Chapter 22

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Breaking Point

"Brother!" The little Dayu tried to shout his loudest but he was still ignored by his brother.

Dayu pouted. His red lips was protruding forward. The second prince of Jianglin threw his heated gaze toward his brother who still sat leisurely in the rooftop the moonlight. Instead of looked scary, the young prince even looked more adorable that way.

"Brother! I'm really going to tell royal mother that you are skipping your lesson again." Dayu yelled the second times.

Hearing the threat, Yu Tian immediately glanced toward his little brother with pair of widened eyes. "Don't you dare!" He warned Dayu.

"Okay, I won't tell royal mother, but take me to the rooftop too."

Yu Tian sighed heavily, and Dayu, seeing his brother's reaction, he knew that he won. The second prince smiled in triumph. He waited for his brother to come down and then helped him to climb the rooftop.

"Spoiled brat!" Yu Tian grunted, but Dayu kept smiling. He knew that his older brother wasn't really angry at him. The evident was clear. Even though he was upset, his grip on Dayu was very tight while helping Dayu to climb,as if he was really worried if Dayu would be fall.

Once Dayu found a comfortable position beside his brother, he mirrored his brother's gesture who had his head facing upward, staring at the moon in the night sky. It wasn't full moon or half moon, it was crescent. His brother was somehow had this odd habit staring at the crescent moon.

"It's crescent again, just like last month." Dayu said.

"Hm, it's beautiful, isn't it?" The older prince still stared toward the sky.

Dayu shook his head, "Full moon is prettier. It's big and round like Chang Xue's eyes." Dayu mentioned a small white rabbit he had. Royal father once brought the small rabbit when he was back from the hunting and he gave it to the little prince as the present. The small white rabbit became one of Dayu's treasure ever since.

Yu Tian chuckled, "But I like crescent moon more, it looks like Dayu's eyes when he is smiling. Very pretty. Should I get worried, though? I think I have to chase away some unknown princes later since they might mistakenly think that my little brother is a princess because he is so beautiful."

Dayu pouted. While Yu Tian was taking their father's features, Dayu unfortunately was mostly taking their mother's. His older brother was gorgeous and handsome, meanwhile the little prince was stuck being called 'pretty' by most of people in the kingdom. Even his own brother kept teasing him about it. Dayu didn't like it, but his brother kept teasing him as his source of amusement.

"I'm handsome, not pretty." Dayu snorted.

Yu Tian just smiled while giving soft pats on Dayu's head and the younger prince just smiled enjoying his brother's attention.

The male consort woke up with a loud gasp. Cold sweat all over his body. His chest was moving up and down irregularly. It's really been awhile since he dreamed about his older brother. It felt like he was really travelling back to the past and repeated the old scenes when both of them were still a kid.

The consort always missed his brother, however he just missed his brother even more since the bandits incidents. Must be because the crescent mark he saw. But he hoped for an impossible hope. His brother was dead, wasn't he?

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