Chapter 13

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Hikaru's P.O.V~

"What game?" Our heads whipped around to see Ralphie eavesdropping on our current conversation. How long has he been standing there?

"It's certainly none of your business," remarked Kaoru. Ralphie only grinned and walked closer to us, making sure no body was around.

"So- this game you are playing, does it involve Claire?" My eyes widened and before I could hide my surprise, he only chuckled.

"I see now, the only reason the Host Club invited her here was to play a childish game of who can win her heart, clever." Kaoru tried to interrupt him, but he placed his finger onto his own lips, silencing us both.

"If the whole Host Club is involved, then it's only fair I myself join. I might warn you though, I play dirty."

"Like hell you will!" I shouted, not wanting Ralphie anywhere near Claire.

"I guess I will just have to tell Claire that her only friends are involved in a game and that's the only reason they even talk to her. That would certainly break her heart, don't you think?"

"You would know, after all, you did run off with a slut." Ralphie twitched at the mention of this mysterious mistress and clenched his fists.

"That's in the past, and also, don't call her a slut."

"Oh, are we hitting a nerve?" Teased Kaoru.

"Not at all, and if I was you, I would shut my mouth. I basically own the Host Club, and if you don't do as I ask, I might just accidentally let your little secret slip."

"And what makes you think she will believe you?" I questioned.

"Because I recorded your previous conversation silly. Did you really think I was going to attempt to control you with no evidence of your twisted game?" My mouth went slack, he had played us.

"Fine, you can play." Replied Kaoru hatefully. His smile only continued to widen as the words escaped Kaoru's mouth.

"Quick question- why do you want her back all of the sudden?" I asked curiously. His reasons behind playing the game made no sense to the either of us.

"You don't know yet? That's surprising..." He said more to himself then us.

"Know what?" We asked in unison. His smirk reappeared and he tried to hide it with a fake smile that he probably fooled a lot of people with, including Claire.

"Because I love her," he said cockily. Although the words coming out of his mouth was believable, the way he said them was not. It sounded as if that sentence was laced with poison, and only made my brother and I shiver at his true reasoning behind wanting to join the game.

"Now if you will excuse me, I have a girl to win over... Again."

Claire's P.O.V~

Tamaki was busy entertaining guests so I didn't get much time to speak with him. I scanned the area and saw Mori without Honey which was very rare.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I took a seat beside him on the sand, peering over the ocean.

"Nothing. Just thinking." There he went again, always containing what he feels on the inside and not voicing a single thought.

"About?" He shrugged his shoulders and continued to gaze at the oncoming waves.

"Something is obviously up. Does it have anything to do with Honey senpia?" The mention of his name was enough to reveal a true emotion, and I couldn't decipher what it was.

"So it is. Just talk to me, I promise to listen." I persuaded. He took a deep breath, and as he opened his mouth, he quickly shut it. After minutes of waiting for a response, I decided I wasn't going to get anything out of him. As I stood up, he grabbed my wrist, almost asking me to stay beside of him. I took my seat once more and sighed at how confusing he was.

"Honey and I are graduating this year, meaning we will go our separate ways. I am going to be teaching kendo to people while he will most likely explore the world." He said coldly. I nodded my head understandingly, ushering him to say more.

"I am moving, and he is not coming with me. I won't be able to protect him."

"I'm pretty sure he can protect himself. If you ask me, I think you will just miss him more then anything." He quit looking at the ocean and turned towards me, not breaking eye contact.

"You have... Erm... Nice eyes." He shyly stated as he turned away from me. I smiled and gently laid my hand onto of his to calm his nerves. This is probably the first time he has ever tried flirting with a girl outside of the club priorities. It's sweet.

"What is Ralphie to you?" He surprisingly asked out of no where.

"Umm." What was he to me? I have asked myself this since he returned multiple times and couldn't really come to a conclusion.

"A person from the past." He nodded slightly at my answer and stood, helping me up with him. I had never noticed how handsome he was until now, but his stoic personality matched his appearance.

Mori and I continued to chat, and by chat, I mean I would say something and he would only nod his head or let out a small grunt, but I didn't mind. He was actually a great listener, seeing as how I did most of the talking. Just as it started to get darker when the moon came out, I remembered the twinkle on the hill. I decided to hurry up and investigate before it got too late, and eventually I made it to the top.

"There it is," I said as I saw the same light flash, but this time it was brighter. I walked towards where the light was radiating from and picked up a heart shaped locket. The front was engraved with an intricate design of the word 'Love'. The back had a simple yet scary message, supposedly predicting my future.

To those who may find this, misfortune or love will prevail.

This sentence either wished me luck or would hurt me in someway, so I decided to hope for the best and place it around my neck. As I turned around, I saw the flicker of a lighter.

"Well, if it isn't a pretty girl," snickered a shadow. I couldn't make out the features seeing as how dark it had gotten in the spans of climbing the hill. It was like fighting an invisible person, and the worst part was not knowing when they will strike first.

"Leave me alone," I ordered as the flash of the lighter only continued to get closer, making me curious as to how they could see me. I tried to back up, but abruptly stopped when realizing how close I was to the edge. He only got closer, before stopping right in front of me. I could feel his heavy breath on my forehead, signaling he was extremely taller and probably well built.

"Your locket is pretty," he whispered, helping me understand how he could see me in the dark. I felt someone grab my shoulder, and before I knew it, I was kicking and pushing the person off of me with all my might while screaming for help. I felt a fist land on my left eye, abstracting my vision. I heard more footsteps running towards us, and then a bright light irradiating from a flashlight. It was Honey who was currently standing beside of an enraged Mori. The man realized he was cornered and tried to run, but I held onto his shirt tightly. He turned around and harshly pushed me, making me lose my balance and fall off of the cliff. A gush of cold water entered my lungs and before I knew it, I couldn't breath.

I flailed around helplessly until I was met with an even darker shade of black, but this time, there was no sparkle of a locket or a flash of a lighter. It was just complete and udder darkness.

Yes! I finally updated again, sorry it took forever... Also, I just posted my future project, which is the one I will be working on after Loving Claire. Don't worry, this story is not finished yet, nor is it close. I am just shamelessly sponsoring lol

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