such large reinforcements is because they used to gather the armies from small kingdoms that already destroyed by Wang Dynasty. Their only purpose is bringing Wang Dynasty down."

Listening to the long report from his scouting armies, unconsciously the emperor gripped the handle of his chair tightly. There was stinging pain inside his heart remembering that his beloved consort now in the depth of danger. His beloved Dayu was in some people's hands who wanted nothing but his death.

And right now they were already had something that could kill the emperor; his Dayu.

Stood up, the emperor roared, "I don't care what it takes, but find them. Find my consort. If you fail, there was no a single person here right now who will be live for another days."


a/n :

Sorry for short update. Actually I even didn't think I could make this update since I'm still barely having time to do anything aside from my works, family stuff and my real life. But then I remember that I've been missing for more than a month and I've been leaving this story hanging. So yeah, I kinda forced myself to write this in hurry, but it's still ended up very short and kinda boring, I guess.

But actually this chapter is contain of something important for the story progress, so bear with it! XD

Hopefully I can post the rest of this chapter soon. It will be a little dramatic, you can tell from the sub title for this chapter, right? XD

Okay, see you later dearies!

p.s : QingYu's debut anniversary is coming soon, but it seems I won't be able to write anything in the special day T.T

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