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so, this story is splitted into three parts- this year (fifth), sixth year and seventh. There will be a second one to this, but that's waaaaaayyyyy into the future. 


But we know this, 

We got a love that is hopeless

Secret Love Song // Little Mix


I looked around for a few minutes, then out the window into the corridor. I saw that we were still in the Slytherin area on the train, and that my friends were in the compartment opposite. Millie saw me, and waved. I waved back, then leaned back into my seat. I tried to stand up, but something very heavy was on my lap. Something known as James Potter. I frowned at him. 
"You know this is the Slytherin side?" 
"Is it? I had no idea!" James said sarcastically. I gave him a look, and he immediately sat up. 

A lot of people don't believe I could be a Slytherin purely because of my looks. But, really, that's a terrible thing to judge people on. I would also make Millie and I Hufflepuffs, and we can't stand that, especially since 'The Catastrophe', which still gives Millie nightmares. I'm just past it. 
"But, no, I'm serious. Why are you here?" 
"I'm Sirius!" Sirius Black exclaimed from the other side of the compartment. I rolled my eyes. 
"James thought he'd try to prank you by us being here," Remus said. He was reading a book. He was quite into Millie's Magic Tricks.
"Well, it did not work." 
"Emphasis on the word try." He suddenly stood up, looking at Peter. "Our job here is done. Let's go." 
"Amen to that, brother!" Peter squeaked. He opened the door, and they both left. 
"That's my cue to-" 
"Stay!" Sirius cut me off. 
"I need to go! Look, Erza's having withdrawal syndrome from not seeing me yet." 
"Nah, I think he's just got bored of Janes' magic tricks." 
"Are you kidding me? No one could get bored of her magic tricks." 
"Thanks, Cath. Told you, Ez," I hear Millie distantly yell. I look through the window and give her some finger guns. She smacked her forehead. 
"Those aren't cool anymore!" 

By the time I can get James and Sirius to leave me (with help from Prefect Marie), it's time to get into Hogwarts. I join my friends on a carriage, and I am made into a sandwich by Ezra and Millie. 
"I'm sorry, Cath!" Millie exclaims. 
"Why?" I ask. 
"From not saving you from the wrath that is your brother and Black." I wonder what Millie would think of my relationship with Sirius. She'd probably scream my head off. 
"It's okay. James can't go too long without me." 
"You can't either, Ez." 
"Hey! I was getting bored of Millie's magic tricks." 
"Told ya!" Sirius screams from somewhere in the distance. I laugh, and pat Millie on the back. 
"It's okay, I like them." 
"Good, cause I learnt a new one. So,..." 

My favourite things about Hogwarts is probably the food. There are so many types, from pies to Italian to burgers and all the way around the world. I can never finish my plate, which makes me so sad. Instead, I have to save myself for desert, which involves my ever favourite... 
"Cupcakes!" I take about five off a stand, and start to eat them. Millie watches me in wonder. 
"I thought I could eat a lot of desert, but wow." 
"Hey, they're so good!" Erza says, muffled. I nod my head in agreement. After ten muffins, dinner is over and Dumbledore makes his speech. It's nothing special this year, so it's a quick five minutes and then it's off to bed. 

As soon as we get to the common room, Millie and I land ourselves on a sofa, and Ezra sits on top of us. Cameron, Marie and Will make the smart decision of sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. 
"How was your holiday?" Marie lifts her head up to ask me. 
"Alright; James and his friends usually leave me alone nowadays." 
"Oh yeah, that reminds me: what was that on the train?" 
"Well, I fell asleep, and James must have seen me and thought, right, here's a chance to prank Cath. Except it didn't work." 
"Okay, then." I'm pretty sure Marie is doubting me, but she has trust issues. 

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