Chapter 16

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     It was the next morning and Claire was feeling better, a little sore, but overall safe. She quickly changed into a sun dress with pink trimming and hurriedly walked downstairs, now realizing just how hungry she actually was. Her last conversation with Ralphie drifted into her thoughts, making her shudder at whatever he could have possibly meant.

     The first person she was greeted by was none other then Tamaki. He wrapped himself around her body and squeezed tightly, knocking the breath out of Claire.

"I'm so sorry! I had no clue you were hurt!" She lightly pushed him away, not in the mood to speak with him just yet. After all, he did sneak off with one of his customers when she needed him the most.

"Are you okay?" He asked confused.

"Just dandy," she said while gritting her teeth, still not sure why she was so angry at him. They wasn't even dating and she still felt betrayed. He shot her a glance of doubt, but quickly covered it by acting like his extravagant self.

"Ladies and gentleman! We have three days left until our ball will be hosted. Please take this time to prepare for it, i.e shop or invite others." The customers squealed with delight and quickly rushed out of the kitchen, heading toward the many shops located near the resort.

"Aren't you going to go shop with them Claire?" Kyoya asked.

"I already have a dress, but I'm just going to take this time to practice my lyrics after I'm done eating. Hopefully today will be much calmer then yesterday." Kyoya nodded and grabbed her a plate, politely handing it to her. She thanked him and then gazed around where buffets were set up, millions of delectable foods set out onto the tables. She almost drooled on herself if it hadn't been for the fact that she was currently starving. She loaded her plate with as much as she could, and sat down beside Honey who was doing the same thing as her, devouring food.

     After finishing breakfast, she walked upstairs without saying a word. She needed to practice for the ball coming up with no distractions, but that's just not how life works. Right when she got to her door, a note was stuck to it.

You gave me quite the fright yesterday, but I'm glad you're okay. You should be more careful next time.

     She snatched it off the door and crumpled it up, not wanting to be reminded of her idiotic behavior last night. She acted too quickly, and didn't think clearly. Also, the fact that Mori was currently ignoring her made the matter worse. She would have to find out why he was so angry with her, but that was for another time. Right now, the only thing she wanted to do was play the piano and sing. She had neglected it since she got here because of how busy her schedule had been because of the hosts.

     A wave of nostalgia washed over her as her fingertips lightly padded over the keys, emitting an almost silent note. She smiled and then pressed down, filling the room with music.

Little did she know, seven boys were currently listening to her, falling deeper and deeper for the beauty.

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