Chapter 4

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Hikaru's P.O.V~

Kaoru and I tried to catch up with Claire, but she rushed out of the classroom. I glanced at Kaoru and could tell he was deep in thought.

"Lighten up, it was just a stupid rumor," I said as we walked to our lockers.

"But what if it wasn't? Just think about it. She hates the idea of serious relationships and isn't charmed by our brotherly act." I stared at him for a minute and looked at my shoes, trying to hide the guilt that had crept its way onto my face. She had been hurt before, and we had been trying to win her over like a carnival prize. She was so much more than a stuffed animal that you ignoliged for a week and then forgot about. She was real; and it was refreshing.

"Promise me something Hikaru. We will win this challenge. I don't want her to get hurt again," he said sternly. I looked up and he was gazing at me seriously.

"I promise." He smiled and grabbed his backpack.

"Lets go to the Host Club before we're late," Kaoru said as he began to jog to the music room.

"Wait up!"

Claire's P.O.V~

I tried to gather my thoughts together. How did she find out about Ralphie? I scanned my memory for any recollection of her face, but came up empty handed. It took all of my might not to march back in there and beat the shit out of her.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at my appearance in the mirror. I seemed so calm, but on the inside it was killing me to keep my composure. Everywhere I went, Ralphie followed. No matter how far I traveled, he was always close by to remind me of the many mistakes I made. One of which was falling for him.

I took a deep breath and grabbed a comb from my back pack. I softly brushed out the knots in my hair and continued to adjust my dress. After taking a second glance at myself, I put my comb back and walked towards the Music Room. Hopefully the twins had forgotten already and wouldn't bring it up again. It was not something I enjoyed talking about.

I saw a crowd around the door, and Kyoya standing outside. He was gesturing all of the girls inside, and soon saw me standing confusedly in the line.

"Where are all of the guys? Aren't girl and guys supposed to dance together?" He went pale and before he could say anything, a blond boy walked outside and took my hand into his. He planted a soft kiss onto the back of my palm and smiled at me.

"Welcome to the Host Club," he stated dramatically as he retracted his hand from mine.

"Host club? I thought this was a dancing club?" Kyoya glared at the boy, and I looked on in confusion.

"It is also a dance club! Today's theme is ball room dancing, so you can show me your skills," he persuaded.

"So this is the Host Club everyone talks about. It better live up to its standards," I said as I walked inside. I was met with multiple tables and a beautiful chandelier hanging in the center of the ball room. I smiled as waiters brought out appetizers and drinks to a group of people sitting down next to the twins.

"Does it live up to your standards?" The blond haired boy asked as he walked beside of me. I nodded my head in amazement. I then looked at Kyoya who was writing in a black book.

"Dance with me," I said as I grabbed his hand hastily and pulled him to the middle of the floor. Not many people were dancing, so I eagerly requested a slow song.

"Someone's excited to touch me," Kyoya joked.

"I just really love to dance," I quickly said as my favorite song began to play. He grabbed my hand and placed his hand onto my waist thoughtfully. We moved elegantly across the room, and he dipped me perfectly. I flew around him and swiftly danced along to the beat. Before we knew it, people had began to join in. I stared at his eyes and noticed a genuine smile appear on his face.

"It looks like your attitude is contagious," he said as he pointed to the hosts as they danced with other girls.

"It seems so." I broke apart as the song ended and walked over to an empty table. Kyoya followed and sat infront of me.

"I had no clue you were that talented. You continue to surprise me," he said as he requested two drinks.

"I have that effect on people." He smiled again and pulled out his mysterious book.

"What do you write in that?" I asked curiously.

"The payments of the club. Tamaki has very expensive tastes," he said as he wrote down a math problem.

"Who's Tamaki?" He pointed to the blond boy I had met earlier.

"He's very blunt."

"That's Tamaki for you," he said as he continued to tally up this weeks payment. The waiter brought back our drinks and I thanked him for his service. When I looked back, Kyoya was staring at me with a strange look.


"You're the first girl I have seen use manners towards the staff. Why is that?"

"Does there have to be a benefit for everything?" In just the limited amount of time I had talked to Kyoya, I already knew who he was. He believed everything needed a gain or advantage.

"I suppose not, but it helps in the long run." I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of the drinks the waiter had brought earlier.

"This is delicious, what is it?"

"Strawberry extract." I hummed in delight as I sipped on the heavenly liquid.

"So, you can play the piano and sing? Is there anything you can't do?" I could name a million things that were impossible for me to obtain, but I just smiled at the compliment.

"My grandmother taught me how to play whenever I was young."

"Would you be willing to play infront of an audience? I haven't thought of live music, but it would really help with sales." I thought for a moment and nodded my head enthusiastically.

"When do I start?"

"We usually take a vacation once a month and bring some of our most loyal customers along with us. Since we get a week off of school for yearly inspections, we will be leaving at 8 tomorrow."

"It doesn't sound much like a vacation if you are going to be working."

"The joys of managing a club." I smiled and took another sip of my drink.

"Where to?"

"The beach. If you want, you can come since you are technically part of the club?"

"I love the beach! I will definitely be there."

"I will have someone personally pick you up." I finished off my drink and walked towards the twins. Hikaru stared up at me and I winked. He laughed and walked over to where I was standing.

"Aren't I suppose to be the one seducing you?"

"Get over yourself! I am way out of your league," I joked as I poked his nose. He crinkled it and stuck out his tongue.

"You are such a child." He puffed up his cheeks and I imitated him. As childish as it was, I would win this game.

He began to get red and opened his mouth to let air into his lungs. I pumped my fist into the air in victory and smiled as he tried to regain his breath.

"You win this round," he said in defeat.

"Obviously." He grabbed my hand as another song played and brought me to the dance floor.

"Kyoya kept you all to himself. I didn't get a chance to dance with you." I placed my hand on his shoulder and repeated his movements. I could tell something was on his mind as he moved with me.

"Whats up?" He looked away and I brought his eyes back to mine.

"Is it true?" I looked at him with disbelief. I guess he didn't forget about earlier.

"Well- um." I studdetered as I tried to come up with the correct thing to say. How exactly do you tell someone that the man you loved fell for someone else better than you?

"So it is. What happened?" He asked as he dipped me.

"I loved him, and he loved someone else." He looked at me with sorry. I hated being pitied. I felt weak, and that was exactly how I had felt whenever he broke up with me. Weak.

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