Extra Story 1.1

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Still early in the morning, in east side of the Hong Palace, Ming Lei and the other Hong Palace's maidservants already gathered around a field. They brought along water, food, towel and a clean robe for their master.

Their master was none other than Feng Jianyu, the first male empress of Wang Dynasty. He was currently swinging his sword skillfully while moving freely in the middle of the field. There was a costant smile on his lips as he played with his sword. The cold from morning breeze as if couldn't disturb the satisfy expression he had on his face.

How couldn't the Empress become this happy? This was only one of those rare days the Emperor allowed him to train with his sword again, claiming that as the Empress, Dayu should never tired himself to train. Even though, in the past he was a warrior, but right now he was the wife of Wang Dynasty's great emperor. There were always at least a dozen of warrior who would guarantee the Empress' safety, not to mention the Emperor himself who would kill anyone if they dared to hurt his beloved Empress.

But Dayu was a man. Despite his position now as the royal Empress of the kingdom, he still had a passion for his soul as a man to fulfill. He needed a little freedom, like reminiscing his old days as a warrior.

Lately, the Emperor was very busy with the preparation for a gathering ceremony with the neighboring kingdoms. Instead of creating war after war, Wang Dynasty was nowadays changed to be a diplomatic kingdom. They were now well known as a big kingdom that often maintain a close friendship with another kingdoms. This was also the very reason of the gathering ceremony; to strengthen the bond and friendship between Wang Dynasty and its alliances.

Because the Emperor's busy schedule, the Empress finally got the chance to play his sword again. All these years, his hands had been itchy to land a touch on his sword.

Once the Empress was starting to feel tired, the beauty finally ended his training for that morning. In swift movement, he put in his sword inside of its case again as his maidservants hurriedly approaching him to attend his needs. Xiao Li took the sword away and she started to wipe the Empress' sweat. Ming Lei was offering the drink and the other was quickly drapped a robe around the Empress' narrow shoulders. Of course they wouldn't want their master was getting cold.

While his maidservants still busy to serve him, the Empress finally realized the sound of loud clasp from the other side of the field. When the Empress turned his head, he found a young man slowly approaching him.

The Empress didn't know who the young man was. He attended the morning court so often and he thought he was able to recognize the face of all the ministers, royals, and all of the Emperor's siblings, yet this young man's face was one of he couldn't find on his memory. And by looking at how casual the young man approached the Empress, it seemed he also didn't recognize who Dayu was yet.

Quietly, the Empress ordered the maidservants to give them a space. He was smiling toward the young man. It seemed this young man was one of the guests who would attend the gathering ceremony and Dayu felt oblige to give him a warm welcome.

"May I help you, Young Lord?" Dayu greeted the young man with a kind smile.

"Oh, I'm not that young, my Sire. By the end of this spring, I'll be turning twenty four," Dayu nodded his head, the man was actually around the same age with him. "I was just watching your display of skill just now. I'm quite amaze with my sire's movements." The man smiled widely. "And with this opportunity, I would loved to introduce myself to my Sire. My name Zhang Yuan Xi. I'm the youngest prince of Tang Jin kingdom. Me along with my brother are here to attend the gathering ceremony. Now would you mind to introduce yourself, my Sire?"

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