Chapter 7

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Tamaki's P.O.V~

As I said this, the other members became increasingly silent. Each of their expressions were unreadable.

"We have a predicament here," Kyoya stated as he glared at me.

"Which is?"

"I have grown quite fond over her aswell." I looked at Kyoya in shock. Anger ran through my body as I thought of Kyoya with Claire.

"Me too," said the twins in unison. I looked at Mori to see if he had any confessions to make, but only nodded. Honey had been too distracted in the smores to care what was going on, and frankly he probably didn't. All that interested him was sweets.

"What are we going to do about it?" I asked as the other hosts had gone silent once more.

"Same as before, but this time we have a much bigger prize on the line; Claire," Kyoya said as he continued to write in his book.

"Fine then," I said bitterly as I stood up. It was every man for himself, and I was going to win.

Claire's P.O.V~

I had awoken to the smell of fresh pancakes. The scent was heavenly, and I hurried down stairs without even changing from my pajamas. I was wearing a large shirt that reached my thighs, and shorts that were unnoticeable.

"Morning," I chimed as I grabbed a plate. Only two members where up, Tamaki and Mori. I glanced at the clock and realized it was 8:00.

"How is it that you guys still manage to look perfect this early?" I complimented as I sat down beside Tamaki.

"I was just about to ask the same thing to you." Tamaki replied as he smiled his award winning grin. Yep- he's back to his usual self.

"When are the customers getting here?" I asked as I shoved a piece of pancake in my mouth.

"In about four hours," commented Mori. I nodded my head and finished the delicious pancakes on my plate. I hurried up stairs to take a shower and prepare myself for the day.

After I was finished, I put on a pair of blue shorts that matched my crop top. It reached the middle of my stomach and curved in a cute design. My hair was in its natural form, and I decided to leave it as is. Whenever I walked out of my room, I noticed Kyoya was still asleep. I crept into his room and not so subtly jumped onto him.

"Wake up! People will be here soon!" He mumbled a few incoherent words, but then sat up to look at his attacker.

"If it was anybody but you, I would have killed them." I smirked and flipped my hair dramatically.

"If looks could kill, I would be dead." He got up hesitantly and stared at me, probably trying to adjust his eyes.

"Are you just going to stand there or let me change? Or do you want to watch?" I rolled my eyes and walked toward the door.

"As if." I closed the door behind me and was met with Hikaru.

"What were you doing in there? He's horrible in the morning." I heard a tinge of jealousy in his tone, but ignored it.

"Nothing I can't handle." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Lets hurry up! I want you to meet some of the customers whenever they arrive," he said excitedly. If I was honest, I wish they weren't coming. I know it's selfish, but I enjoyed all of the male attention. At my old school, Ralphie was very protective and would almost punch a boy who looked at me suggestively. It was odd not having him around, but ever since I met the Host Club, they made me feel special. It then clicked in my head:

That was there job.

Was I just a girl they wanted to brag about, and nothing else? I thought of myself as their friend, but it was quite possible that they saw me as an award to be won; an achievement to be unlocked.

I retracted my hand from Hikaru abruptly, earning a confused look from the twin.

"I will be down in a little bit, I just need to do something."

"Okay, but be quick," he said as he was walking down the stairs. I closed the door behind me and slid down slowly. I had went through this once before, and I didn't want to again.

I gained my composure and walked over to a wide window beside of a wooden desk. The sky looked like a canvas filled with pink and red. I opened it up and breathed in the air. It was calming, and brought all of my thoughts to a halt. As I gazed out of the window, a knock caught my attention.

"It's Kyoya," he said as he continued to knock. I walked over the the door and opened it up to see a slightly more approachable Kyoya.

"Hurry up, we are going to play a few games with the girls," he said as he studied my outfit.

"Do you ever feel guilty about leading them on?" I asked curiously. He was silent for a few minutes and then answered.

"They know what they are getting themselves into whenever they pay for a session with a particular host," he said as he pulled out his book.

"I still think it would suck to be in love with a host that would never return your feelings..." He continued to scribble a few notes down as we walked down stairs.

"Okay, the first thing we are going to do as a group activity is a scavenger hunt," cheered Tamaki as he lead the customers outside. I smiled as he made sure to include every girl. He made them feel special, and that was a beautiful thing.

"Whose team are you going to be on?" Asked Honey.

"Not sure yet, probably myself. I do better alone," I stated as I followed the group to the beach.

"You can be on our team if you want, right Mori?" Honey looked up at Mori with an adorable expression. Mori glanced towards him, and then at me.

"Yeah," was all he said.

"Sorry, Claire is with us," hummed the twins in sync. Hikaru placed his chin on my left shoulder, and Kaoru reflected his brother. I squirmed at the sudden contact, which only made the twins hug me.

"If I agree, will you let me go?" I said as I tried to negotiate a deal with them.

"Deal!" They instantly let go of me, and I shot Honey and Mori an apologetic look. Mori glared at the twins as they each grabbed my hands and dragged me towards the others. Tamaki was currently handing out a sheet of the items we would need to complete the scavenger hunt. I looked around for the other hosts, and saw they had already gotten into their groups with a variety of the customers.

"Shouldn't you guys be attending to your fan girls?" I asked as I pointed to a group of girls who were staring at them with pure love evident in their eyes.

"Why would I be with them when I could be with a gorgeous girl like yourself," questioned Hikaru as he placed his hand under my chin. I looked at him for a few seconds before mustering up any courage I had left, and jerking away from his grasp. From the corner of my eye, I could tell Kaoru was not pleased with this small act of affection. Don't they do this on a usual basis with other girls? Why was this affecting him so badly? I shook off the paranoia and grabbed a list of items we would need from Tamaki. Once everyone had had the same sheet of paper, Tamaki began to explain the rules and gifts that would be given out to the winners. I zoned out until one of his prizes caught my attention.

"The group who comes in first place will be receiving discount cards on the next club meeting, but whoever gathers the most item in a group will get to go on a date with whichever host they choose." The girls all went wild, except me. Even if I did win, who would I pick?

"Don't worry, we are a package deal! If you choose one of us for the date, you get the other one also." I rolled my eyes as Hikaru and Kaoru began to plan our "date."

"On the count of three, 1-2...3!" Everyone took off in a hurry, including me. The twins held onto my hands as we rushed to find the first item on our list.

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