Chapter 8

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Claire's P.O.V

The first item we came upon was sea shells. Kaoru and Hikaru made sure that I was the one who properly picked them up and placed them into our basket. I noticed all of girls where trying there hardest to win this competition, and frankly I didn't care if I won or lost.

"We should split up to cover more ground," I suggested as we began to fall behind the others.

"Okay, here's the list. We will just go and grab another one from Tamaki," Hikaru said. After dividing the items evenly upon eachother, I started my hunt.

Upon searching for a while, I was now only missing one thing; binoculars. I couldn't find them anywhere! I was about to go ask the twins, but then I noticed a girl with binoculars in her bag.

"Excuse me, do you know where the binoculars are?" She seemed to be caught off guard, and blushed as I appeared. I glanced in the direction she was gazing in, and saw Tamaki.

"I know which host you like," I joked. She blushed even darker as she approached me.

"Its just that he's so amazing! I can't get over his gorgeous eyes and stunning smile!" I laughed as she continued to rant about the countless features Tamaki had. I will admit he is good looking, but she continued to ramble about some of his quirks I had never noticed; and probably wouldn't have if she didn't point them out.

"Don't you think he is flawless?" She stared at me with a look of astonishment, waiting for my answer.

"Um- everyone has their flaws." She nodded her head slowly and then gazed at him once more.

"He's different."

"Anyway, where did you find those binoculars at?" She pointed to a cliff that reached over the ocean.

"Thanks! What is your name?"

"Kiro." I shook her hand politely and began my journey to the top of the hill. Once I reached it, I immediately saw a basket with numerous binoculars in it.

"Finally!" I cheered to myself as I grabbed a pair. I was about to leave, but something drew my attention. As I was walking towards the edge of the mountain, Hikaru and Kaoru called after me.

"I'm coming!" I shouted as I began my dissent. I would have to investigate that another time...

Once I met them at the bottom, I handed my items to them. They intertwined my hands with theirs like before, and raced to Tamaki.

"We are finished!" Shouted the twins in sync. Tamaki looked stunned, but checked our basket.

"Claire's team is in first place," hollered Tamaki as he handed me a discount card.

"Who collected the most items?" Asked Tamaki as he grabbed another teams basket.

"Claire!" The twins exclaimed.

"Who will you be taking on a date then?" I had completely forgotten about the other prize, and didn't know who to choose. I honestly did not deserve this, because other girls wood have killed to be in my position. As I was debating on who to pick, Kiro walked over to where I was standing.

"I actually forfeit my prize, and choose to give it to someone else," I interjected.

"But she can't do that, can she boss?" Asked Hikaru as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I shuffled away from him awkwardly and pushed Kiro infront of me.

"There's sadly no rule that says she can't," Tamaki said solemnly.

"Kiro will be the winner," I announced as her smile brightened. She turned around and gave me a tight hug. I had to literally shove her off of me.

"I wish to go on a date with Tamaki!" She was looking at the ground as she said this, and I could tell her face was fiery red because she couldn't look him in the eye. He smiled and tilted her chin up to meet his purple orbs.

"Very well princess." She almost fainted at the sudden contact. She thanked me once more, and hurried off to prepare for her date. Tamaki had also started to get ready, but I stopped him once we reached his door. I made sure we were alone to discuss why I allowed her to have my prize.

"I was honored to have the gift of taking one of you guys on a date, but she really likes you. In order to repay you, we can hang out once you get back?" His smile widened and he brought me into a gentle hug.

"Thank you princess." I held back a blush, but walked to my room. The next game we were going to be playing involved water, and I needed to change into my next bikini. As I reached my room, I realized he called me princess. He called all of his customers princess.

This is just too damn confusing... One minute I'm their friend, and the next I'm a bashful customer.

I rummaged around my suitcase and decided on a lace black bikini that matched my current mood; baffled. After I brushed the tangles out of my hair, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" The door suddenly opened and the person standing there made my heart stop beating.


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