Chapter 20

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Silent Tears

Sky was the clearest after the storm ended. The flower was springing the prettiest after the longest winter. Rain became a truly blessing after a long drought.

There was nothing that could be used to describe how was the emperor's feeling once he woke up.

Actually he wasn't even sure if this was really reality, or he was actually stuck still in his long dream. However, if this was really a dream, it must be a beautiful dream.

There was no once who could be blamed if now the emperor was staring dumbfounded at his consort.

Ever since the emperor awake, his consort was always by his side. The pale face of the male consort that few days ago displayed in front of him as if losing all of its colors, now reclaiming its original shades back. The body that once laying motionless in his arms, now moving around lively.

Knowing his consort was safe and sound already became greatest happiness for the emperor, he couldn't possibly ask for more. But now, his consort was staying by his side, as if he was trying to show that he was actually care about the emperor's wellbeing. Even though there wasn't anything significant about how the consort acted or carried himself, but for someone who used to give all of his attention for the male consort, of course the emperor would notice about the sudden change. How the consort's eyes filled with worries was more than enough to tell.

After the revelation behind the reason why Dayu was so filled with hatred toward him, the emperor actually expected that his consort's wouldn't be melted anytime soon. However, who could make a guess what the consort had inside his head? His Dayu, the beloved consort of his, was certainly a box full of surprise.

Perhaps this was because what the emperor had done to save the consort, but really, if it took a hundred of arrows and a dozen of poisoned blades to pierce through his body to make his consort to reciprocate his love, then the emperor wouldn't mind.

How could someone who always be addressed as cold-blooded, tyrant, cruel and heartless like him ended up find himself helplessly giving his own heart to this male consort? It was also remaining to be a question for the emperor. But one thing for sure, he couldn't undo his love for Dayu.

"Pardon, Your Highness, we are bringing your meal. Do you wish to eat now?"

Around noon, several maid servants came to the emperor's room and curtseyed asking for his permission. The man wasn't allowed yet to leave from his bed to prevent his wound from bleeding again. As always, Xiao Guizi stood faithfully only few meters away from him along with a physician who was given a task to attend the emperor's condition. As for his consort, he sat quietly in the corner of the room. He didn't say anything, but strangely he was also willing to stay in that room as if he wanted to keep the emperor stay accompanied. That unusual act alone was enough to make the emperor's hope to keep growing inside his chest.

Usually, once the emperor gave the permission to the maid servants, they would immediately bring the meal and feed him. However, this time the emperor was was feeling curious about something. He glanced quietly toward his consort, throwing meaningful stare toward the beautiful man even though the consort was still giving him an icy stare. The emperor was wondering if this was really the right time to test his luck.

"Sweetheart," The emperor called for his consort. "Do you mind helping me to eat?"

With the blank expression in the consort's face, it was hard to tell how the consort would be react to the emperor's request. The emperor almost losing his hope even after few minutes had passed, Dayu still wouldn't say anything. The emperor almost opened his mouth to tell Dayu that it wasn't a problem if he didn't want to, when the consort slowly stood up, approached the emperor's mattress to take a seat in the edge of the emperor's bed. He was giving instruction to the maid servants to put the meal near him.

"Leave us alone." The consort ordered softly.

If only the emperor wasn't too dumbstruck by his consort's action, he would have made a comment about how the consort's rosy cheeks turning into perfect shades of red as he made that order.

Along with the servants, Xiao Guizi was also taking his retreat. He was sure the consort's order didn't exclude him. However as he was about to exit the room, he glanced back to the royal couple. The emperor's face was shining with happiness, meanwhile the consort was still keeping his cold façade. However this time he could see that the beautiful man was now treating the emperor tenderly.

The old eunuch turned his body around, trailing behind the maid-servants and the physician. As he took steps ahead, there was a smile playing in his lips.

Maybe he made a wrong accusation toward the consort after all. Maybe finally the emperor could taste the blessing of true love, something that he never ever had a taste of it before. The eunuch was actually happy for the young man that he had been considered as his own son.


They said someone's emotion and feeling would affect their health. If someone was sick, but he/she was happy, more or less it would add a little strength for the person to get well. On the contrary, if someone was continuously feeling sadness when he/she was sick, it would just worse their condition. Perhaps it was also the case for the emperor.

Despite what happened, everyone could see that the emperor was in good mood. His face was less tensed and he became more lenient toward his subjects. The other day he was still a patient who have to stay all day in bed, but today he was already sitting on his chair summoning all of his generals and subjects for their further actions. He looked as health as ever as if there wasn't even a scratch on his body. They were sure that it was the effect of the suddent change of heart the stubborn consort.

Dayu was sitting beside a small pond in the backyard of the residence along with his personal maid-servants when the meet up ended up and the emperor decided to approach the male consort. The consort was still as quiet as ever. His eyes were settled toward the pond.

"I thought I warned you before, you should wear something thick if you want to go outside." The emperor said. As he said so, he seated himself beside the consort, his arm naturally sneaked around his consort's waist. However, before the emperor even put a closer look to the consort's face, Dayu already threw his face to the other side.

The emperor frowned. He thought they already made a progress in their relationship. The consort's refusal was the least he expect.

Slowly the emperor pulled for the consort's chin, putting a little strength as the consort stubbornly refused to look at him. But once the emperor finally able to make his consort faced him, he was taken aback.

His consort's eyes was filled with tears. His consort was crying in silent.


a/n : Ah, don't think it will be that easy for them to be happy :(

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