Tough and Tuff

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A/N this is for Tuff_Greaser !! :)

  It was a hard day for Kaylila. Sam was making her work double hours and she was exhausted. She was walking down the road when she heard a car engine. Thinking it was socs, she pulled out her switchblade (which was a gift from Two-Bit) and spun around. She sighed in relief, it was just her boyfriend Two-Bit. "Jesus Two you gave me a heart attack!" She exclaimed. "Sorry babe. Hop in before the socs get you" She did so and relaxed back into the chair.

  "Sam giving you a hard time again?" Two-Bit asked concerned. "Something like that" she grumbled. "Do I need to kill him for you? Cuz I will" "No way last time that happened Johnny and Dally almost died." Kaylila said referring to when Johnny killed that soc to save Ponyboy. "I swear if you don't quit that job within a week I'm taking away your switchblade" He threatened. She laughed "it's mine you can try to take it away." "Hey I bought it for you." He argued but smiled. "I just hate seeing you work this hard" "things will change eventually" she said and rested her head against the car window.

It was a few hours later and Kaylila was so exhausted. She flopped down on the Curtis couch and relaxed. "You alright?" Darry came out and asked. "Fine" she moaned. Darry rested the back of his hand on her forehead and frowned. "Your burning Kay." "Really? Cuz I'm freezing" Darry took the hint and grabbed a blanket to keep her warm. "Thanks Dar" she smiled. "No problem sweetheart" "are you gonna tell Two-Bit?" She asked worried. "Yeah Kay im gonna tell him." Darry replied. "He's gonna have a fit you know." He added. Kaylila chuckled. "I know" and with that she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up feeling a hand holding hers. She opened her eyes to see Two-Bit staring down at her concerned. "Hey baby you doing okay?" He asked softly. "Yeah" she said in a raspy voice. Two-Bit smoothed her blonde hair back and smiled. "I know cuz you're tough"

  Steve walked through the door with soda just then. "Hey Lady-Bit" Steve greeted kindly. Kaylila smiled at the nickname Steve and the others had given her. "Hey Steve" "Darry told us you weren't feeling well." Soda said worriedly. "Yeah but I'm okay now" she said sitting up. "Woah woah woah Kay, you aren't leaving this couch." Two-Bit said. "But I wanna go back home" she complained. "Fine" Two-Bit said and gently scooped her up in his arms. "See you boys later" he said to Steve and Soda.

  As they walked out the door Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy were sitting on the porch talkin. "Is she better yet Two?" Ponyboy asked "does she look better Pony?" Two-Bit teased. "No" pony said disappointed. He and Kaylila were supposed to go to the movies that night. "I'm sorry Pone but I promise we'll go watch that movie tomorrow" Kaylila said from Two-Bits arms. Ponyboy smiled and squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Make sure she doesn't die Two-Bit" Dallas said strictly. "Well would ya look at that? Dallas Winston actually cares!" Kaylila laughed. "Oh shut up" he grumbled blushing a bit. "Well we should get going" Two-Bit said. "Feel better Kay" Johnny softly said.

  When they got to Two-Bits house he gently laid Kaylila down on the bed and got in next to her. He put his arm around her and held her close to his chest. "I love you babe" she said. Two-Bit kissed the nape of her neck. "I love you too tuffy" and with that sleep consumed them both.

Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted Tuff_Greaser but I hope you enjoyed it!

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