Chapter 25

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a/n : I can see all of you is very anxious, at least all I can do is giving you a fast update XD

As he said before, the Emperor came to the Hong Palace later than usual. There were so many things about the country's affairs that he needed to fix after Cheng Guo Wei's treason. That old man had become a high-ranking official since a long time before Wang Qing claimed the throne of the Emperor. Not to mention he was the brother of the late Empress. The reason why this attempt of coup d'etat possible, it was because the Senior Royal Advisor had so many connections among the royals in the palace. He had so many acquaintances and allies and most of them were powerful and high-ranking officials in the palace since the previous Emperor's period. That's the reason the Emperor needed to take care of the matters carefully. As Advisor Cheng was dragged to the dungeon, this was the perfect opportunity for the Emperor to clean up the palace from the Royals who potentially would appear to oppose him as an Emperor.

Even though the Emperor was so eager to meet with his Consort, he tried to hold back his desire. He would meet again with the Consort in no time. His beloved Consort would be fine, after all, he already ordered his trusted guards to protect the Consort.

By the time he arrived at the Hong Palace, the Consort had fallen asleep already on their mattress that making the Emperor immediately exhaled a relieved breath.

"Has he heard about today's incident yet? Did the Consort do something to hurt himself?" The Emperor called for the maid servants and the guards he appointed to keep an eye on the Consort in his absence.

"I believe the Consort already heard about today's incident since the news is spreading so quickly in the palace, Your Highness. But the Consort looked calm and didn't seem so affected by the news. In the afternoon, he was just sat quietly reading his book in the room. Although the Consort looks a little pale and tired, there wasn't anything happened to the Consort,"

The Emperor frowned. He was informed by his informant that the original plan was the Consort wanted to do suicide in the same day Cheng Guo Wei attacking him. But it didn't mean that the Emperor wasn't relief the Consort was really canceling the plan, although it was also too soon for him to overjoy with the situation because the Consort's true feeling was still a big mystery for him.

After spending a short moment to think, the Emperor called Xiao Guizi to come closer to him. "Start preparing for the coronation. In a week, Wang Zhiyuan will arrive in the palace along with the Consort's older brother. The Consort will not dare to refuse my proposal to become the Empress anymore." Trying to ignore the odd feeling of discomfort that tugged on his heart, the Emperor was smiling. This was his plans all along.

As he woke up in Jiangnan's residence, that was the time when the message from the group he ordered to investigate about the Consort's true identity arrived. It was a big shock for the Emperor at first when he finally knew who the Consort really was.

Feng Jianyu. That was his real name. He was the second prince of Dao Ling, a small kingdom in the north that once he conquered in his early years as the Emperor. It was no wonder that his Consort was so clever and well-mannered. He was a prince after all. However, the Emperor was even more surprised when he knew that Feng Yu Tian, the leader of the rebel armies, was none other than the Consort's older brother.

Finally with the facts about the Consort's true self was revealed, the Emperor started to think for a strategy to make the Consort to be completely his. The Consort seemed that he had no idea that his brother was still alive and the Emperor planned to use the man to threaten the Consort to become his Empress and giving in on his revenge. With Cheng Guo Wei had been captured, the rebellion armies' leader was being caught and the Consort finally would be the Empress, everything was perfect for the Emperor. With one stone, he could hit three birds at once.

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