Chapter 14

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If I had to choose a word to describe how I was currently feeling, I'm not sure I could manage to form such a powerful word. My body felt numb, but my mind was stinging me with memories of the past, almost tormenting me by replaying my many mistakes over and over again.

Third person P.O.V~

Claire was shoved so easily, so carelessly. It was almost as if she was nothing more then a piece of trash being thrown out of a car, never to be seen again. Realization had set in, and Mori jumped after her without thinking of anything except saving her. Honey was left to fight the man that had shoved Claire, to which he defeated effortlessly. It left him with a small scratch near his eye, but compared to the other guy, it was nothing.

Hikaru began to hyperventilate as he thought of the many possibilities that she might not return alive. Kaoru tried to calm his brother down, but the fact that he wasn't sure himself only ended in the two having a melt down.

Tamaki was no where to be seen, and Ralphie stood calmly still. His expression was cool, and looked as if nothing wrong had happened.

"Why the hell are you so calm about this? She could be dead!" Hikaru screamed as he clenched his fist, beyond pissed with Ralphie after their last encounter.

"I see no reason in getting all worked up over this. She either dies or lives, I can't do anything to change that." Kyoya had now overheard the situation and walked over to where Ralphie was stood and glared at him with disgust.

"I normally do not believe in causing scenes as well, but the fact that Claire has fallen off of a cliff causes me to worry." Kyoya seemed calm as well, but that was just his personality. In actuality, Kyoya was currently freaking out internally. Ralphie scoffed and looked the other direction.

"I'm sorry I'm just better at hiding my emotions then others." Hikaru now towered over Ralphie with a fist clenched, close to loosing it.

"I would just like to remind you of our deal." Ralphie said unfazed by Hikaru's actions.

"What deal?" Kyoya interrupted.

"They haven't told you yet? Well this is certainly comical." Kyoya was confused, but remained quiet as Kaoru had a guilty look on his face.

"Anyway, you guys are playing for the affection of Claire, am I right?" Kyoya nodded his head slightly, not sure where this was going.

"It seems I have joined the competition too, and I hate to loose. Wouldn't it be a shame if I was to tell Claire about your little game?"

"I see. So you have decided to black mail us in order to win her over simply because you can't win fairly." Hikaru coughed a laugh at Kyoya's harsh words.

"I will have you know, we dated once before."

"You what?!" This was new to him, and Kyoya despised surprises.

"Something else your doppelgängers seemed to have left out as well." Kyoya shot Hikaru and Kaoru an angry glance before tightening his mouth to control anything that could possibly spill as he was in a delusional state.

"They certainly have failed to mention a few things, but that doesn't stop the problem at hand; it only prevails it. What I would like to know is why you believe you have the upper hand? If you tell Claire about our game, won't you be guilty as well?" Ralphie's smug look faded with one of discomfort at the possibility of being bested at his own manipulative game.

"Indeed so. How about we make a compromise? I will keep my mouth shut if you do so as well." Kyoya's grin faltered for a second, not liking the way he made Claire out. He spoke about her as if she was a toy, and at first, she was. His feelings for Claire was a mixture of fondness and mystery. The mysterious part was when his hands became sweaty and his stomach fluttered as she approached him. Kyoya was new to this feeling, so he couldn't technically claim how he was feeling just yet. All he new was that this girl, who he may or may not have feelings for, was in danger.

"Look!" Shouted Hikaru as he pointed to an approaching figure. They all raced down the mountain, afraid of what they might find.

"Please be okay..."

Claire's P.O.V~

"Claire!" Someone was calling my name, but who?

"Claire!" And then, their voice brought me back. Back to reality, back to happiness, back to surprises.

Back to life.

Remember, I'm going to start this Sunday for weekly uploads in this story.

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