Chapter 23

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A Dead End

Like what happened for countless times before, the Hong palace's front guard announced the Emperor's presence in the building with a loud voice. It was something they already used to see. There was no day the Emperor wouldn't visit his beloved consort. The Great Emperor was basically living there, leaving his royal chamber in the main palace turned cold and unoccupied for these past months.

However, if there was something changed now, it would be Dayu; the beloved male consort of the Emperor himself. The beautiful man used to wore his cold and uncaring face whenever the Emperor came. He would just bow down for showing a small respect then he would act the Emperor wasn't even there. But the case changed since the pair of Emperor and Consort came back from Jiangnan.

Upon the guard's announcement for the Emperor's presence, the male consort put the book he was currently reading and made a quiet move to the entrance of the palace. As the Emperor was showing himself within his sight, the Consort bowed down and walked forward to the taller man and helped him to take off his robe. "Welcome home, Your Highness. What do you need to ease Your Highness' tiredness?" He asked gently.

The Emperor smiled brightly. Home. His heart was content with a sense of satisfaction and happiness as he heard how the Consort addressed the Hong Palace as their home now. The man was leaning down, quickly eliminating their heigh difference as he kissed the male consort softly, "Your presence alone is enough to ease my tire, love." He whispered between their lips.

The maid servants and the guards who currently saw the royal pair was sharing their affection couldn't help but smile at the lovely sight. Sure, it was so strange at first to see two men were embracing and doing something intimate that only a pair of a man and a woman could do, but as the time passed by, they were getting used to with everything. Now seeing the Consort was finally replying the Emperor's affection directly before their eyes after the struggling the Emperor had to face to melt the male consort's frozen heart, they could feel their own hearts got warmer. The sight wasn't so strange anymore because it wasn't about a man or a woman. Love is love despite what the gender is.

"Do you have your meal yet?" The Emperor questioned again.

The consort shook his head, "I'm waiting for you, Your Highness," He answered softly.

The Emperor nodded. He was then immediately leaving for a bath after asking his consort to wait for him. Later, they enjoyed their late dinner in blissful silence. As the night went further, the Emperor just sat in their shared mattress with the male consort leaning his back on his chest. The Emperor was having a small smile lingered on his lips all the time while his fingers caressing the consort's hair carefully. His consort acted so obediently and docile, it almost felt like the beautiful man was finally giving a hope to reciprocate his feeling.

"I'm so happy, sweetheart. The overjoyed feeling of the early birds that singing happily to welcome the morning even can't be compared to what I feel," The Emperor stated.

The consort didn't reply. However, not long after, he could feel that the Emperor's down was starting slip down caressing his arms in teasing manner. Small kisses were dropped along the line of his neck and shoulder. Dayu bites on his own lips. Of course, he knew where all of this leading to.

Usually, the Consort would just push the Emperor away, rejecting all the touch from the enemy he considered as disgusting. This time, it was different. Probably because he knew this could be the last chance for them to feel each other.

"May I?" The Emperor asked gently as he made a gesture untied the Consort's robe.

The Consort didn't say anything. He just tilted his head to the side as he accepted more of the Emperor's kisses and letting out a soft moan. It was enough an answer for the Emperor. He reached for the Consort's shoulder to turn his body around as he pushed down the smaller man until he completely laid down on the mattress. The Emperor was exactly in the top of him with an impossibly small gap.

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