Chapter 10

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"What did she do to you?" I asked curiously. I had never seen him like this before. He reminded me of myself after we broke up; lost.

"She left," was all he could say before his voice cracked. I didn't notice until now that he was crying.

"What do you mean left?" He took a deep breath and looked down at his feet.

"She promised me that we would get married and eventually grow old together..." I patted his back comfortingly, internally laughing at his well deserved Karma.

"Some people don't keep their promises, you should know all too well," I silently said as he finished rambling about all the things she had "promised." He looked back up at me and sighed.

"I said I was sorry." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"If it makes you feel any better, she's probably sorry too." I tried to make light of the conversation, but he didn't seem to find it too funny.

"Why did she leave?" He took a seat beside me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Her father had already arranged a marriage with someone else, so we broke up."

"I'm sorry..." He continued to rest his head on my shoulder, but quickly sat up; examining my attire.

"Why are you in a bikini?"

"Shit! I forgot, I'm supposed to be playing water games with the club right now." I grabbed his arm and pulled him down the stairs, not caring if he tripped.

"About time you got here-" Hikaru stopped once he saw me holding Ralphie's hand. I yanked it away quickly and smiled sheepishly.

"This is an old friend of mine, but he will be leaving soon," I said as I glared at Ralphie. He only smirked at my look of dissapprovement.

"Actually- how long are you guys staying?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes and muttered, "a week."

"What a coincidence! Me too," he said cheekily.

"Just fantastic..." The other hosts were confused as to who he was, and I honestly didn't want to tell them. Hikaru already had an idea of who Ralphie was, and I'm not sure how he would take the news of him being here.

"This is Ralphie," I said hesitantly. Kyoya glared at the boy behind his glasses, but soon covered his sinister expression with a polite smile. He held his hand out and gently shook Ralphie's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Ralphie," he said as he retracted his hand. Ralphie smiled and looked at the other members in curiosity.

3rd Person~

Claire was trying to uncover what each host was currently thinking. Their expressions were completely different from one anothers. Kyoya held a fake smile nobody could see through, Tamaki was confused as to why Ralphie was here, Mori looked emotionless, Kaoru was eying me from the corner of his eye, Honey was looking at the scenery, and Hikaru wore a shocked look. He finally pieced together who he was, and was not pleased in the slightest.

"So- why are you here?" Hikaru asked grimly. Ralphie seemed taken back by his tone, but quickly spoke up.

"I am Claire's old friend, and I wanted to catch up." Hikaru scoffed at his answer, and Claire coughed awkwardly.

"Hikaru, can I speak to you in private for a minute," she asked nervously. Hikaru glared at Ralphie once more before following Claire into the empty kitchen. She closed the door and looked back at an enraged Hikaru.

"Why the fuck is he here?"

"Okay, this was not my doing. He just showed up and started crying, because his "lover" left him apparently. I think he wants to get back together?" Hikaru only rolled his eyes at her response.

"Well tell him to leave!" Claire took a seat and placed her head down onto the table. She thought she never had to face Ralphie again, but now that he was in the other room, it was too surreal. Everything she had been worried about was happening. Her old life was catching up with her new one, and she still didn't know if she wanted to leave her old life behind. Ralphie held a special place in her heart, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to give him up yet.

"Do you still love him?" Those words escaped Hikaru as he paced back and fourth around the room.

"No," she replied sternly. It was too soon to label her feelings for Ralphie. The wound was still fresh, and she couldn't tend to it while her mind was in scrambles. A miniature tornado was currently having an all out war inside her head.

"Good, because you know he left you."

"I'm aware of that Hikaru," she said annoyed.

"And hurt you," she only rolled her eyes as he continued to list things she remembered all too well.

"He also left whenever your grandmother died..." She snapped once he mentioned this. Claire sat up angrily and rushed towards Hikaru.

"Do not mention my grandmother in your petty argument as to why I shouldn't get back together with Ralphie. I understand all the things he has done, and I already told you my answer was no!" She shoved past him and walked towards the others with a fake smile.

"Sorry, I had to discuss my music choices with him. He had a special request," she replied calmly. Hikaru returned a few minutes after with a blank expression.

"Allright... It's been fun meeting your old friend, but I have a date to attend. I will see you guys after." Tamaki waved goodbye as he left the awkward situation.

"Let's hurry up and go outside, our guests are waiting," Kyoya said in a business-like voice. Claire nodded her head, and waited for everyone to leave beside Hikaru. She tapped his shoulder when they were alone once again and sighed.

"Just don't tell them who he is, I don't need anymore drama this week." Hikaru nodded his head and before he could apologize, she walked away without looking back.

She was pissed, and for a number of reasons. Hikaru being at the top of the list, right under Ralphie.


Sorry for the sudden change in my schedule. I will be uploading atleast once a week now because of school. Gifted classes are honestly kicking my ass...

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