Chapter 5

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Claire's P.O.V~

After the Host Club dismissed, I hurried home to prepare for the week. I would be gone until Friday so I needed to pack plenty of outfits. I also grabbed a few bathing suits I had grown fond of over the summer. My favorite was a strapless light pink bikini with a small bow on the front that complimented my body perfectly.

Whenever I finished collecting everything I would need, I set an alarm for 7:00 A.M. A strange excitement filled my body as I thought of the beach. It had been awhile since my family had taken me because of harsh hours their job demanded. I always understood, but it would be nice to get away from all the stressful paperwork. The last thing I thought of was the beautiful ocean before I drifted asleep.

*Ring Ring*

I awoke to the screeching of my alarm clock. Man, I hated waking up early on the weekends... I rushed into the shower and turned on the hot water. There was something so relaxing about a shower that melted my worries away whenever I was feeling stressed out.

After my sensational shower, I put on a white crop top with a pair of shorts that had a few ripped holes on them. My hair reached my waist in a swarm of curls as I fumbled with my straightener. Minutes passed and I still couldn't get the damned thing to work. I finally decided to save myself the extra work and let my hair stay down naturally.

After finishing off my look with a small amount of makeup, I grabbed my luggage and walked downstairs. Kyoya had texted me last night, after we exchanged numbers, and told me to be ready by eight thirty. I grabbed a pair of sandals and walked outside onto the porch. My lawn was luxurious compared to my old home. Ever since my parents company grew, they have changed drastically. My father used to work in our basement until he somehow made a break through. I sometimes wish he never did just so I could have back my old life. Even though it isn't as glamorous as it is now, I would trade it in a heartbeat.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a black limousine pulling up in my driveway. I began to walk towards the vehicle whenever the driver got out and helped me with my luggage. I smiled politely and thanked him for his kindness. He returned my smile with a slight nod of appreciation.

I walked over to the back of the limo and opened the door. I was only expecting Kyoya to be in the car, but instead the entire club was. I slipped inside and took a seat beside the twins.

"It looks like you have been lying to us this entire time," Hikaru said as he looked at me.

"About?" He chuckled and looked at his brother with a sly expression on his face as he continued.

"You don't have naturally straight hair." I sighed and brushed my fingers through my hair self consciously.

"Yeah- sorry about this mess on top of my head. You would think after years of use I could work a straightener," I joked.

"I think your hair is stunning in its natural form." I chuckled as Tamaki tried to be nice.

"No need to lie, I know it's horrid."

"I'm not lying." I hid a faint blush as I gazed out the window whenever the vehicle began to move. Tree's swayed with the wind and orange leaves fell slowly to the ground.

"Where are the other girls? Are they coming on their own?" I asked curiously.

"They should be here tomorrow. I wanted to atleast have a day to relax at the beach before we begin to work." I nodded at Kyoya's response. Although I may not fully understand the club, it intrigues me on how much effort they put into this extra-curricular activity. All of the hosts eyes light up whenever they are speaking about it, even Mori.

"Do you play any sports?" Honey asked as he held onto his stuffed animal named Usa-chan.

"Tennis and volleyball, but mostly I just play the piano and sing."

"That's awesome! On the last day of our vacation, we host a formal ball. Will you perform there?" He looked at me with hope obvious in his tone.

"It is my job." He smiled and looked at Mori who was deep in thought. For him to be so quiet, I would love to hear his thoughts. He probably is more imigninitive then all of us combined.

Mori's P.O.V~

As she got inside the car, everyone in the club was speechless. Her beauty was truly mesmerizing. As she continued to make small talk with the other members, I studied her features. She had long brown hair and enchanting purple eyes that peered right through my soul. Something about her interested me, and I didn't know why. Her persona was unreadable. One minute she's confident and outspoken, and the next she's quiet and shy. Who is this girl?

Claire's P.O.V~

I felt myself starting to slowly fall asleep after everyone had quieted down. I was expecting a cold window to touch my head, but a warm shoulder held my position. I glanced up and saw Hikaru asleep as well. He held a cute grin on his face. I closed my eyes once more and became unconscious.

I felt a rough bump and opened my eyes hastily. Everyone was asleep, except for Hikaru who was listening to music. I noticed my head was still on his shoulder, and removed it quickly. He became aware that I was awake and took off his headphones.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I laughed and stretched my body.

"Morning to you too. How much longer do we have from the beach?"

"About thirty minutes," he replied as he played with my hair. I adjusted my eyes to the sudden light that was penetrating from my window.

"Can you tell which twin I am?" I looked at him curiously and nodded.

"Who am I?" I smiled and grabbed his hand gently.

"You're Hikaru Hitachiin. You have a devilish side to you, but also a sweet one you hide from most people. You don't understand how to deal with your feelings and it secretly bothers you that nobody can tell the difference between you and your brother." He looked at me with wide eyes.

"How did you know? We have only met two days ago." I smirked and looked out the window.

"I'm just good at reading peoples character." He smiled and stared out the window with me.

"What was his name?"


"The boy that broke your heart." I sighed and continued to gaze out of the aperture.


"That's a lame name."

"So is Hikaru," I joked. He softly punched my arm and looked at me with a loving expression.

"Who am I?" I asked curiously.

"A girl who has been hurt before. You built up a wall around you to block anyone and everyone out, but I somehow broke through your shield." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure you did." I placed my head onto his shoulder and waited patiently for the car to come to a stop. Hikaru was an interesting person to pass time with.

I felt the vehicle abruptly stop, and peered out the window. We were parked in front of a large building with the ocean behind the mansion. I grinned happily and rushed out of the limo. The beach was my happy place, and I was determined to have fun for a week.

Thanks for reading!

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