Chapter 3

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Claire's P.O.V~

Whenever I got back to class, I took my usual seat at the back of the room. Two familiar twins walked inside, and smirked as they grew closer.

"Why do you always look devilish?" I questioned as they sat beside me.

"Why do you always look like an angel?" Kaoru asked while he placed his hand on my cheek.

"How many girls have you used that line on today?" He removed his hand in shock.

"None that ever called me out on it," he muttered as he slumped down in his seat.

"Well I have news for you, I'm not as gullible as the other lovestruck girls that go here." Hikaru laughed as his brother shrunk deeper into his chair.

"I'm guessing you're not used to getting rejected? Don't worry, you will soon," I said cockily.

"You're a very confident person, I find that sexy," Hikaru said. I rolled my eyes and studied his features. He was honestly very attractive.

"Have you ever been in love before? I think you need to experience it!" Kaoru mentioned as he gazed at me.

"I have, and all it led to was lies," I coldly stated.


"Ralphie, where are you?" I ran through the creepy field looking for him. He knew I was afraid of the dark, and I guess this was his way of helping me face my fear. To be honest, I only acted afraid whenever I wanted to snuggle into him.

"Boo!" I jumped as Ralphie hopped out of a bush.

"I hate you!" He laughed and engulfed me into a hug. His chin was laying on my shoulder and I could hear him softly breathing. It was times like this that I never wanted to let go of him.

"I love you," he said nervously into my ear. I pulled away hastily and looked at him in amazement. We had never said the L word.

"What? Don't make it into such a big deal-" I cut him off with a kiss. He was shocked at first, but soon kissed back. I broke apart and looked back at him.

"I love you too," I said quietly.

"What was that? I don't think I heard you correctly?" I softly punched his arm and kissed his cheek.

"I said I love you." He blushed and cupped his cheek where I had kissed him. He then picked me up bridal like, and carried me back to my house.

"Hello? Claire?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hikaru and Kaoru waving their hands infront of my face.

"Sorry! I must have zoned out." They shrugged and continued to pester me until the end of class.

"Why do you hate the concept of love so much? It's a magical thing between two people!" Kaoru said kindly.

"You've gone soft." He gasped and flicked my hand.

"I have certainly not!" Hikaru and I chuckled as he became worked up by my comment.

"I bet you two stay home and watch sappy romance movies because you can't get a real girlfriend."

"Ouch, where's all this pent up anger coming from? If you want, I can release some of that tension," Hikaru said as he got closer to my face. I backed up and shook my head.

"No thanks!"

"Just tell me if you change your mind," he winked and turned back to the board. I smiled and began to copy down some notes. As I was finishing the final sentences, a girl walked up to Hikaru and Kaoru as the teacher stepped out of the class.

"I was wondering if you would be my boyfriend Hikaru?" She said this as she stared at Kaoru. I was about to object, but Kaoru looked at his brother with one of his famous grins.

"Possibly. What is it that attracts you to me?" She blushed at the intimate question and adverted her gaze.

"Well um- for starters you are cute." I held back laughter as she said this, and she looked at me angrily.

"What's so funny?" She asked bitterly.

"Nothing, it's just that you only like him based off of his looks. You know nothing about his personality."

"Why does it matter to you? Atleast I'm making an effort at finding love. I heard that you was dumped because he found someone better than you, and I can't blame him." I clenched my fist and stood up.

"You might want to get your facts straight before you spread false gossip. Another thing you might want to get straight is which twin you're talking about. That's Kaoru! Also, they are so much more then cute! They're funny, and kind! Another thing is that they have separate personalities!" I almost hit her as I became outraged. She became embarrassed at the fact that she mixed them up and walked back to her seat shamefully.

Kaoru and Hikaru stared at me with sorry in there eyes.

"Is that why you hate love?" Questioned Hikaru. I looked down and my bangs covered my face so they couldn't see my expression. Just as I was about to answer, the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and rushed out the door quickly to avoid any conversations with the twins. So much for a new beginning....

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