Chapter 6

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Claire's P.O.V~

A butler had brought my luggage to the room I'm staying in, and I immediately began to get changed into my outfit. I put on my bikini and untangled my hair.

After I was in proper swimming attire, I walked downstairs and onto the beach. The other hosts where no where in sight, so I sat down on the warm sand. The water was close enough to touch my feet as the currents swayed back and fourth. I looked around at the ocean, and basked in the sunlight for a few minutes before I heard somehow shout my name. I turned around and saw Tamaki, along with the other members, walking towards me in their swim suits. It looks like they had the same idea as I did.

"Why are you out here all alone?" Questioned Tamaki as he took a seat beside of me. I cocked my head and stared at him as he looked off into the distance. I could tell he was used to melting girls hearts, even when he didn't try. I, unlike others, did not swoon over features. I had to personally know someone's personality in order to gain an attachment.

"I like being alone sometimes." He seemed surprised by this and stood up, holding out a hand for me to take. I gladly accepted his offer and stood up.

"Being alone is less confusing. I don't have to constantly be on guard or worry about other people, especially myself." Before he could object, the twins ran over to us with squirt guns in both hands. I didn't know whether to run or grab the tool from them, so is stood there awkwardly.

"Lets have a water war! Who ever becomes wetter looses." I began to laugh at his statement and Hikaru soon understood why I was laughing.

"You're dirty," Hikaru said as he began to laugh aswell. Kaoru and Tamaki looked at us in confusion, which only made us laugh harder. Kaoru soon caught on and smirked at my dirty mind. Tamaki was still confused, and I whispered what the joke was about. He blushed a crimson red and coughed to break the tension.

"Poor Tamaki. I didn't know he was innocent," I taunted. He rolled his eyes and grabbed a water gun from Kaoru.

"Whose on teams?" I asked as Kyoya, Mori, and Honey walker over to where we were standing. They each had a water gun in their hand. I grabbed a spare gun from Hikaru and loaded it with sea water.

"Okay, Hikaru and I will be on teams with Claire," Kaoru said confidently. This received many objections from the hosts, each wanting to be on my team. I chuckled as everyone fought over who got to be my partner.

"I choose myself." They looked at me questioningly, and I grinned.

"It will be a free for all, no teams." As I said this, I made sure to stare at the twins to let them know they couldn't be partners. Each of them sighed, but soon got into position.

"On the count of three," Tamaki said as we were a fare distance away from each other. My plan was to stand back and watch them illiminate each other, which would leave less of a competition for me.

"1-2...3!" Like I predicted, everyone ran towards each other. I stood back as the boys began to drench one another.

Kyoya took notice of my plan, and began to walk towards me. I started to run in the opposite directions as he started chasing me. Whenever I looked behind me, water hit my face. I then heard Kyoya chuckle, which made me squirt hin with my water gun. We ended up using all of our water, and eventually called a truths. His hair was soaking and his glasses where covered in smudges. I laughed as he desperetly tried to clean them off. I grabbed them from his hands and wiped it off with a spare towel I brought with me.

"There you go, blind as ever." He rolled his eyes and took them thankfully. I smiled and walked over to Tamaki who was getting double teamed by Hikaru and Kaoru.

"I thought I said no teaming." The twins looked at me and shrugged.

"We're not," responded Hikaru as he sprayed his brother. Kaoru began to chase after him, which left Tamaki and me. I was holding an empty water gun, and his was half-ful. He gave me a sly grin which sent shivers down my spine. Before Tamaki could spray me, Mori ran over with a bucket and drenched him. I grabbed Tamaki's gun from him, and aimed it at Mori.

"You're not wet." I said as I glanced at his dry composure. He didn't say anything, and aimed his gun at me. We walked in a circle, both not wanting to make the first attack. A few minutes in, I heard a maniatic laugh come from behind me. I turned and was met with a gush of water. Honey had snuck up behind me while I was distracted with Mori. I covered my eyes as Mori joined in. Two against one, this was not good. I counted to five in my head, and ran towards the closest person I could find; Tamaki. We ended up toppling over each other, landing in the cliché position with me on top of him. He blushed and I quickly removed myself, not because I was embarrassed, but because I used Tamaki as a shield from Mori and Honey.

"I thought we were having a moment!" Cried Tamaki as he took all of the attacks. I giggled and stayed behind him.

"Sadly you are mistaken." After Mori and Honey ran out of water, I walked over to a campfire with chairs surrounding it. All of us had spent hours outside, and we needed to dry off. I hadn't even noticed how hungry I was until I saw hotdogs.

Two hotdogs and a smore later, I was stuffed. The hosts sat in silence as it became darker. Kyoya was writing in his book per usual, Mori was talking to Honey, the twins where discussing what pranks they could pull on the girls whenever they arrived, and Tamaki was quiet. This was unusual for him, he was normally the outspoken character among the club.

"Everything okay?" I said as I nudged him in the shoulder. He looked up at me and slowly nodded.

"Yeah. I guess I'm just tired." I knew that wasn't the truth, but if he didn't want to confine in me; I couldn't do anything about it.

"I think I'm going to go to bed early. I have to prepare what songs I'm going to sing this week," I said as I sat up. I sent a gentle smile towards Tamaki, and he looked away. It was almost as if he couldn't look me in the eye. That hurt, but I ignored him and left to my room. Hopefully in the morning he would be back to his usual self.

Tamaki's P.O.V~

After Claire and I had an awkward moment on top of one another, my feelings for her shifted. She was no longer seen as a competition I wanted to win, she was a girl that I had grown to like. It was too soon to act on it, but she was definitely a knew crush I had gained over the few days of knowing her.

"We need to talk," I said hazardously. The other members looked up at me with a concerned expression.

"About?" Asked the twins in unison.

"I think I like Claire."

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