Chapter 14

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The Lotus Garden of Imperial Harem

Forbidden City was truly beautiful beautiful place. The majestic palace was built by Wanq Qing's great grand father of his royal father almost two hundred years ago. Wang Dynasty was once just small kingdom. But it seemed that the rulers of the kingdom were truly blessed with impressive skill of leadership. From generation to the next generation, Wang Dynasty was led by the emperors who could keep bringing victory to the kingdom. However the most glorious era of Wang Dynasty finally reached its peak under the rule of the great emperor Wang Qing. More than a dozen of kingdoms was conquered under him. Farmland, territories and towns that once was belong to the neighborhood kingdoms now became the possession of the great kingdom Wang Dysnasty.

The great emperor Wang Qing, the name that made another kingdom shivered in fear. He was the man whose intelligence and negotiation skill reached the ears of the kings from another continent. He was the man who well known as the warrior without fear in battlefield. He was the man who had no mercy for his enemies or for those who defied him.

For countless of time, Xiao Guizi couldn't stop himself from wondering how this great emperor of Wang Dynasty ended up giving his heart unconditionally to a mere male consort who just came out of nowhere few months ago. Just like at the moment, Xiao Guizi was standing beside the royal couple. The old eunuch faithfully waited for them spending their late afternoon together in the small pavilion of Hong Palace.

The male consort had a small brush on his hand. In the table in front of him, there was few rolls of paper and a small bottle of ink. For awhile, he had been delicately rewriting an old poem in the paper. The emperor was sitting right beside him, without barely an inch gape between their bodies and arm that sneaked around the consort's waist. The taller man didn't say anything, just staring at his consort lovingly from the sidelines. It was just when he saw that the consort wrote something wrongly, he would speak and softly corrected him.

"You are missing one syllable there, sweetheart." The emperor reminded his consort with gentle voice.

The beautiful male, glanced shortly to the side, "Really? Where?"

The consort's replies was short and sounded uncaring. But it seemed it wasn't a problem at all for the emperor. A lot of times before, the consort would just ignore him completely, for him willing to reply like this time already good enough. He even let the emperor's palm kept caressing his waist. It was quite blessing already for the emperor.

The emperor smiled, taking the consort's hand that holding the brush into his hold and then guide his beloved consort to the exact place where he supposed to write the missing syllable.

"Now it's finish." The emperor said with satisfaction, smiling softly once more to his consort. "I heard from your servants, you seem really like reading poems, will you recite this one for me?"

The consort glanced to the taller man in full consideration. He noticed how the emperor was quite different today, he was strangely gentle. It's not that the emperor wasn't gentle with him before, but this time it felt there was something that didn't quite right. However, Dayu wasn't sure if he had ability what it was. He just realized that the emperor must be already knew about him continuously met with Wang Zhiyuan, but somehow he didn't say anything about it nor forbade him to do so.

After awhile, the consort sighed. There was nothing wrong if he relented to the emperor's wish just for once, was it?


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