Chapter 8 (Edited)

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The Morning After

Dayu woke up and found someone's arms circled securely around his waist from the back. He almost gasped loudly due to his shock. It wasn't so usual he slept with someone else in the same bed. But the realization came fast enough into his mind and the memory about what happened last night was invading his mind.

Disgust was the first thing Dayu felt when he recalled the shame the emperor had put upon him. He gave up the last thing he had for the revenge; his pride. There was no greater shame than a man to succumb under the other man and spread their own legs for carnal pleasure. Dayu felt like something inside of him broke and burned into ashes.

But what could he say? Did he really any right to protest? Since the beginning, he was the one who was willing to disguise as a courtesan for a chance to kill the emperor. What he didn't expect was that everything would go this far. He didn't know that the emperor would take interest in him even though he already knew that Dayu was a man. He didn't know that the insane emperor would actually make him be one of 'flower'* in his harem. Dayu's dignity was robbed away from him.

When Dayu glanced behind, he found the man who took his virginity and ravished his body like a beast last night was still deep in his slumber. He had this kind of satisfaction on his face as he slept. That almost made Dayu snorted. He had the urge to find something that sharp enough and then stabbed the emperor's face to his heart content. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything that could kill the emperor near him.

Intending to remove the emperor's arms from his body, Dayu made a small move to untangle himself. He shifted carefully on the mattress, but it wasn't because he was afraid he would disturb the emperor's sleep nor because the soreness he felt in almost every part of his body. He just didn't want to wake the emperor. That emperor was better to sleep as long as possible so Dayu didn't have to face him so soon. To talk with the emperor after what happened last night was the last thing Dayu wanted at this moment.

When he finally could free from the emperor's arms, he sat on the edge of the mattress. That was the time he could feel something dripping out from his back hole to his inner thigh. That was the time when Dayu's body turned icy cold. His stomach churned so suddenly. He was having an urge to bath and washed every inch of his body with holy water. Oh Goddess in heaven, Dayu never felt this dirty in his entire life. Stiffly, he stood up from the mattress. His hands trembled as he reaches for his robe in the floor and carelessly tied it back to his body. His steps were limped when he tried to approach the door.

As he opened the door, Dayu greeted with the emperor's eunuch, the guards and Ming Lei kneeled in front of the room. Some of them that still dozed off immediately sprung wake up from the sound of the door being opened. Suddenly, a single drop of tears dropped in the male consort's cheek. He just realized that all these people were here since last night**. They listened to how he helplessly moaned and cried as the emperor had his way on his body all night long. Just how far... how far he had to throw his pride away for this revenge?

"Your Highness, is there something wrong?" Ming Lei asked worriedly as he saw the tears on the new consort's cheek. Xiao Guizi looked at the man observingly. Deep inside, he could guess what kind of turmoil Dayu had inside of his mind at the moment. But all these servants were so gullible. They kept asking about what's wrong to the man as Dayu looked broken even more. They didn't know that Dayu was different from any other concubines or consorts who would be overjoyed if the emperor was willing to spend the night with them.

Trying to handle the situation into his hand, Xiao Guizi spoke softly, "Does Your Highness wish to go for a bath?"

"Y... yes, please." Dayu almost choked on his own breath. He was barely able to lift his head to face them.

The old eunuch gave a small gesture to the servants to assist the male consort to the bathroom. Ming Lei and the other servants immediately stood up and assisted him to go for a bath as he wished. Meanwhile, Xiao Guizi and the guards stayed there to wait for the emperor until he woke up. But Xiao Guizi couldn't help but follow Dayu's retreating back with pity look in his eyes.

Ever since he was still a child, the emperor always got everything he wanted. This time, the emperor wanted something forbidden and of course, in the end, he got it too. But seeing how broken Dayu was, Xiao Guizi began to realize until what extent the emperor could hurt the others to get what he wanted.


Some times later, Wang Qing finally stirred. As he began to gain his consciousness and the washed away sleepiness, the young emperor purred and muffled on the sound of contentment.

As the man in the top of the country's hierarchy, he had so many things occupied his mind. He barely ever could get a peaceful sleep. He lost count for how many times he would suddenly wake up in the middle of the night because of bad dreams. Dreams where some assassins came and thrust their swords into his chest, dreams about he suddenly drowned in a pool of blood in the middle of war, or even a dream when he was still a child, his father would slap him harshly on his cheek because once he was too lenient as the heir of the throne.

Strangely enough, he had none of those bad dreams last night. Yes, he still had a dream, but it was honestly so far from bad. In that dream, he walked leisurely in a beautiful garden. A smile etched onto his lips. He looked so happy and calm until he felt like he couldn't recognize his own self anymore. Just right beside him, someone walked while their hands intertwined together. Their steps were slow and careful as their silhouette formed under the evening sunset. That, someone, was Dayu; a man who managed to capture his heart over the night.

Still feeling overwhelmed with the morning bliss, the young emperor's hand moved around to find the certain someone who previously slept in his embrace the whole night and unfortunately, he couldn't find anything. There wasn't anyone aside from him in the bed. It was a cue for the emperor to open his eyes and immediately sat up. His eyes were wandering around wildly. His chest tightened a little once he still couldn't find the one he was looking for. Then he dressed hastily, didn't really care if the way he dressed was proper enough and quickly stepped toward the door. The emperor sighed in relief as he found his faithful eunuch still kneeling on the floor along with his personal guards.

He couldn't possibly run away when Xiao Guizi and my guards were right in front of the room, could he? The young emperor thought to himself. The greeting from his eunuch and guards were completely ignored.

After a short moment to calm himself down, the emperor asked; "Guizi, where is my consort?"

Upon hearing the emperor's question, Xiao Guizi stunned.

'My consort'; was that how the emperor would address his new consort from now on? Even a small child could understand how possessive the endearment was sounded. Before this, not even once he heard the emperor addressed any of his consort or concubine with this kind of possession. Those ladies never looked like if they were mean anything for the emperor aside from a helping 'tools' to release his sexual desire.

Pushing back all of his shocks behind his mind, the old eunuch carefully answered while bowing his head; "His Highness Consort Dayu is gone for a bath, Sire."

The emperor hummed. The image of his consort laid in a large bathtub completely naked invaded his mind. His desire was stirring again inside.

"Lead me the way," It was his only order as he a little too eager to follow his subjects led him the way to find his consort.


note :

*The imperial harem usually surrounded by gardens where the emperor's consorts and concubines spend their leisure time. The garden is the place where the flower blossoms beautifully, this is where the term the consorts and concubines as another meaning of "flower" comes from.

**It's a common thing for servants who serve the concubines/consorts/empress, the emperor's guards and eunuch to wait in front of the room when the emperor is doing 'it' with one of his ladies. All of them will be their knee in front of the room until morning or until the emperor decides to leave the room. They are allowed to sleep in front of the door, but they have to immediately wake up once the emperor or the consorts asked for their assistance. However... this isn't really a must. The area can be cleared from all kind of servants and guards too if the emperor or his lady dismiss them and don't wish for any kind of audiences as they do the sexual intercourse.

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